
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Shang Miao Taoist turned his head, looked towards the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, and asked directly

“Heavenly Dao friends, according to our agreement, are you ready now!?”

After waiting for the Heaven Ranking to calm Xiaohe with a smile on his face, when he turned his head and looked towards Shang Miao Taoist, his face became majestic

“Okay, let’s get started!”

As soon as this statement came out, Shang Miao Taoist nodded, and raised his hand with a wave.

Several mysterious auras swam towards Chu Yan and they all felt a mysterious force acting on them, wrapping them around and pulling them into the void. a

After a few breaths, everyone’s Divine Consciousness returned to a completely strange place.

Before them, there is a vast sea with several wooden bridges above it.

The width of each wooden bridge is 10,000 zhang, and the colors are different. Under the breath of light, there seems to be a kind of weak mist enveloped.

Not only that, they can also see countless stones on the wooden bridges, paved everywhere.

These stones seem to have experienced countless wind and rain, and have a very old aura.

next moment, there was a wave of waves in the void. Although it was not strong, it caused everyone’s Divine Consciousness to tremble at the same time, and Divine Soul became a little trance.

After that, I saw several wooden bridges turned into a natural phenomenon, rising up into the sky, roaring roar in the sky, like a peerless monster.

roar roar roar ….

These few peerless big monsters, as if seeing a few people appearing, suddenly moved towards a few people, bringing the monstrous power like a giant wave in the sky, and the might of heaven shaking earth shattering makes Heaven and Earth both Shaking.


Seeing this scene, Feng Gao’s face changed drastically, and he turned around to escape.


He glanced at the Heaven Ranking Spirit, coldly shouted.

In an instant, Heaven and Earth fell silent, all might and monstrous gangs were still in an instant, and the terrifying monsters all returned to the ground, turning into a true body wooden bridge, without any might.

This time, it seemed that the things that just happened were all fantasy.

“Here, it should be the nest of the big demon. It is the place where the big demon proves the way. These big monsters are very powerful, especially the power of the demonstration left by some ancient boss monsters. It should not dissipate. Always exist.”

Lord Huge looked at all of this and said, had a feeling in the heart.

He knows Monster Beast. As the Hall Lord of Huang Tian Hall, he knows everything in the world very well, because Huang Tian Hall is the most detailed library on the continent, and all the materials are preserved.

“The Great Demon Prove Dao!?”

Shang Miao Taoist smiled lightly, and said, “Fellow Daoist, here is the place where the great demon of the great blue evolves, every great demon of the great blue is unique and unmatched, and it has been since splitting heaven and earth apart The strongest Monster Beast bloodline, it can be said that they have been extremely powerful since they were born, far surpassing all other Monster Beasts, and are destined to be the emperor level existence in Monster Race!”

“You all thought that Monster Beast could not break through to the Lord Realm, but it was wrong. Only certain ones of Monster Beast are eligible to break through to the Lord Realm, and after they break through to the Lord Realm, they can… Change!”

Hearing this, the eyes of Chu Yan and others froze for an instant.


I’m already a great demon in the God Realm. If this is still going to change, what a terrifying existence is that! ?

Could it be that not only human cultivators, but also the great demon of the sky are also looking for a way to break through the Supreme realm! ?

putting it that way, if the land of Ten Thousand Sources is a place where human cultivators look for breakthrough opportunities, then this is the place of Monster Beast…the land of Ten Thousand Sources! ?

“The great demon here, if it can conquer one, how helpful is that!?”

Feng Bugao now has some desire for strength, and he no longer only cares about the secrets of heaven as before.

“This place is not the core place. In my opinion, it is not difficult to break through, do you think!?”

Mixed Heaven Ranking Ling glanced at Shang Miao Taoist and asked.

“Of course, there is nothing wrong with it!” Shang Miao Taoist smiled replied.

“Although this place is a fierce place, it also has a lot of benefits and opportunities, and there is also that kind of huge opportunity.”

Hearing this, Feng Bu Gao’s face lightened slightly.

Shang Miao Taoist nodded, his eyes swept across a few humans, “It depends on whose luck and strength are stronger!”

I don’t care about the Heaven Ranking, I just glanced at the main bridge roads

“Boy, you are no worse than your Master, come and open a hang, let’s take down some bridges!”

Hearing this, the unsealed eyes instantly brightened, and his face was full of surprise and looked towards the Heaven Ranking Spirit Road

“Brother Hun! Do you believe my gua!?”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Hearing this, Feng Bugao was really proud this time. He was so excited that he quickly took out the jade compass, including Tianxuanlu, who also summoned it, and began to arrange the Jiugong Bagua Bureau on the ground.

He is completely serious this time, and even the World’s First’s Heaven Ranking spirit spoke up. If he makes any mistakes, it will be ashamed.

But if nothing goes wrong, this one is his fame.

“Chiliqua, Chiliqua….”

Feng Bugao held a jade compass in one hand and a knot in the other hand. He kept reciting words that ghosts could not understand. The Jiugong Bureau under his feet began to glow with azure light, and then a huge black hole appeared above the sky, as if this The horizon of World is opened, revealing its origin.

“This is…the way of heaven!?”

When the Miao Taoist saw the huge black hole above his head, he was immediately startled.

“Great Nine Profound, anxious like a law, listen!”

Feng Bu Gao said a word, raised his finger to the front, a burst of astigmatism rushed out, covering more than a dozen wooden bridges, and soon his eyes shined, seeming to have a result.

“Brother Hun, there is a result! The number one seven and ninety three are all in danger, only three and sixty one and fifteen are safe, and there are opportunities!”

Hearing this result, Xia Xuan Dao Ling was sneaked, and his eyes were full of disdain.

On the face of Miao Taoist, it was a look of surprise.

“Not bad!”

Mixing Heaven Ranking spirit nodded, it is rare to laughed at Feng Xiaogao, which is regarded as encouragement.

“If the seal is not high, you and Huge will enter the first bridge, and Xiaohe and I will walk the seventh bridge. If the ninth bridge, Chu Yan will be yours!”

After this arrangement, everyone is scornful!

What’s the situation! ?

Isn’t Fenggao saying that all these bridges are dangerous! ?

Why did the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking arrange this? What is it going to do! ?

The whole person is nothing if Feng Gao is not high enough. Watching the gods of the Heaven Ranking, they froze on the spot.

Only in the eyes of Xuan Dao Ling, a thick different color flashed by, just glanced at the Heaven Ranking Spirit, and then looked away.

“Boy, it’s not that there is a problem with your heavenly secret, but there is a problem with this place!”

Miscellaneous Heaven Ranking’s Lingtiankou is not highly sealed, and also explained to everyone at the same time.

“This place is not the Divine Realm continent, nor is it the land of ten thousand sources. It comes from that place. The secrets there are very different from our secrets. Because it is impossible to calculate in detail, the easiest way is Count the other way round.”

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