
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

With a scream, Feng Bu Gao burst into a jade light from his body, and directly smashed the void seal in the sky, appeared above 10,000 li, and evolved an illusory shadow, which was the Avatar illusion that was not sealed.

And that jade light got Xuantianling, a Daobao of origin, just before it was sealed.

Although the power of this original treasure is not as powerful as the Heaven Ranking, and there is even a huge difference, it is also the original treasure after all.

Mixed with the original void seal of the Heaven Ranking Spirit, it didn’t really make a move, just doing it at will. Naturally, the defensive power is not too strong.

So, when Xuantianlu hits with all his strength, it is still possible to break a small hole.

However, if this low-profile Avatar illusion emerges from the sealed void, it is equivalent to speaking at any time.

“Take it, kid, count me as bad luck, don’t say ah!”

Hun Heaven Ranking Ling saw this scene, and she was immediately persuaded, and quickly stopped Feng Bu Gao Dao.

“hehe ….”

If you didn’t seal it up, it was just a try. If you dared to smash your face, laughed and took back Xuantianlu.

“Didn’t expect, Brother Hun also has a day of confession!”

Feng Bugao feels that he has reached the peak of his life. That’s a triumph, and he will fly to Heaven.

“Isn’t it just a little girl from God King Realm!? You are a dignified bastard, you are willing to beat her!?”

Feng Bu Gao is a face of doubt looked towards the mingled Heaven Ranking Spirit, I recalled the precious knowledge that Wantian Holy Sect gave me, and said it

“Brother Hun, I just don’t understand, you just need to tell your identity, the little girl in this world won’t be obedient, and she will use it!?”


When I heard the words that were not high, the people of Heaven Ranking suddenly yelled with disdain

“What you brat said are all carnal, lower-body brain bastards, am I that kind of person!? I pursue true feelings! True feelings, do you understand!? That is a very mysterious feeling, special… .Wonderful!”

At this remark, I was stunned to say that the seal was not high. If you want to say that the ordinary pick-up girl is not high, but you get the true biography of Wantiansheng, what is wrong.

It can be said that he can stand there and talk all day about the skills of picking up girls in the world, without repetitive ones.

But this is the only thing… true feelings, he has never heard Wantiansheng say it, and he doesn’t understand what it means, so when the Heaven Ranking spirit said that, he was stunned when he was not high.

“Ai, things are impermanent, you brat still have little experience, impossible to understand!”

Mixing Heaven Ranking sighed, then continued

“At the beginning, I was incarnation as God Realm Peak and contacted her, but she had no intention at all except respecting me as Senior. I put forward some intentions, but she rejected them all!”

Chu Yan and Feng Bugao looked at the Heaven Ranking, and their spirits turned into chrysanthemum faces. They all suffocated their faces in their hearts, and were too happy.

The whole world, powerhouse as clouds, expert like forest, but who would have thought that the existence of the number one powerhouse in this world, there would be times when there was no way, and it was still like this.

“Senior is really respectable, it’s useless!?”

If you are not high enough, you don’t care about the spirit of Heaven Ranking. He only remembers the last trick Wantian Holy Sect gave him. He stunned and dragged him away with a stick. After he found a place for Fa-rectification, he would produce rice. After cooking it into cooked rice, you can handle it whatever you want. If you are not interested, just lift your foot and leave.

This is the core idea of ​​Wan Tiansheng’s picking up girls. A leaf didn’t touched body.

“Senior, this little girl, how do you like it!? She is a little God King Realm that’s all, how can you…”

Of course I don’t understand Feng Gao. With the rank and status of the Heaven Ranking spirit, I usually come into contact with the powerhouse of the Lord Realm, and the last time it is an invincible powerhouse.

This God King Realm is 108,000 li away from the invincible realm. How could it be possible to get into the spiritual eye of the Heaven Ranking, because there is no probability of contact.

Speaking of this question, it happened to coincide with Chu Yan’s previous doubts, and he immediately looked curiously looking towards the spirit of 混Heaven Ranking.

“You…do you really care about it! Take it easy!?”

Mixed Heaven Ranking, Ling suddenly twitched, thought about it, and sighed again.

“A few years ago, on the way to find Dameng invincible, I just happened to meet him. At that time, he was still in the emperor realm!”

It may be mixed with the Heaven Ranking spirit. I have never told anyone before, and it is really aggrieved. Even if Chu Yan and Feng Bugao are not suitable objects for narration, the Heaven Ranking spirit can still tell the story. Came out.

“Isn’t he a cultivator of the Emperor Realm, even so, you are impossible to look down!? is it possible that, all women will take a look!?”

Feng Bugao’s words are in fact true. With the existence of the Heaven Ranking spirit, don’t talk about the emperor realm. Even the Supreme of the Nine Realms might not be enough for him to look down.

After all, with the status and responsibilities of the Heaven Ranking spirit, he is busy day by day with those things in the invincible realm and the blue master realm, and he can’t be too busy, so he has time to take care of other things.

It’s like an ordinary person watching an ant on the ground. How could it be possible that he met an ant and went down to watch.

When the gap is too big, it is impossible to attract the other party’s attention.

“Fart! Am I that kind of person!? You think I’m the same as you and that kid!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking was angry at that time, Face is red, so I shouted directly

“Of course, I don’t pay attention to it in normal times, but this little girl is different from others. She has a special aura in her pair of different pupils!”

When Feng Bugao heard this, he suddenly brows slightly wrinkle, let alone, when he saw this little girl before, the pair of different pupils also left a deep influence on him. It seemed that there was something special The machine exists.

And this kind of aura can only be discovered by a cultivator like him.

Therefore, this kind of Qi machine seems to be faintly connected with a certain heavenly machine, so Feng Bu Gao has a special feeling.

Feng Bugao can feel that the spirit of the Heaven Ranking is naturally more obvious than he felt.

“If you drink like this, it’s just a different pupil. You are a bully, and you have seen so many special things, how could you pay attention to this little girl! I think it is because of…”

Speaking of the last, Feng Bu Gao dare not say it, but the lowly laughed face is clearly the same as before.

Food sex too!

Everyone is a man, understandable and understandable.

At this time, the eyes of the Heaven Ranking Spirit Qi were red, and he stared at Feng Bu Gao and said, “You little boy, you know what a fart, there is an extremely powerful force in that different pupil, that is a seal. The pupil! Once this seal is opened, the power will never be weaker than a blue master realm!”

As soon as these words came out, Chu Yan and Feng Bu Gao were complexion changed at the same time, and their faces were full of shock.

What! ?

Seal a torrent of the power of the blue master realm! ?

It was sealed within the body of such a God King Realm. It was only accidentally, but it was killed directly.

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