
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After finishing this sentence, the god of Heaven Ranking, the corner of his mouth grinned, turned his head and looked towards the spirit of Xia Xuan Dao next to him, gently said with a smile

“Fellow Daoist, am I right!?”

Xia Xuan Daoling smirked, “hmph! I won’t answer any of your questions, whatever you want.”

Hearing this answer, Ling Ling of Heaven Ranking grinned suddenly. He originally wanted to make a conversation, but the other party was not fooled. Who said that the newly conceived Dao Ling was a fool, not stupid at all.

Next, with a wave of his hand, several streams of light shot out and rushed into Chu Yan, within the body of Feng Bu Gao and Hu Ge.

“These are the three Life Protecting Talisman. Don’t worry if there is no danger. When there is danger, they will naturally help you stop!”

In this way, their safety inside is greatly improved.

“Brother Hun, don’t worry!”

The three of Chu Yan were nodded and didn’t say much. They rose up into the sky, swept towards the wooden bridges, and quickly disappeared from them.

“Xia Xuan… can you see it!? Your odds of winning are lower again!”

Shang Miao Taoist saw this, but he smiled and said.

“hmph! Whatever you choose right, it’s all relative, it doesn’t mean there is no danger! Wait and see!”

Xia Xuan Daoling didn’t want to say anything, but there was some discomfort in my heart. First, there was a cultivator of Tianji a, who calculated the correct wooden bridge, and then mixed Heaven Ranking Spirits. raised dramatically.

As Shang Miao Tao said, the odds of these three people are greater, and his odds of victory naturally become smaller.

At this time, above the wooden bridge….

Chu Yan’s speed is extremely astonishing, the whole person is like a lightning, and quickly rushed to the wooden bridge.

After getting on the bridge, you can clearly feel that the demon power on this bridge is extremely rich, like a huge mountain peak that has been suppressing.

“Source Power!”

Chu Yan didn’t hesitate to use Source Power directly to avoid too big fleshy body. If you don’t react in time when encountering danger, it is not a good thing.

So Chu Yan must keep his state in its heyday, and deal with all kinds of dangers that may arise at any time.

Source Power was running, covering Chu Yan’s whole body. Soon Chu Yan’s whole body pressure was lightened, resisting more than 70%.

“This place is not simple!”

Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, and Divine Consciousness spread out, constantly investigating the situation all around, while performing the pupil technique.

Time went by, and three hours later, Chu Yan reached the end of the wooden bridge and saw a huge archway standing there.

This is an extremely old archway with two huge wooden pillars as the main body. A beam is placed on it. Two dragons and one phoenix are carved at each end, which looks mighty.

Chu Yan took a closer look, then jumped into it.

10 breaths later, Chu Yan appeared in a brand new place, which should be…the fifth district!

I saw five rounds of blue moon hanging high in the sky, and the azure moonlight was like water, covering the whole land.

The horizon is an endless mountain range. There seems to be beast spirits in the mountain range, and various roars heaven shaking earth shattering.

“These auras are all different, even the rules, origins, and will are also different, completely different from those in the Land of Ten Thousand Sources!”

Chu Yan felt it carefully. No wonder they said before that even if the Heaven Ranking spirit comes in, they will be suppressed because the Source Power here is completely different.

It’s as if the people from Divine Realm Continent got here, completely rejected.

“The fusion of origin!”

Chu Yan a light shout, within the body Aura rushed out and merged with all around Void Heaven and Earth.

But soon, the repulsive force in the void appeared, as if countless hands pushed Chu Yan’s will and origin outward, as if they were robbers who broke into someone’s home.

But next moment, Chu Yan continues to increase the infusion of the original power, wanting to suppress this power and seize control of this piece of Heaven and Earth.

However, as Chu Yan’s strength increased, the repulsive force also increased, and he steadily opposed Chu Yan.

Soon, there was a tremor in the heaven and earth void, but it was a void vibration caused by the two forces.

Chu Yan’s face changed lightly, and with a light sigh, he withdrew his Source Power. Such a repulsive force is like a bottomless pit. If he keeps increasing his strength, it can cope with it. It is not good for him to continue.

“The Land of Ten Thousand Origins is not part of Divine Realm continent, why is it possible, but not here!?”

Chu Yan is full of doubts, puzzled.


The beginning of everything, the foundation of everything.

It stands to reason that no matter where it is, like it is on Heaven Realm, it should also be formed when Heaven and Earth first opened. How could it be so special! ?

“Could it be that there are differences between the origins!?”

Chu Yan flew forward while thinking in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

For him, after cultivating Dawanxiangjue, he completely embarked on the path of Source Dao. He has just come into contact with the source, and these unfamiliar sources are of great research value to him.

Of course, now is not the time to study, now it is important to pass the fifth test.

Chu Yan flew forward, and the Source Power within the body always maintained its strength, covering all around the void.

Even if you can’t integrate into Heaven and Earth, your own Source Power can also suppress this void, without sudden accidents, completely unprepared.

This fifth district, whether it is the two of the Heaven Ranking spirits or the altar of the gods, obviously attaches great importance to it.

However, Chu Yan flew forward carefully for an hour without encountering any danger.

In addition, Chu Yan had the original Monster Beast roar in the mountain range, but after he got close, it disappeared without a trace, just as if all the Monster Beast had been removed before he came. !

“That is…”

I raised my eyes and saw that on the other side of the mountain range, there was a huge stone palace.

Those huge palaces piled up with stones, revealing a primordial and barbaric aura, are obviously not the residence of human cultivators.

Chu Yan’s pupils flickered, looking towards stone palace, and found many battle marks, most of which were paw marks and tooth marks.

Continue to raise the heart of alertness, and at the same time moved towards the stone palace approached, and soon arrived at the gate of the stone palace, looked up towards the stone palace on a huge stone tablet.

“Yin-Yang Palace!”

The name made Chu Yan suddenly look different, and his heart was full of surprise.

Yin-Yang world! ?

Could it be that this stone palace is the junction of Yin-Yang! ?

Chu Yan all around took a look, then raised his hand to push the door open and stepped into it.

At this time, outside the wooden bridge….

Xia Xuan Daoling looked at the light curtain in front of him, Chu Yan’s silhouette entered the stone palace, and suddenly madly laughed and said

“ha ha ha, this kid is good! Very good!”

Shang Miao Taoist standing on the side has a bitter expression, and shook the head said to the inquiring Heaven Ranking Spirit

“The Yin-Yang realm is the realm of life and death. This kid’s cultivation base didn’t break through to the Supreme realm, but broke here by mistake. It is equivalent to breaking into Yellow Springs Road. When he arrives at the Senluo Temple, he will be thrown into the six paths and reborn Of!”

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