
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed…..

This period of time is neither long nor short. The four great gods who have left the depths of the Heaven Ranking, whether it is Tian, ​​Wu, Emperor Yuwen, or Ye Rongtian, each of them has completed their own aims.

This is exactly the same as historical records without any deviation.

Ye Rongtian realized his own Space-Time way, and Tian completed the big goal of the dual-path fellow practitioners, and at the same time completely missed the Heaven Ranking.

Wu and Yuwenhuang’s Constant Antiquity and Immortal Gods and Magic Techniques are completely completed, and the avenue has been discovered.

Relying on their innate talents and hole cards, these four people have all completed the real four great positions. Starting from this brief moment, no one above the continent can shake their position.

Four people have achieved true…Four Great Lords!

From then on, the second echelon of the Pyramid, which was originally close to them, was left far behind by them, with a difference of more than 108,000 li.

Because of this, the layout of the four great lords has become more closely moved. Heaven Sealing has united dozens of small Sect forces in one fell swoop and announced its Taoist name to the world as “Heaven”!

Wu returned to Kunlun Fairy Mountain and began to build the eternal Legion, believing that power is king.

Emperor Yuwen occupied a small domain and prepared to create a real demonic path World, calling on the demonic path practitioners from all over the world to come.

Ye Rongtian didn’t care about these strengths and forces at all, but only cared about his own strength and Martial Dao, so he broke into the Land of Ten Thousand Sources alone and disappeared since then, and no news came out.

Immediately afterwards, a major event of Shocking the world happened…..

In the Land of Ten Thousand Sources, a sky stele appeared with the words “Gods” written on it. The golden light shines in the world and the earth shakes.

Such a huge movement made shocking the world naturally alarmed the four great lords, all rushing to the land of ten thousand sources at the fastest speed, ready to explore the meaning of these Divine Stone monuments.

At this moment, Chu Yan didn’t care about the outside world at all. He was completely immersed in the Taoist Secret Book, sitting cross-legged with Li Mubing on the lake, as if he had been with Heaven and Earth. fuse together, into two bluestones between Heaven and Earth.

However, this is only on the outside. In fact, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness World of the two, it is a stormy sea of ​​tens of thousands, which raises the tide of Heavenly Might.

In the past three years, the various consciousnesses of the two people, such as a stick of firewood, are piled together, and they will be like a lot of things. After the spark is ignited, the flames that erupted are enough to burn this piece of Heaven and Earth. Exhausted.

Whether it is either of the two, there is a trace of clear comprehension. In the case of Divine Soul symbiosis, it will instantly zoom in several times, completely clear comprehension.

Two genius innate talents are superimposed together, it is not as simple as one plus one.

There is no need to discuss, persuade, or explain to the other party because of a problem. Only at the moment when consciousness develops in one’s heart, the two will understand it, like a person.

Previously, Chu Yan and Li Mubing were separately comprehending the Dawanxiangjue, like ascetics groping forward in the dark, but now they are like two streams of light between Heaven and Earth, shuttle Heaven and Earth, and run Out of the speed of a meteor.

Now, what appeared in front of them was a huge cliff. Standing on the cliff, one could clearly see another cliff ten thousand steps away.

This step, as long as you step out, everything becomes completely unobstructed.

“My path is the path of Martial Dao. If I take a step, Martial Dao opens a step…”

“If you go, you must go to Source Dao, step by step is true, what is going is true, and what is going is fundamental, so that we will not go again.”

“The fleshy body is the source, and the Divine Soul must also be turned into the source. Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang will reinforce each other, and coexist with each other.”

“The fleshy body is the source of the source, and the Divine Soul is used for the source. Just like the two cliffs, One Yin One Yang, one solid and one virtual are connected to complete the fusion of the source.”

“All the rules of Heaven and Earth are derived from the source. With the source, all things will be reborn.”

“All cultivators and all Taoisms are one of Vientiane, and Vientiane was born at the beginning of Yuanyi, which is the origin.”

“Vientiane can affect the origin, and the origin can also affect Vientiane. This is the Yin-Yang way.”

“I am the origin, that can be any phenomenon in Vientiane, or the beginning of the unity, the bounds that come, the rules that come!?”

“Heaven and Earth Yin-Yang, Five Elements Liuhe, Liuhe 7 Star, Jiugong…Ten Directions!”

“Ten Directions are… cents!”

In an instant, Chu Yan and Li Mubing eyes opened at the same time, and two dazzling pupil lights blasted Heaven and Earth. The void in front of them was bright, and the thick fog between the two cliffs disappeared.

At the same time, Chu Yan holding a sword, Li Mubing holding Zhu, using Heaven and Earth as the paper, began to write as much as he could.

Every time they write it, the Secret Book of Dao Seals floating behind them will turn a page, and every word will shine like a star above the sky.

A great mysterious Heaven and Earth, like a faint smoke, spreads in Heaven and Earth in the sky.

What is Tao! ?

The rules, what are they! ?

So what is the cultivation technique! ?

Everything is one of the things that is transformed by a point of the essence, that’s all, Tao is Tao, it can also be a rule, it can also be a cultivation technique.

How to divide each other! ?

All cultivation techniques, Dao, and rules in the world are the same, but the cultivator deliberately fixed the rules and the way of operation, so it will be different.

This difference is all things, but as long as you see its essence and origin, you will definitely find that it is all the same!

The birth of a cultivation technique is just a fusion of a cultivator’s own things, forming a cultivation technique.

Such a cultivation technique has too many rules and too small scope, and the origin involved is deeply hidden.

Even when many practitioners created the cultivation technique, they did not understand the origin, but there was a clear comprehension that’s all.

The cultivation technique created by those who have cleared the comprehension of the source is the Dao Law, or Rule Power.

For example, Ye Rongtian’s Space-Time rule, Tian’s Divine Emperor rule, Yuwen Emperor’s demonic path rule, and Wu’s eternal rule.

Therefore, the cultivation technique created by practitioners like them contains more roots and reaches the level of the Grand Dao Rule, which is naturally stronger.

Now, Chu Yan and Li Mubing are based on Heavenspan Yuling’s Dao Sealing Secret Book, but they have created a complete original cultivation technique, which is a huge phenomenon.


When the energy on the two of them merged with the void of Heaven and Earth to an astonishing degree, a torrent of Heavenly Thunder exploded in the sky, smashing on two cliffs.

In an instant, the two cliffs turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, there is still some cliff in front of them, instead of a smooth road, there is no danger for them between Heaven and Earth.

When the two were dull, they looked at each other, and suddenly there was a touch of ecstasy in their eyes.

They… succeeded!

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