
You can search for “Endless Upgrade of Strongest Martial Soul 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

At this time, outside the Yin-Yang world hall…

Chu Yan looked at the situation all around, and suddenly a bit of urgent news came from Sea of ​​Consciousness, followed by the sound of Thunderbolt resounding through Heaven and Earth.

These voices are exactly the content of the transmissions made by the Spirit of Heaven Ranking.

“Brother Hun has a good method, but he found a direct clue.”

Just now, Chu Yan himself was in the Yin-Yang Realm Hall. Not only did he fail to find any clues, he was almost directly driven into Six Roads of Samsara by the golden skeleton.

So compared with the Heaven Ranking spirit, Chu Yan has no time for a nodded thread. The Heaven Ranking spirit has completed the most important step, so the next step will be much easier.

“Remains to the west!?”

Getting a hint from the Heaven Ranking spirit, Chu Yan looked up towards the western sky, and his eyes flickered, and True Qi broke out directly, turning into a meteor moved towards the sky and flew away.

At this time, in the small World of the fifth area, there are various natural phenomena and thundering sounds everywhere, and above the mountain range below, there are beast roars everywhere, as if there are endless powerful Monster Beasts gathering In all around.

But when Chu Yan’s gaze and Divine Consciousness swept over, nothing was found.

“This place should not only be the Land of Samsara of human repairers. Since it is said to be Six Roads of Samsara, it may be mainly Land of Samsara of Monster Beast.”

Chu Yan was on the road while thinking in his heart, the reason why the Monster Beast here cannot be seen putting it that way is because they are all Divine Soul state! ?

A path of consciousness flashed in my heart, and Chu Yan’s forehead was involuntarily covered with fine sweat. This situation…. It is extremely scary to think carefully.

The Yin-Yang Realm Palace is extremely terrifying. According to Chu Yan’s thoughts, he would no longer want to step into it. It’s just a pity that he didn’t figure out how to reincarnate at the same time as Emperor Wu and Yuwen.

“This place is not simple, you still have to be very careful in the future!”

As for the first time he encountered the situation, that is, the extremely dangerous situation, Chu Yan had thoroughly understood it, and he did not dare to be careless.

According to the statement of the golden skeleton just now, if he hadn’t already had a double Reincarnation Body, he might have been directly in the Six Roads of Samsara. In that case, I didn’t know when I would return. .

Time goes by….

A few hours later, a majestic mountain range group appeared on the horizon in front of Chu Yan. One of the main peaks, like the Divine Sword, plunged into the sky, extremely majestic.

On the top of the mountain, there is a huge palace towering, shrouded in seven colors of light, which looks like the Realm God Palace in the sky, which is awe-inspiring.

“This palace is not simple!”

Chu Yan separated a long distance, after careful observation, secretly said in one’s heart.

When I was in the Yin-Yang Jiedian before, the stone palace looked completely invisible than the one in front of me, but Chu Yan was surprised by the situation.

Then this palace now looks so out of the ordinary, I am afraid it is even more terrifying.

After all, according to the spirit of the Heaven Ranking, there may be a nine-five Supreme order hidden in it, which is the key to breaking through the fifth test.

“The Spirit of Origin!”

Chu Yan did not have any reason, directly urged the spirit of the origin, and instantly the entire fleshy body turned into a jade golden light body, with a strong origin of breath, moved towards the mountain peak palace and flew away.

When the palace was near, Chu Yan didn’t need to act this time. The gate of the palace opened by itself, as if waiting for Chu Yan a long time ago.

This time Chu Yan didn’t enter rashly. He raised his hand with a sword and slashed directly towards the palace gate.

A bang came, and after the temple door trembled a few times, there was no response inside the temple door, and Chu Yan stepped into it with confidence.

Entering the great hall, you can see an area of ​​10,000 zhang when you look up. The brilliance is shining everywhere, as if the material used in this great hall is shining, so when people enter it, there will be a kind of entry Temple-like special feeling.

In the middle of the great hall are rows of wooden statues, sweeping a hundred statues at a glance.

Each wooden statue is a human figure, and all of them are lifelike, as if the wooden statues themselves were sealed here by the cultivator. Even their expressions and expressions are completely different.

“All young people!? Is it the image of the old genius!?”

Chu Huo swept his gaze, and his heart was full of doubts. On the future generations of continents, in addition to the Heaven Ranking, there have also been peerless genius rankings. Although not as famous as the Heaven Ranking, they are also within the scope of the Heaven Ranking. .

This great hall will not have the same similar effect! ?

Just as Chu Yan guessed in his mind and was about to explore around, the sound of a suddenly sounded in the great hall.

“hmph! A little ant, dare to enter the temple, this seat thinks that your cultivation is not easy, give you a chance, get out immediately!”

As soon as this sound rang, Chu Yan was not only not angry, but smiled.

It’s easy to have a temple spirit!

“Senior, it is of course possible for the juniors to leave, but I need the Senior to give me the Nine-Five Supreme Order, I will leave immediately!” Chu Yan bowed his hand and said.

When this sentence landed, there was a real laughter in the hall. It seemed that Chu Yan’s words fell in the ears of the hall, like a funny joke.

“The Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order is also something you are qualified to obtain. For an ant like you, I can press it to death with the finger of a finger. You don’t want to think about your cultivation base in the Dark Lord realm. It is hard to come by!?”

“Don’t think about it!” Chu Yan was firm in his mind, and he couldn’t shake the other party with just a few words, and shook his head directly.

“The younger generation has just been to the Yin-Yang World Palace before, and they have already jumped out of life and death!”

This sentence landed, but it caused the temple spirit hidden in the void and darkness to tremble suddenly.

He doesn’t need to say anything about this. The Temple Spirit has already been understood. Otherwise, how could it be possible to persuade Chu Yan back and forth. If it was an ant, he would have been killed by pointing it up a long time ago. so much.

It’s no small matter for a descendant of the Blue Lord realm who can live in and out of Yin-Yang Realm Hall.

That is the Yin-Yang Realm Hall!

“There is a play!”

Chu Yan saw that there was no reaction from the temple spirit, and he felt calm, and then said with a chuckle.

“Senior, why don’t I owe you a favor, and exchange for this 95 Supreme order!?” Chu Yan decided to give the other party a step and try not to do it.

After all, up to now, he hasn’t worked with any creatures in the fifth district. Before, in the Yin-Yang realm hall, the golden bones opened up in the Supreme realm, maybe in the Artifact Spirit here. There really is a cultivation base in the Supreme realm, but it’s not cracking a joke.

“Well, if you say that, you are more sincere. The Ninth Five-Year Supreme Order is not impossible to give you. It is just a small test according to the rules here. Will you accept it!?” Dian Ling this time The answer is faster.

“What test!?” Chu Yan asked.

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