
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

For Chu Yan breaking into the Yin-Yang realm, the expressions of the upper Miao Taoist and the Lower Xuan Daoling are different, and the lower Xuan Daoling has the most wonderful expression.

“In this entire group, Divine Pupil Sir does not have all the strengths, except for the Heaven Ranking spirit, which is the strongest strength of this child.”

“Now, once this child is broken into the Yin-Yang world and reborn, the rest will be left alone with the Heaven Ranking spirit. I think they have any hope of breaking through.”

Hearing this, Shang Miao Taoist shook the head and said, “Nothing is absolute, Xia Xuan Fellow Daoist, let’s look again.”

When I said this, Shang Miao Taoist himself didn’t have much confidence. He was very clear about the situation in the Yin-Yang world, and Chu Yan impossible had a chance to resist.

At this time, in the Yin-Yang world palace….

Chu Yan complexion slightly changed, looking at the suddenly closed door behind him, he kept making moves, trying to break the door.

However, when I came in, the door opened with a single push, but now I want to reopen it from the inside, but it is as difficult as heavenly ascension. No matter what power and means he uses, the door is completely motionless.

Chu Yan brows tightly knit, shook the head no longer competing with the gate, turned around and walked into the great hall.

In this great hall, Spirit Stones hung on several temple pillars, releasing a faint cold light, illuminating the entire great hall.

In this way, Chu Yan can clearly see the situation in the entire great hall.

At this time, the situation in the great hall is not very good, it is better to be much worse than Chu Yan guessed before he came in.

great hall all around, there are traces of battle everywhere, and it looks tattered at a glance. Some bricks and shingles can be seen. There are claw marks on the walls of all around, pulling out a path of groove.

It doesn’t matter, Chu Yan’s gaze is now placed in the middle of the great hall, on a small altar, on which there is a golden skeleton.

The Source Power of Chu Yan’s whole body is running, and the light of gold and silver two colors in the pupils bursts out, and at the same time it covers the skeleton and the altar.

Very ordinary, without any aura, like a dead thing.

“This Yin-Yang hall is not simple, it looks like a multi-layer structure…”

Chu Yan watched all around while groaning in his heart.

“First find the entrance from 1st Layer to 2nd Layer, it should be hidden!”

Chu Yan waved his hand, the original aura of the blockbuster merged into the void, spread out, and began to explore the overall structure of this 1st Layer.

Including some hidden murderous intentions and Great Arrays, which will be revealed under such investigations, and will not miss any traces, but will be investigated as a whole.

At this moment, a strange feeling rose in Chu Yan’s heart.

“The Gang of Origin!”

Without any hesitation, I don’t even think about what it is. The moment Chu Yan in the heart feels rising, he raises his hand and he punched out.

Boom… Rumble!

The power of the fist is like a gang, Chu Yan instantly feels like he is blasting into a void, like a continuous cloud, using softness to overcome rigidity, and all his strength is eliminated.

When Chu Yan looked up, the complexion changed suddenly.

I saw the golden skeleton standing there amidst the surging air in the sky, raising his hand to block his fist.

At this time, Chu Yan only felt his scalp numb all over, and instantly burst into maximum strength, preparing for a unique skill attack.

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to move at all, I saw that the skeleton suddenly had a pair of hollow eye sockets, and a gleam of spirit rose up and enveloped Chu Yan, suppressing it.

“Not good!”

Chu Yan felt his body’s outer periphery, layer by layer of forbidden and fixed, and immediately Divine Consciousness and body were plunged into the mud.

“He Huan is born again, how safe is death!? Yin-Yang is the world, Heaven and Earth is the furnace…”

After one move stopped Chu Yan, the golden bones began to mutter incantations, making the sound of bone rubbing, which made the bones tremble.

At the same time, its other bone claw lifted up, and three air masses of different colors rose up and moved slowly.

The whole process happened like in a flash. It was only in the two breaths time, when there was no reaction at all, the bone claw with three fused light balls, shot on Chu Yan’s chest. on.

Chu Yan’s face changed, and then he saw three groups of light groups exploding in front of him, but there was no formidable power, and it didn’t hurt him at all, just like three groups of air groups, disappear without a trace.


Chu Yan has a weird expression on his face, and doesn’t know what happened.

The skeleton stood there stiffly. It seemed that after all this was done, there was no strength to support it instantly, and it returned to the state of the dead object again.

rare opportunity Chu Yan was not wasted, his figure was like electricity, turned into a streamer and rushed to the great hall door, and shot again.


Under the full power, the method of asking questions within the body broke out at the same time, as a path of flood surged within the body.

All the power turned into a soaring Sword Qi, condensed into a blade of will, moved towards the gate fiercely and cut it down.


The whole palace is shaking, and there is a dazzling Sword Mark above the gate, which is very deep.

Chu Yan’s eyes were like electricity, and he was about to start chopping again, but at this moment, the golden skeleton that had just been stiff as a stone seemed to have recovered its strength and support, and said gently

“Fellow Daoist, the door is not opened like this! Without my consent, even a powerhouse in the Supreme realm would be impossible to break open!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly became frowned.

Supreme! ?

There is no Supreme realm on the entire continent. For the repairers of Divine Realm continent, it is just the Martial Dao realm that exists in hope, but in this golden skeleton’s mouth, it seems to be the existence of iron nails.

“Senior, how to open this door!?”

Chu Yan thought for a while and asked directly.

“Little Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, I will let you out later, and I will not attack you again, you are in no danger here!”

The golden skeleton spoke up the key question. It knew that Chu Yan came in to investigate, and that he left because he felt powerful and dangerous, so he directly opened his mouth to dispel Chu Yan’s doubts.


Chu Yan stared at the other person and asked a very complicated question.

“hehe, here is the Yin-Yang Realm Hall. Everyone who comes here will fall into Six Roads of Samsara. Of course, those who pass through my hands can be designated to reincarnate, and you are one of them!”

“It stands to reason that you have been reincarnated once. I don’t know why you came back, but since you have come in, you must be reincarnated again according to the rules!”

As soon as this statement came out, Chu Yan was stunned.

Two simple sentences, but Chu Yan had all the information burst, and understood many things at once.

In later generations, many people know his identity, Yuwenhuang and Wu’s Reincarnation Body.

Chu Yan used to be very strange about how Emperor Yuwen and Wu did it and reincarnated on themselves at the same time. Although the two of them are two of the powerful Four Great Lords, they are also impossible to control samsara reincarnation.

But now, Chu Yan understood!

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