
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Chu Yan’s answer, Tian didn’t care, just looked at Chu Yan and continued to laugh at him.

“hehe, I can’t feel wrong!”

Secretly said in one’s heart while continuing to urge the whole body’s strength to break out of battle strength.

But on the other side, Chu Yan, who was also preparing to fight, suddenly felt something and suddenly turned his head and looked towards the distance.

Tian and Ye Rongtian are shrouded by the natural phenomenon of their origins, and the external feeling is weakened, not at all.

Moreover, at this time, Chu Yan’s whole body merges with the origin of the entire Dao Realm mountain range. It can be said that he knows everything in this piece of Heaven and Earth.

Within a radius of 10,000 li, as long as he wants to know what he wants, he can know everything through the source and communicate with any cultivator, just like the Heaven Ranking spirit.

This is Strength of Source.

So now, Chu Yan is standing on the edge of Heaven and Earth, and suddenly he finds ten dao fruit not far away. They all seem to be different.

Just as Chu Yan was preparing to explore the Divine Consciousness, suddenly, ten dao fruit broke out together.

Ten dao fruit vibrated at the same time, as if shaking on the water, throwing away layers of ripples.

Ten pieces of dao fruit are ten layers of ripples, continuously spreading in the sky, moving towards the distant horizon.

This scene is extremely obvious. Under the movement and quiet, all the cultivators instantly sensed the fluctuation of the void.

“en!? What’s the situation!?”

“What happened to this!? This dao fruit!?”

“I haven’t heard of it.”


The cultivator in the melee sensed these fluctuations, and they all stopped and turned to look.

Next a, they found that these ten dao fruit, the roots of the seals connecting the origins of Heaven and Earth, all appeared, like a chain-like rattan.

In an instant, these rattans kept tightening, and they started to pull the ten dao fruit.

“Wrong ah!”

Those invincible powerhouses who have gone through the war, all of them looked shocked, all staring at it.

“This tree vine… Is it going to pull dao fruit away!?”

One of the cultivators spoke, and a word was like a thunderbolt, making all the cultivators’ faces changed greatly.

This sealing vine is hidden in the void. If this pulls the dao fruit away, it does not mean that it will be pulled back into the void, and it is equal to the replied fruit! ?

“Pull away!? Dao fruit is going away!?”

“This impossible, previous battles of Gods, there has never been such a thing.”

“Yes! Every time it ends after ten dao fruit are taken away. There has been such a thing there!?”

“Dao Fruit, how can you leave!? Is this controlled by someone!? Or Heavenly Dao!?”


Some people turned their heads and looked towards Dao Realm’s spirit direction, and some people kept staring at Dao Fruit, completely blinded.

Chu Yan is also startled in the distance.

next moment, his Divine Consciousness is integrated into Source Power, moved towards the whole piece of Heaven and Earth to explore the void.

In less than half a breath, Chu Yan accurately discovered that between the ten dao fruit and those seals, there is indeed power to appear, and dao fruit seems to resist.

However, there seems to be some aura in the heaven and earth void, which is being absorbed by both.

“Really leaving!? Ten dao fruit together!?”

After Chu Yan confirmed, he suddenly sucked in a breath of cold air and his face was stunned.

There are ten dao fruit in this battle of the gods. No one is refining dao fruit yet. Even the spirits of Dameng Invincible and Dao Realm have just started refining. At this time, if dao fruit really leaves all of them , That is equal to the battle of the Lord this time, all the cultivators have failed! ?

The key is, what kind of power can make ten dao fruit leave at the same time! ?

Or is there any major event going to happen? ?

“Chu Yan, don’t fight with them anymore, it doesn’t make sense anymore, hurry up and grab a dao fruit and try it!”

Xiu Heavenly Dao’s eyes were shining, and he suddenly turned his head to Divine Consciousness sound transmission to Chu Yan.

At this time, maybe only Chu Yan still has a chance. After all, I don’t know how much there is. It may be a moment, or it may be a long time.

Anyway, Dao Fruit seems to be leaving. At this time, we must strive for Dao Fruit.


Chu Yan nodded, his body turned to all around, to explore where the nearest dao fruit is.

“Su Fellow Daoist, what happened!? Is there any mutation in this!?”

The smile on Tian’s face was a little frozen, and he asked.

At this moment, both Ye Rongtian and Tian stopped, and did not continue to take action, and began to observe the natural phenomenon of these dao fruit.

“What do you think!?” Chu Yan curiously asked.

“I don’t know that with the Source Power I am currently in contact with, it is still impossible to explore such a pure source aura.”

God heard Chu Yan’s words, slightly smiled, and said, “But before this time, I had a hunch that there will be a major event in the battle of the Lord, and, by looking at you, you can also find out There should be something wrong with the dao fruit!”

Although Tian and Ye Rongtian are shrouded by Chu Yan’s origin nebula and cannot see the situation outside, they will still analyze them.

“Su Fellow Daoist, this battle will end here, and it won’t make any sense to us if it continues!”

Chu Yan glanced at the sky and had to say that this person’s mind and feelings are really extraordinary, and he is very good at observation.

But, is this battle over! ?

Chu Yan is not willing to be honest, this time is a rare opportunity, if it weren’t for the problem with dao fruit, he would fiercely clean up these two guys.

If I wait until next time, I don’t know when, maybe it will be in the future.

Today, there is definitely a chance. Didn’t expect that because of Dao Fruit, I just missed it.

This dao fruit is also weird. When will there be no mutation, it happens that there is a mutation at this time, which is really targeted.

However, even if Chu Yan feels upset, if he continues to fight like this now, there is no benefit, and he will lose the opportunity to attack the Lord Realm.

For a moment, Chu Yan opened the mouth and said, “Heavenly Dao friend, go over there!”

Chu Yan pointed in a direction, the first was startled, and then nodded, thinking that Chu Yan thought it was OK, and was going to let him leave this small world of origin.

So, with a hand, the sky moved towards Chu Yan and flew in the direction pointed by Chu Yan.

What kind of cultivation base strength is the sky? Although I have suffered some trauma from the battle just now, it is not at all major events. The movement art is 10,000 li in a blink of an eye.

At this time, between the Heaven and Earth of Ye Rongtian’s body, pieces of void continue to shatter, and the aura of Shengtianfeng poured in from the broken place.

Ye Rongtian started and reacted quickly. He moved towards Chu Yan and took a look, then rushed towards the gap.

Soon, after the figure disappeared, the void was restored.

“Su Fellow Daoist, you…”

Tian is standing in the distance, and some don’t understand what Chu Yan wants to do. How could Ye Rongtian leave first? At this time, time is money. Obviously, he spoke first, is it possible that, Chu Yan wants to take this opportunity , Ye Rongtian came to kill himself! ?

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