
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Mixed with the words of Heaven Ranking Spirit, Chu Yan finally understood why he came with such an expression.

In other words, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking has found some doubts about his identity.

For the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, Chu Yan knows that he is different from the ordinary person, not only is the number one powerhouse in the world, but also controls the existence of the continent.

It is one aspect of saying that he is the spirit of the Heaven Ranking. In addition, his origin is connected with the continent. It is not difficult to really want to know.

So, during the test of the Heaven Ranking, maybe at that time, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking found some doubts, maybe because it was too weird, so I didn’t think too much about that’s all.

Now, because of the great opportunity plan of the Heaven Ranking Spirit, I want to promote my own Heaven Ranking ranked to the same rank as the Four Great Lords, so the Space-Time rule is triggered, which is a comprehensive understood problem lies in.

Space-Time rules…. Let’s go!

Mixing Heaven Ranking ranked 1st, this has too much influence on future generations.

Especially the current Heaven Ranking Spirit Ranked 1st, which is the four great gods. If the Heaven Ranking Spirit General moves to the first place by itself, it will be equal to the four great gods tied together, then it is not the four great gods. , With his current Peak cultivation base in the Blue Lord Realm, it would be equivalent to becoming the Five Great Lords.

“Senior …”

Chu Yan pondered for a long time, after guessing the entire process of development, he opened the mouth and said

“Yes, I came from the land of Ten Thousand Sources. As for the specific identity, I can’t say it, but my purpose of coming to the Divine Realm continent is really uncomplicated. It is cultivation to improve myself.”

Chu Yan doesn’t matter what he thinks of the Heaven Ranking spirit, he just explained it that way anyway.

Furthermore, even if I really want to explain, I am afraid that the truth cannot be said, and Space-Time rules will prevent it.

Hearing such an explanation, Ling Ling suddenly sneered and didn’t care about it.

“Sure enough, it’s the same line of rhetoric, do you think I will believe it!? Didn’t expect you to be here now, you still want to hide it from me!”

“Want to cultivation to improve yourself!? Are you a liar!? I just raised your rank before, it will trigger Space-Time rules, and even lead to Space-Time disaster! Do you think this is good Cultivation, the result of improving yourself!?”

This time, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking finally couldn’t help but explode, and the tone was like a thunderbolt, completely exploding the continent number one powerhouse, the might of the spirit of origin, and the whole Heaven and Earth was trembling.

A sentence blew up in the sky, shaking Chu Yan’s fleshy body and Divine Soul.

“hu hu ….”

After the roar, I took a breather for the Heaven Ranking for a while, then gradually calmed down and opened the mouth and said again

“Su Yu, you should know who I am!? So, I will give you another chance to tell your identity and purpose. I can guarantee that as long as it does not affect the foundation of Martial Dao on Divine Realm continent, I will not Will be held accountable.”

At this moment, Chu Yan hesitated a bit, after a while, replied

“Brother Hun, what happened… Sorry!”

At this moment, on the face of the Heaven Ranking spirit, a touch of extreme disappointment suddenly appeared.

“If this is the case, there is nothing to say, I will just say one, no matter what your identity and purpose, but if you let me find out, you have compromised the Martial Dao foundation of Divine Realm continent and Heavenspan’s expectations, I will not let you go!”

As soon as this statement came out, the Heaven Ranking spirit stopped saying anything and turned around and left.

Looking at the silhouette of the Heaven Ranking spirit leaving, Chu Yan looked bitter and helpless, but couldn’t say anything and could only watch him leave.

What can I say! ?

Is it true that I really told the Heaven Ranking spirits the truth? I am not a person of this era, but come to the future generations! ?

And then! ?

Waiting for the Heaven Ranking spirit, out of its own duty, continues to ask about his future generations, telling him about the battle of the four great lords and the decline of Martial Dao! ?

In this way, as a Heaven Ranking spirit, how could he not intervene?

In that case, what are the consequences! ?

Naturally, the entire later life will be greatly affected, and it may even cease to exist.

You must know that you will not have much influence by yourself, but as the number one powerhouse in the world, it is too easy for the controller of the Spirit of Origin to change these.

Even, he can kill the Four Great Lords now, so that the battle of the Four Great Lords can be avoided.

Don’t say whether you want it or not, will Space-Time rules sit back and watch! ?

So, no matter what, in the end, there is still an insurmountable gap between myself and the Heaven Ranking spirit.

“Brother Su, what happened to the team!? What happened to Brother Hun!?”

Li Mubing, who had been waiting for a long time, came over and asked with an anxious look after seeing the Heaven Ranking spirit left.

“It’s okay, but I am ashamed of Brother Hun!”

Chu Yan shook the head, replied casually.

Li Mubing naturally knew that it was inconvenient to mix the Heaven Ranking, and Chu Yan was inconvenient to say, so he did not continue to ask, opened the mouth and said

“When the manpower is exhausted, let everything be natural! Hun is a good guy, maybe I will have the opportunity to explain slowly in the future, maybe it will change!”

As soon as this sentence was finished, not far away, the Huang Tian Lord rushed over again, and he asked anxiously before he landed.

“Su Yu, what are you doing!? Brother Hun is almost exploding!”

Chu Yan can’t do anything except a wry smile, and can only replied “I didn’t expect, too, I’m so sorry!”

The Huang Tian God stared at Chu Yan, suffocating his face full of purplish red, and his face was obviously hesitant to speak.

Of course he wants to ask, but the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking told him that he is not allowed to ask about these things, nor is he allowed to ask Chu Yan, so even if Huang Tian is anxious, he can’t speak. To ask, I can only hold back.

“Oh…what’s the matter with you, can’t you discuss it carefully, can’t you talk about it!? It must be so stiff!?”

Huang Tian Cang finally said with a sad face.

In his mind, mixing Heaven Ranking spirit and Chu Yan is extremely important to him.

“Forget it, don’t think too much about you brat. Brother Hun is a soft-hearted person. After a while, I will have a chance when the confusion disappears!”

Huang Tian Bangling’s sentence means that Chu Yan knew that it was the great opportunity.

But, is it really the same as what he said! ?

Chu Yan is not sure.

The first responsibility of the spirit of the least mixed Heaven Ranking is to maintain the foundation of the Divine Realm continent Martial Dao. On this basis, development is the foundation.

Furthermore, this time, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking has a tone of attitude towards him, and even Heavenspan has warned him, which is enough to show that the spirit of the Heaven Ranking is really determined this time.

So, Chu Yan knows how many opportunities there are.

“Su Yu, there is one more thing we can fight for…”

After waiting for a while, the Huang Tian Lord said, “Brother Hun…maybe I have been alone for too long, so my mentality is a little unstable.”

Speaking of this, Huang Tian Cangzhu all around took a look and said in a low voice

“I saw him sneak out several times before, squatting in the cultivation place of the Sect female cultivator, and he was smiling happily…”

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