
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hun Heaven Ranking Ling turned his head, staring at the Huang Tian God with a bitter face, that is the whole complexion is extremely wonderful.

Thousands of thoughts and calculations, and having experienced millions of years, I have never imagined that Huang Tian God was originally such a Huang Tian God.

This Old Guy speaks, not martial arts!

Speaking of Chu Yan as Li Mubing, can’t you tell me! ?

Huang Tian God this move treats himself as a fool, pulls himself to start, and follows his words and becomes a fool.

But, even so, he dare to say that you Huang Tian God is wrong, you say Li Mubing, is it actually Chu Yan! ?

As soon as this is said, how do I answer it! ?

Can’t answer….

So the spirit of the Heaven Ranking can only be under the deliberate fool of Huang Tian Lord, and he also admits that he is a fool by admitting bad luck, and he is about to vomit blood.

Isn’t it obvious who the two people in front of me are doing three things at the same time? ?

Chu Yan now wants to consolidate the cultivation base of the God Realm Peak, but also to understand the lower part of the Dawanxiangjue. He also wants to compete with the four great lords who have just received the great opportunity he personally sent. High and low.

Here, Li Mubing must realize the wish of Heavenspan Shuling and inherit this cultivation technique so that Li Mubing can understand Source Dao and Dawanxiangjue. Only in this way can this cultivation technique not Become your own swan song, and benefit future repairers.

Those, don’t Huang Tian say it, can’t it be seen by the Spirit of Heaven Ranking! ?

But it’s one thing to see it, it’s another thing to say it in front of you.

It looks like the Lord Huang Tian is crying, but in fact he is beating his face to force the palace, and at the same time he is giving himself a step down.

“Well, you… are right!”

After holding back for a long time, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking can only admit it with a black face.

If you don’t admit it, you can’t ah!

“The Dao Realm Secret Book is related to the future of Martial Dao continent, and there must be no mistakes in the road of all repairers. It seems that he needs to help him!”

He is nodded by the Heaven Ranking, but he still chose to borrow the donkey from the slope. After all, he was able to come here, he had such a mind.

“Very good! I represent Li Mubing and the repairmen of the world, thank you Brother Hun!”

Huang Tian’s eyes are bright, and he quickly opened the mouth and said.

It’s really every cloud has a silver lining. For this sentence, I broke my heart and finally realized it.

next moment, I don’t want to talk about the spirit of Heaven Ranking any more. Both hands forming seals begin to condense the Source Power here, showing a path of spiritual source aura.

a Then the spirit of a continued to shoot out, such as a path of lightning flashing above the sky, and after tens of thousands of lines appeared, he suddenly drank, raising his hand to shoot a beam of light rising into the sky, and the sky Vault of Heaven is connected.

Boom… Rumbling!

Vault of Heaven trembled, centered on the point of contact between the beam of light and Vault of Heaven, the large Profound Light spread like a shock wave moved towards all directions, and the entire sky seemed to be bright.

After enough hundreds of breaths, the shock wave returned from the edge of the sky, and when it returned to that point, two beams of light fell from the sky and enveloped Chu Yan and Li Mubing.

The two of them who were still in the cultivation at the same time shook their bodies, and a wave of air surged from them, spreading all directions.

An incomparably mighty might also spread, flooding the entire void Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, both of them found out. I don’t know when it started, but their minds were completely merged, regardless of each other.

This is not only One with the World, but also One with the World after the two people merged. It is thorough and clear, with a trace of clear comprehension.


The two were still communicating and discussing. In this brief moment, they instantly understood each other’s Divine Consciousness and feelings, and there was no need for any language exchange at all.

What happened! ?

This kind of symbiosis like Divine Soul, how could it happen to them! ?

“very good!”

No matter what, the two of them have a happy face. They have to know the original cultivation technique like Dawanxiangjue, discussing through language, and then forming their own perceptions, this process is extremely complicated and inefficient.

Now that the two are at the same mind, they don’t need to be so troublesome at all, and the efficiency is greatly improved.

As a result, the speed of the two people’s comprehension of the Dawanxiang Jue was increased by at least a hundred times.

How could such a great opportunity be missed? The two hurried to realize again, trying to use this opportunity to accomplish more.

In an instant, the two of them sank back into enlightenment and cultivation.

“This Old Ghost Tongtian is really easy. It is mine to leave these things behind. If it weren’t for his previous sake, I wouldn’t help them…hmph!”

Mixed with Heaven Ranking spirit snorted, expressing my inner dissatisfaction.

Next, he waved his hand again, and the mighty Heaven and Earth power enveloped the entire lake. The clouds that had drifted away like fog instantly soared tenfold, and the entire space between Heaven and Earth became like dense fog. Can’t see all around the environment.

Huang Tian God stands on one side and looks at it. The eyes are shining. This time mixing the Heaven Ranking spirit is really interesting. This is great generosity.

You must know that in order to maintain the operation of the Taoist Secret Book, he almost used most of the resources of Huang Tian Hall. With this, you can think about how much strength and resources are needed to increase this tenfold.

The spirit of the Heaven Ranking is completed as soon as he raises his hand. It looks like he can do it easily, but the actual action is really huge.

“hehe, brother Hun is still brother Hun, and he gave up to Su Yu, which is actually another matter!”

Huang Tian, ​​the God of Heaven grinned, hehe smiled, not beautiful in his heart.

I glanced at the Huang Tian God next to him, and the originally comfortable mood of the Heaven Ranking Spirit became aggrieved again.

“hmph! Cheap that extra brat!”

What this said…too boring, but the Lord Huang Tian quickly gritted his teeth and cooperated.

“That is, shameless brat is cheaper, forget good luck!”

As soon as these words came out, the Heaven Ranking Spirit turned his head in amazement, looking at the Huang Tian God with an angry expression, his heart was full of admiration.

“I have a thick skin, didn’t expect still lose to you! Great, great!”

Thinking in my heart, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking spoke up

“Little emperor, don’t tell the juniors what happened here, that…boy Li Mubing is still tender now, don’t let him be too fussy, it will be good for him in the future!”

As soon as this sentence landed, the Huang Tian Lord quickly nodded and said, “That is, that is…. I know, don’t worry, bastard!”

“Then I’ll go first, let’s talk about it later!”

As soon as I finished talking about the Spirit Ranking, Huang Tian God was anxious, “Hun brother, what are you anxious, don’t you have anything to bring!?”

Of course Huang Tian God doesn’t want him to go. If he is here, he may still be able to reap the benefits. The worst is if something goes wrong with the cultivation of these two boys, if there is a spirit of Heaven Ranking, it is foolproof.

“There is no major event, a little personal matter. On the way here just now, I met a little girl with a golden pupil, a little Spirit Qi, I will go and see…”

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