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What is his relationship with the Heaven Ranking spirit now! ?

That can be said to be the same relationship as ice cubes. I don’t know when I am confused with the Heaven Ranking. Maybe I will find myself afterwards.

At this time, if you stabbed the great secret of the Heaven Ranking spirit, the consequences will be…

When I used to pit myself in the Heaven Ranking, at least my starting point was good. For my own good, I pit myself so badly. If this is really going to kill myself, then I really can’t live.

Chu Yan looked up towards Xiaohe and the Heaven Ranking spirit who stood behind her with a wretched smile on his face. In his heart, he thought of what Huang Tian God had specifically asked him to come here, and a clear comprehension suddenly appeared in his heart. .

I’m afraid, what Huang Tian means is this.

According to the historical records given to him by Bowang and King Ming before he came, the Heaven Ranking Spirit of Great Ancient Era released a message regarding the search for a golden pupil girl, without any clue or explanation.

Of course, there are very few Innate different pupils, and Chu Yan has only met Xiaohe so far.

At that time, he had a conflict with Sun Bu’er at the Hammer Fishing Ground in Zhutian, and later he also provokes the Elder Senior of the Sun Family to prepare to sack himself.

According to historical records, this golden pupil girl was finally found by Wu. When she was found, she was already dead.

Maybe it was because of the incident at Zhutian Hammer Fishing Field. If it weren’t for intervening by herself, it would be Sun Buer who killed her in the end.

And now, putting all this information together, Chu Yan seems a little bit aware of what the Heaven Ranking spirit will appear here.

Could it be that what Feng Gao said is really right! ?

Before, Huang Tian God revealed to himself that there is only one hobby in the Heaven Ranking spirit, and that is… Bead Yuan Yurun.

But this Xiaohe is not a jewel-round jade! ?

So far, this is the only explanation, otherwise there is no way to explain why the Heaven Ranking spirit appeared here.

Furthermore, according to the previous Loose Cultivator, this princess has an innate talent and an amazing speed of cultivation. Maybe there is something wrong with the Heaven Ranking spirit.

“No, ah! Her cultivation base…”

Chu Yan then thought about it, and found something wrong. Logically speaking, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking is the spirit of the origin of the continent, which can communicate and integrate with the origin of the entire continent.

And Xiaohe has now cultivation to God King Realm, which, in Chu Yan and Feng Bugao’s eyes, may be completely out of class.

But God King Realm is in this kind of small realm. It is the existence of a powerhouse. If you use Source Power to probe the continent with the Heaven Ranking, you can easily find the existence of Xiaohe.

If this is the case, what’s the point of the task of finding the golden pupil girl published by the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking! ?


The more Chu Yan thinks about it, the bigger his head becomes. These old fogeys are uneasy for each and everyone.

You said that young people like Wantiansheng and Fengbu Gao are full of vigor, but those who know how to play with their intestines! ?

Can’t you cultivation? ?

“Quiet! Everyone gives me…Quiet!”

At this moment, a shout rang like a thunderbolt, and it was the spirit of Heaven Ranking who spoke out to the audience.

In an instant, the entire mountain peak became a lot quieter, and everyone held their breath and moved towards this side.

“hmph! No, what can you do to me!?”

His eyes turned a few times and the seal was not high, and suddenly he said loudly, like a Brat.

This sound was no less than the sound of the Heaven Ranking spirit, and it resounded throughout the entire time. Everyone was stunned.

What’s the situation! ?

Someone dared to stand up like this, what are they doing! ?

Not only the repairers in the audience, even the faces of the Heaven Ranking spirits are also green.

What a joke!

I dignified the number one powerhouse in the world, and ran across the entire Divine Realm continent. Even the four great gods were obediently and honestly when they saw themselves, but when they arrived at this small place, they were even hit! ?

“Who special…”

Waiting for the Heaven Ranking confession, when Lingman’s face was full of purple and black, he was about to start cursing, he suddenly turned his head and saw that Chu Yan and his seal were not high, the whole person was hard on the spot.

The whole person was standing there, as if being punctuated by someone, stiff as a stone, with his mouth open, and his eyes were about to fly out.

“hmph! It’s me, uncle! How about it, don’t be convinced to do it!”

Feng Bu Gao is now proud of Heaven. The whole person is more arrogant than all the second generation ancestors Chu Yan has seen. He directly pointed at the stiff Heaven Ranking spirit and continued to curse.

The expression was just a little strange, but everyone didn’t understand the reason, no one found that’s all.

“This Fellow Daoist!”

At this moment, Xiao He suddenly spoke, looking towards Feng Bu Gao Dao

“The little girl is preaching here, so you need to be quiet at the scene. If something is offended, please don’t take it off. This time, even if you give the little girl a thin face, is it good!?”

After these words were spoken, the stiff Heaven Ranking spirit instantly reacted with a black sound transmission line

“smelly brat, did you mean it!? Don’t make trouble, go back to talk privately!”

This sound transmission is not only passed to Feng Gao, but even to Chu Yan. Now for the Heaven Ranking spirits, these two boys are extremely dangerous characters.

Chu Yan is nothing. He didn’t intend to make trouble. On the contrary, he couldn’t hear this, and he was immediately overjoyed. However, he just took advantage of it, so naturally he didn’t dare to fight against the Heaven Ranking spirit. .

“Well, now that Princess He has spoken, forget it!”

A turmoil that shouldn’t have subsided, Xiaohe directly sat cross-legged on the altar and began to preach.

The silver bell-like voice with a special mysterious aura echoed above the entire mountain peak.

Hun Heaven Ranking Ling sits behind Xiao He, Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao who have never left the crowd with a pair of eyes. His face is full of teeth, his expression is obviously to eat people.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for him to bear it anymore, and the Divine Consciousness sound transmission directly called Chu Yan and Feng Bugao far, far away.

“Damn! How did you two smelly brat find me!? By the way, it must be Huang Tian that old bastard, see if I go back this time and don’t beat him!”

Mixed Heaven Ranking spirits roar directly, and the void of all around roars is bursting.

Those who know this news, there is only Huang Tian God in the whole world, besides him, there is impossible others.

As the so-called closest person is often the most terrifying person, this is the reason.

“Did you brat just now intentionally…”

Hun Heaven Ranking, Ling turned his head and stared at Feng Gao, the anger in both eyes turned into substance, spraying more than three feet away, scared and Feng Gao took hundreds of steps in one stride.

“Before…Senior, don’t mess around, I called someone!” Feng Bu Gao’s liver trembled, his face pale.

“you dare!”

The mixed Heaven Ranking spiritual eyes stared like a copper bell, blowing a beard and staring, suddenly startled and waved his hand directly, the entire void was completely sealed, and then looked towards Feng Xiaodao with a smile on his face.

“Scream, no one will care if you break your throat!”

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