
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

This time Chu Yan went to each domain to feel the changes and differences of Source Power in each domain, so as to understand the true beginning of unity, the actual realm of Vientiane rebirth.

“The Western Regions should go first and set off!”

Chu Yan decided about a direction, and then set out.

Two hours later, the two arrived in the Western Regions.

Among the entire twenty-eight regions, the Western Region is a lively place where all forces have established strongholds and formed various cities.

In the city ahead, dozens of cultivators broke through into the sky, all moved towards Chu Yan and flew in all directions, all looking excited.

This happened so suddenly that both Chu Yan and Feng Bugao were taken aback.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao run True Qi, using pupil technique and Divine Consciousness to explore, covering these dozens of repairs.

Currently, Chu Yan has reached the top of the continent with his cultivation base, and coupled with his cultivation of Source Power, it can be said that the means and strength of exploration, the whole continent is unmatched.

Of course, no one can beat him except for the Heaven Ranking spirit of the continent origin incarnation.

“This time, Princess He breakthrough has arrived at God King Realm ah!”

“It’s too strong! Princess He hasn’t had a long time since the last realm breakthrough. This innate talent can be compared to anyone in the world!”

“That is, the key princess is kind-hearted, she started preaching as soon as the breakthrough, and blessed the world’s cultivators, this is really the blessing for me to wait!”

“Yes, not bad. Princess He also gave a sermon during the last breakthrough. I listened to it for three days, and at that time I made a breakthrough in the cultivation base realm!”


The reasons why these dozens of cultivators were so excited and excited, and accelerated their journey, Chu Yan and Feng Bugao knew all about it after some investigation.

However, Feng Bugao disagrees.

God King Realm …only!

He is now in the Peak in the invincible realm, just one step away from the Lord Realm. In his eyes, God King Realm is really like a trivial ant.

“A God King Realm, who claims to be a princess, even preaching!?”

Chu Yan was a little surprised. When the practitioner arrived at God King Realm, he had stepped into the upper level of the pyramid. Here is a dividing line for the practitioner.

Most God King Realm repairers will gradually fade out of the cultivation after entering breakthrough God King Realm, and turn to chasing selfish desires, some occupy one side and claim the king and the emperor, and some are idle and enjoy the peace , And others directly participate in the power struggle in Mortal World to realize their ambitions and desires.

And this princess He sounded like it was somewhere in between, a bit indistinguishable.

“The surprise mentioned by Huang Tian Senior, wouldn’t it be this!?”

Before coming, Huang Tian God had specifically explained that he had come here first, saying that there would be surprises here.

Now I heard that the biggest thing in this place seems to be the matter discussed by these dozens of practitioners.

But, what a surprise there is! ?

For a moment, Chu Yan shook the head and didn’t think much, turned around and followed the dozens of cultivators, ready to go and see.

Huang Tian God is also one of the previous ten Great Gods of continent. Since he said this was a surprise, it probably wouldn’t be a simple matter of just a Divine King preaching.

So, Chu Yan intends to take a look, maybe he knows what Huang Tian God mysterious wants to do.

In less than 5 minutes of time, Chu Yan followed the dozens of cultivators into a mountain peak.

Here, with a radius of 10,000 li, is a huge dojo with an altar on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the entire mountain peak all around is full of cultivators, crowded with people, respectable cultivators, and other cultivation base cultivators, are constantly coming from all directions.

Look here, at least has nearly five thousand people gathered here.

“This Interesting, I will also open one when I look back!”

The unsealed eyes swept across the audience, and quickly locked onto a few young female cultivators, eyes shined immediately.

After this guy spent some time with Wan Tiansheng, the temperament has changed, leaving Chu Yan speechless.

“Look, Princess He is here!”

Just when Chu Yan was about to despise the lack of a high seal, the crowd around the mountain peak all was in a riot, and some people kept crying out in surprise.

With the voice, Chu Yan looked up.

I saw a silhouette wearing a white gauze skirt, appeared from the sky, and landed on the altar.

This female muscle is white as snow, the eyebrows are like crescent moon, and the face is like goose eggs. They are very beautiful, especially those eyes, with faintly twinkling purple gold pupils.

It turned out to be Innate’s different pupil!


Chu Yan glanced over, and suddenly said in shock.

Many years have passed, but the appearance and appearance of this woman have not changed much. Chu Yan has seen Purple Gold with a different pupil once, and he naturally remembers it clearly.


Without waiting for Chu Yan to speak, he looked up and saw a very familiar silhouette standing behind Xiaohe.

“Mixing Heaven Ranking Senior!?”

Even if the white-faced aura with a smile on his face is only God King Realm, but Chu Yan recognized the other person’s true identity at a glance.

Mixing the spirit of Heaven Ranking!

The number one powerhouse in the world, the controller of the continent origin, mixed with the spirit of the Heaven Ranking!

Hearing Chu Yan’s exclamation, he was shocked when he was not high enough, “No way, Su Yu, are you right?”

Who is mixing the Heaven Ranking! ?

How could it be possible to appear in such a small realm on the side wall, and also mix with a group of God King Realm and Venerable practitioners, this is not reasonable!

This guy obviously deliberately hid the cultivation base and realm, and followed Xiaohe, what is he doing! ?

Aura, appearance, and even personality can be changed. With his identity as the world’s number one powerhouse, he can hide everything from the world, but Chu Yan can’t hide it.

Because Chu Yan is the same Source Dao of his cultivation, the aura of the two will be immediately sensed when they touch.

“Unbelievable, unbelievable! We are afraid we are in big trouble!”

Feng Bu Gao looked at it for a long time, then said.

“Senior, who likes to hook up with little girl, if you let the world know it, it will be lively!”

The next breath, his eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought of something, but he was a little scared at first, and suddenly he grinned.

If you take a gamble and use this news as a bargaining chip, you may be able to develop.

cracking a joke!

This is the world’s number one powerhouse, a little girl that the spirit of the Heaven Ranking wants to hook up. If this is let the world know, then those who come to cheat can level the mountain.

In the past, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking was transcendent, and there was no desire for anything, so those Sect and powerhouses wanted to flatter and couldn’t find a place to start.

But now, you can start from this little girl and do what you like, and the effect is absolutely not bad.

“Don’t think about it, don’t mess around, the consequences…you know!”

Chu Yan glanced at the low seal, and suddenly the corners of his eyes twitched twice. This guy is completely dying, but if he is dying like this, it will hurt himself.

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