
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

The situation is now clear!

Emperor Yuwen and Wu both passed through this Yin-Yang realm hall to complete the anti-reincarnation body, making themselves their reincarnation bodies.

“Senior, there is a question next!”

Chu Yan politely bowed his hand after thinking it through.

This seemingly scary skeleton should be the Guardian of the Yin-Yang Realm Hall. Obey the rules here, so that Chu Yan will not be hostile to it and no longer worry about anything.

After all, the other party follows the rules in everything, and will not mess around.

“Say it!” Golden skeleton replied.

“Is it possible for two people to samsara reincarnation to one person at the same time!? The difference between before and after, is it big!?”

Hearing this question, Soul Fire in the eyes of Golden’s bones twitched. It seems that this question is not simple, and it needs to adjust its momentum to think.

“That is outside the rules, only one possibility can be done…”

“What’s that!?”

Chu Yan asked quickly.

“Not everything can be told to you, you are just a God Realm that’s all!”

The golden skeleton this time has no us to think about. It is directly replied. At the same time, I took a look at Chu Yan and shook the head

“You do not meet the rules here, please leave immediately!”

Next moment, regardless of Chu Yan’s reaction, the golden skeleton turned directly to the altar, climbed up carefully, and sat down again. The Soul Fire in his eyes went out and returned to the dead silence.

At the same time, the door behind Chu Yan slowly opened.

At this moment, Chu Yan was a little depressed, and when he was about to figure it out, the skeleton actually pretended to be dead.

“Many thanks Senior!”

Chu Yan was silent for a while, raised his eyes and scanned the whole hall again, bowed his hands to salute the bones on the altar, turned and moved towards the great hall and walked away.

Shortly after, after Chu Yan left the great hall, the hall door closed again with a bump.

The golden bones on the altar, which had been silent, suddenly reignited in his eyes with a cry, and kept beating.

“This kid, Interesting, is enveloped by the Space-Time rules, and even I can’t open it, otherwise… I can tell him!”

“This thing is a bit strange, what he said should be right, so it should be…”

In an instant, Soul Fire in the eyes of Golden’s bones exploded to the extreme, burning like two torches.

However, when the flames rose to the extreme, in the altar under the golden skeleton, a dead grey air current rose, and instantly enveloped the golden skeleton, completely suppressing the Soul Fire in his eyes.

The entire Yin-Yang world hall, once again fell silent.

At this time, outside the wooden bridge on the other side…

The Shang Miao Taoist, who was staring at the light curtain, suddenly his eyes lit up and he said in surprise, “en!? That kid came out!?”

With this sound, Xuan Daoling almost jumped up with his eyes closed.

“Who!? What came out!? The kid…”

When he looked up and looked towards the light curtain, he saw the picture of Chu Yan having left the Yin-Yang world hall, and he was stunned.

“ha ha ha, really out of the ordinary, with the young man beside the Heaven Ranking spirit, very good!”

Shang Miao Taoist was very happy, laughing, his face blooming like a flower, and at the same time turning his head to look towards Xia Xuan Tao Ling, seeing his face darkened, he smiled happily.

“What did I just say, hehehe…”

At this moment, Xia Xuan Daoling is not good, and the corner of his eyes twitches muttered

“The door is evil…”

At this time, when the Miao Taoist turned his head and re-looked towards the light curtain, I saw that it was the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking. What powerful means was being used, and the seal formed by his hands, he was complexion greatly changed. .

“Heavenly Dao friend…”

This sentence stunned the depressed Xia Xuan Dao Ling again.

He saw in the light curtain, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking brought the Divine Pupil Sir on a plain. There seemed to be an Ancient Battlefield. Various strange creatures appeared, carrying the murderous intention of the battle before death , All of them rushed towards them with blood red eyes.

There are countless powerful powers and ultimate moves rushing between Heaven and Earth, and various forces are like battles between gods and demons, fiercely colliding.

However, when these gods, demons and remnants rushed to the two of them, they killed each other directly, as if the two living people in front of them were air to them, completely invisible.

And mixed with the Heaven Ranking spirit of both hands forming seals, resisting various aftermaths of battle, while still pressing the seal to the void outside.

Obviously, the Dharma Seal of the Heaven Ranking Spirit is not simple and seems to control everything.

“The Source of Ten Thousand Ways, Capture!”

At last it was time for the left hand of the Heaven Ranking Spirit to take out the seal. With an order, the seal was lifted into the air and exploded. A large swath of golden armor spear celestial troops and generals appeared, rushing directly all directions Heaven and Earth in the void.

The emergence of this piece of celestial troops and generals is like a golden tide, surging through in the sky, but not at all, as the two Taoists thought, directly rushing to the remnants, but rush Disappeared in the void, there was no trace in an instant.

The upper Miao Taoist and Xuan Taoling in front of the light curtain startedled at the same time, and when they looked at each other, the eyes of the two were all confused. They didn’t understand the use of these celestial troops and generals! ?

After waiting for ten breaths in the silence, suddenly on the battlefield sky, the sound of a followed by a thunderbolt continued to explode.

An extremely majestic aura dropping from the sky makes all Spirit Power on the battlefield tremble.

“Bold! Who is surprised!?”

The voice was so angry that it exploded above the sky. It seemed that because of some kind of interference, the angry emperor who woke up from his sleep was about to be bloodied.

“You are from the battlefield Steward!?”

The Spirit of the Heaven Ranking raised his head, looked towards the silhouette on the sky, and asked nonchalantly.

“Now tell me immediately, how to pass this fifth test!”

This sentence didn’t seem to be an inquiry, but an order, which immediately made the emperor’s presence in the sky dark.

“hmph! When I kill you two and turn you into the Remnant Soul here, you will naturally understood!”

Under this cold sound, the emperor’s all around the sky, the rich murderous intention constantly poured out.

next moment, a bright golden blade light, falling from the sky, carrying the endless Might of Emperor, moved towards the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, fiercely cut down.

The two Dao spirits before the wooden bridge were completely silly at this time, with their mouths wide open and their eyes flying out.

“This bastard… bastard is amazing, really amazing, very human!”

“Damn, is he crazy!? Why do you wake up the spirit of the battlefield!? Ask for directions, don’t make such a big noise!? Isn’t this looking for yourself!?”

The Divine Consciousness of the upper Miao Daoist and the Lower Xuan Dao Ling was in chaos, and I felt like I was going crazy.

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