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The spirits of the two gods’ altars hadn’t finished speaking, their expressions looked towards the light curtain suddenly changed.

I saw that when the spirit of the Heaven Ranking in the light curtain raised his hand, a brilliant blade glow appeared. This blade, carrying momentum of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, dropped the road from the sky The golden palm seal was directly chopped to pieces, exploding countless thunderbolt powers, scattered and surging.

“Get down!”

Who is the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking, Divine Realm continent number one powerhouse, what an imposing manner, directly shouted loudly, discarded the knife and changed its claws, and raised his hand to grab the Spiritual God shadow above the sky.

a loud explosion sound, the clouds and waves in the sky were broken open by his claw, and they were pulled down to the ground in a ball.

And among the captured clouds, there is a golden light gleaming shadow.

“What…what!? This is impossible!”

The golden light gleaming shadow, the whole person is going crazy, I can’t believe the scene before me.

He is the spirit of rules on this battlefield. It can be said that he is a dominant existence on this battlefield. Now he is caught in the palm of his hand, like a toy! ?

His battle strength has reached the Supreme realm, and the Outsider in front of him is just a Peak of the Lord Realm.


Hearing this, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking laughed suddenly, as if he was laughing at a arrogant, frog in well person.

It stands to reason that this altar of the gods came from that place, and it belongs to the Divine Realm continent, so it should be the other way around.

However, this thing of arrogance has always been divided into two extremes. One is that he really came to the Supreme Land, which made him feel confident and supercilious, and the other is that he came out of a small place and had never seen the world.

“A small local tyrant, dare to be big in front of me, now I give you one last chance to answer my question honestly, or I will let you soul flies away and scatters!”

In this world, if we talk about understanding, that is the best understanding among the same kind.

Just as the practitioners on the continent have been unable to understand Monster Beast’s thinking for countless years, the thinking between spiritual objects is not something that ordinary practitioners can understand.

However, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking is also a spiritual object, and he has a natural understanding of spiritual objects.

The spiritual object is very powerful. Almost every spiritual object is born with a peerless treasure, so it is the most powerful existence.

But often the more so, these spiritual objects are more afraid of death, especially after experiencing the obscurity and vagueness at the beginning of the gestation, and about the realization of the meaning of their existence, they are more afraid of death .

So, when the local tyrant heard the words “soul flies away and scatters”, the whole Spirit Physique trembled, quickly replied

“Yes, yes, the younger one must answer truthfully!”

At the exit of this sentence, the two spirits of the altar of the gods outside the wooden bridge opened their mouths together, their eyes staring.

This special can also be ah! ?

With just one move, this Heaven Ranking spirit succumbed to a Supreme spirit! ?

“He…what is his strength!?”

Xia Xuan Daoling felt a little guilty and asked in a trembling voice.

until now, they are very clear about the identity of the Heaven Ranking spirit, which is the strongest existence of the entire Divine Realm continent, but his strength can only reach Peak that’s all because of the shackles of the continent.

So, this is also their confidence to get in touch with the spirits of the Heaven Ranking until now.

But now, this logical thinking seems to be broken. It seems that from the current situation, the spirit of the Heaven Ranking is far more complicated than they thought.

Furthermore, it seems that his strength cannot really be calculated based on the Peak of the God Realm, otherwise the consequences will end up like a spirit holding on the battlefield.

“I still underestimate him! If this person can come to us, I am afraid that he will become the emperor of the emperor and suppress Qianqiu!”

Xia Xuan Daoling heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he looked towards Shang Miao Dao with a face full of disbelief.

Although he and him are enemies, but after all, the same root with different branches, and the spiritual object’s thinking is not that many emotional, which makes Xia Xuan Daoling not aware of the origin of how many years he was born earlier , There was some trust in my heart.

But, what is the emperor spirit! ?

Emperor, this honorific title, second only to god title, that is to say, if this Heaven Ranking spirit is with them, he will reach an existence that is only one level lower than Divine Pupil Sir! ?

This kind of probability completely peaked his imagination and made him unacceptable for a while, but it did not mean that he doubted the judgment of Shang Miao Tao.

“Whatever it is, he is alone, and he wants to break out of the fifth zone, it is impossible!”

Xia Xuan Daoling let go of this question, and thought for a while and said.

“The other two teams didn’t even know the way, they were just rushing.”

As soon as I finished speaking, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking in the light curtain had already completed the interrogation, and waved his hand to initiate the remote transmission.

It’s not about how big this area is in the fifth district, but the Heaven Ranking spirits used powerful methods such as remote communication in order to send information more quickly and accurately, without omissions.

“Su Yu, the seal is not high, Huge, the way to break out of the fifth zone is to look for the 3-9 Supreme Order, where you are, each have one!”

Word by word, I drank the thunderbolt, exploded the entire Heaven and Earth void, and the rumble spread to the distance like a thundercloud.

“Su Yu, look for the ruins to the west, Feng Bu Gao and Hu Ge, you go east, you must get the 3-9 Supreme Order!”

After adding a few more words, the Spirit of the Heaven Ranking took Xiao He directly, soaring into the sky, moved towards the distant sky and flew away.

As soon as he arrived at the border of this battlefield, the Heaven Ranking Spirit Void suspended and stopped, raised his hand punched out, and smashed it towards a small hill below.

With a bang, the entire hill exploded, and a Dragon’s roar sounded. When the illusory shadow rushed into the sky, it was slapped and slapped by Bang Ling who had been waiting for a long time.

Waiting for the Heaven Ranking Spirit lowered his head and looked at the palm of his hand, it was a golden light glittering… Supreme Order of Nine-Five!

This is the first Ninth-Five Supreme Order!

Has been gained by the Heaven Ranking, and the whole process is effortless, it can even be said to be extremely easy.

At the same time, he even knew the positions of the 95 Supreme Orders on the other two sides, and told the other two teams to look for them.

According to this situation, I am afraid it will not be too difficult. The rest is only a matter of time.

Before the wooden bridge, when Xuan Daoling went down, his face was completely dark.

He didn’t expect that the Heaven Ranking Spirit would use such a trick, not taking the usual path.

The difficulty of the fifth district is that the hidden location of the Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order is excellent. It takes a lot of time to find it, and it is difficult to get without anyone telling it.

So, when he was gambling with the Miao Daoist before, the first agreement was not to say the Miao Daoist, and the second was a time agreement.

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