
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Chu Yan was shocked at the words of the emperor three.

What do you mean! ?

Why do you want to tell yourself this.

Do you have any special relationship with yourself! ?

Didn’t expect to be confused with the Heaven Ranking Spirit is such a mixed Heaven Ranking Spirit, I really underestimated him before.

“Su Yu, you are Junior, and you are a young person. Accept a mistake and be soft, please be kind, there is nothing to believe, I will think about the way for you, is it? Hehe…guarantee useful!”

Huang Tian Blue Lord also grinned, and the indescribable look of trivial expression surprised Chu Yan again.

What Huang Tian God of this! ?

Is it the one I knew before! ?

Continent, one of the ten great lords, the speaker of Huang Tian Hall, stands on the top of continent! ?

“You just look for the kind that is round and jade, the charm is still there, the appearance is not important, the key is this imposing manner …imposing manner, understand?”

Huang Tian, ​​the sky lord lifted his arms, made a very “imposing manner”, described it to Chu Yan, and Chu Yan understood it in seconds.

“You mean, the kind of big waist!? There is…imposing manner!?”

When I said this, Chu Yan was sweating off his head. It was not that I didn’t understand the description of such an “imposing manner”.

Instead, didn’t expect, Huang Tian God actually called this… Zhuyuanyurun! ?

I’m afraid this guy has never attended a private school! ?

“Huang Tian Senior …..”

Li Mubing stood on the side, his head was full of black lines, his face was purple, and his entire face was distorted. Obviously, he was already too suffocated.

“ha ha ha ….”

Finally, silence to the limit is an outbreak, what Li Mubing smiled is heaven shaking earth shattering, which shocked Chu Yan and Huang Tian.

The three people got together and started their big plan. After discussing it for a long time, God Huang Tian left with satisfaction, but Chu Yan was relaxed.

Plan and so on is the second thing, you can’t let Huang Tian God think that after he offended the Heaven Ranking spirit, he still looks bullish and boisterous, he doesn’t even have the attitude of admitting a mistake! ?

Next, Chu Yan directly returned to the Taoist Secret Book and continued his cultivation.

Everything is good and bad. There is no static good, and there is no constant bad.

So, after I came to the Great Ancient Era from later life, the speed of cultivation and promotion was much faster than in later life, but relatively impossible without any disadvantage.

Now, the disadvantage is coming, and the impact is great.

If it were to change a cultivator, there would be no problem at all in this situation, but it would become a great disadvantage to oneself, the existence that cannot be resolved and deciphered.

While thinking about it, Chu Yan’s heart gradually calmed down.

Regardless of this, oneself is important, whether it is the Heaven Ranking spirit, Huang Tian God, including this secret book are all foreign objects, and only oneself is the fundamental.

The remaining time is running out. Use this time to fully cultivation and achieve your goals.

When I return to the future generations, whether it’s the duty of the Heaven Ranking spirit or the wish of the Heavenspan Shuling, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help them achieve it, so that even if the greatest wish is fulfilled, Have a clear conscience.

In the end, Chu Yan sank into the cultivation and continued to fully comprehend the Dawanxiangjue.

Time goes by…

During this period of time, based on the historical data recorded in later generations, those important things continued to be promoted without any accident, and happened.

Mixed Heaven Ranking announced the world, anyone who can stay on the 1st place of the Heaven Ranking for one year, then can get a great opportunity.

As soon as this news came out, the world was shaken.

What a terrifying existence can be called a great opportunity by the Heaven Ranking spirit.

How many missions have been in the Heaven Ranking Spirit, but such a word has never appeared.

This is enough to show that this great opportunity is definitely a great opportunity.

On the entire Divine Realm continent, those who can have this level of strength are the existence of the top 10 great gods, and there are a few who can compete with the current Heaven Ranking 1st place four legendaries, others I am afraid there is no chance.

At least, with their current strength, there is no chance of winning a battle against the Big Four Legendary.

There are even falling into their hands, becoming a mark of their glorious record, so except for a few shining eyes, most people just feel that a major event is about to happen.

All Sects and repairers in the entire continent began to pay attention, one by one news continued to spread, making these concerns more heated.

The four legendary existences reacted the fastest. Tian and Wu’s engagement was the first to launch. Some practitioners and Sect intervened and jointly set up a killing game against the two. Invincible and Dao Realm’s spirit also got involved.

The battle between Wu, Wu, Emperor Yuwen and Ye Rongtian caused everyone’s attention. However, there seems to be no plan to join forces between the four. The three squeezed the first Position.

In this manner rising winds, scudding clouds, one year will pass quickly…

The existence of the four Legendaries is so powerful and terrifying that everyone is amazed.

However, after such a long battle, the four were still tied for the first place in the Heaven Ranking, and no one was slammed into the first position.

The spirit of Dao Realm and the invincible have been challenged many times. All influence and Sect have targeted these four according to their own interests. However, no matter what kind of secret calculation, they have been They all resolved without any effect.

At this time, mixing in the depths of the Heaven Ranking…

“Damn, are these four boys deliberately, they have been all over for more than a year, or are they tied for first place!?”

Mr. Heaven Ranking Ling’s face is black, and he chuckles with teeth.

“Four at a time, this is my life! It’s a waste of how much Source Power I am! No money in particular…”

The god of the Heaven Ranking who scolded for a long time, but after a long time, he began to nodded and applauded again.

“At least, the four of you still didn’t let me down!”

At this time, the four people standing under the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, Wu, Tian, ​​Yuwenhuang and Ye Rongtian, are lined up in an imposing manner.

“Many thanks Senior!” Ye Rongtian said with a smile.

“That’s not right, you only help them, as if you never helped me!” Yuwenhuang opened the mouth and said.

“Haha, you don’t want to think about it, just rely on you to be worthy!?” Tian’s words are aimed at Emperor Yuwen or everyone present.

Look at this, look at that, look at this, look at that, the head is big in an instant.

What about these guys! ?

Obviously, I am bleeding heavily, so now I say it as if I was pitting them.

“Shut up! I said what I said, then I won’t break my promise, now you four go in together!”

With a wave of hands, the Space-Time channel in front of him opened.

“Great opportunity, right in front of you!”

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