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Sou! sou! sou!

Countless Martial Artists rose into the sky, like flying locusts in the sky, moved towards the “Eye of the Sky” in the sky …

All Martial Artists, all propped up body protection astral qi, and shot a void channel like a sharp arrow, instantly, disappeared.

According to the previous rules of the North Star Secret Realm, the entrance and exit of the “Eye of the Sky” will exist for half a month.

Within the time limit, everyone can enter and exit at will. When it is closed after half a month, everyone in Secret Realm will be thrown out of Secret Realm.

Chu Yan took a deep breath, flashing the same figure, and moved towards the entrance of Secret Realm.

After rushing into the void channel, Chu Yan seemed to have entered an illusory channel, and at the end of the distant channel, he didn’t even know where to go.

Chu Yan mixed in the crowd, accelerated and ran, quickly ran along the passage and swept forward.

Buzz …!

After running for one hour later, Chu Yan’s eyes lit up and saw the end of the channel. He just breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a trembling tremor in Rakshasa Space made his face suddenly startled.

what’s the situation! ?

Chu Yan’s face was full of doubts, but his body didn’t stop. He continued to run towards the exit of the passage, but the closer to the exit of the passage, the stronger the vibration in the Rakshasa Space.

When the big hand turned, Chu Yan raised his hand, and in his hand, it was Nine Nether Palace Rakshasa Order!

Moreover, what makes Chu Yan even more unexpected is that with the emergence of Rakshasa Order, a dazzling group of 9 brilliant colors burst out instantly, reflecting the entire channel into a nine colored space, so that a large number of Martial Artists all around looked sideways. .


Chu Yan sees this, complexion greatly changed, quickly waved his hand, and reclaimed Rakshasa Order back to Rakshasa Space.

“This Rakshasa Order what the hell is happening, why is there a natural phenomenon suddenly !?”

Chu Yan was stunned. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, various consciousnesses flashed continuously.

“Is this passage connected to the Nine Nether Palace !? Or, Rakshasa Order perceives another Rakshasa Order !?”

Under various speculations, Chu Yan simply had no way of knowing the answer, and soon, Chu Yan shook the head, no longer dealing with these.

Immediately, then settle down!

Soon, Chu Yan rushed out of the void channel and stepped into Secret Realm World.

This is a very desolate world. In the eyes, 4 places are empty, with grass and rocks all around, disordered and in a mess, lifeless.

Chu Yan fell on a hillside. Under the hillside was a dry forest. No silhouette or beast trace was seen.

It seems that after passing through the void channel, all the people were scattered by random transmission to all places in the North Star Secret Realm, not at all gathered together.

Taking a deep breath with chilly air, Chu Yan seemed to smell aura of Constant Antiquity, making him feel extremely strange, but with a trace of familiarity.

This kind of feeling is like hearing about countless Antiquity eras, but never coming to see them again.


Suddenly, in the sky, a loud bird cries, and Chu Yan suddenly looks up …

I saw 10,000 zhang high above the sky, among the large scattered clouds, a incomparable gigantic strange bird flew by.

This strange bird’s feet have a wingspan of the wings of zhang, which is similar in size to the Vermilion Bird. The whole body is covered with thick purple red feathers. It looks more powerful.

Chu Yan did not dare to carelessly, quickly restraining aura, worrying about attracting the attention of the sky giant bird!

According to Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness survey, this is a 3 Star Heavenly Demon Bird, and its battle strength is already inferior to itself. Therefore, if you can’t provoke it, it is best not to conflict.

Not to mention killing this Monster Beast, there is no benefit to Chu Yan. Moreover, this North Star Secret Realm, Chu Yan just stepped in, it is better to get familiar with it first!

Soon, the huge strange bird of purple red crossed the sky and disappeared into Chu Yan’s line of sight, all around restored calm.

Relaxed, Chu Yan Divine Consciousness unfolded, instantly spreading 100 li, and all the nearby terrain was included in Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At this time, Chu Yan was mainly looking for Tongxuan stone. According to the information Chu Yan heard, Tongxuan stone would only exist in the ruins of the Antiquity era and would never appear in the wilderness.

Divine Consciousness expands too far, which will lead to unclear exploration, but Chu Yan is only looking for large relics nearby, so when Divine Consciousness spread to 300 li, 2 large building classes finally appeared in Sea Yan Consciousness of Chu Yan structure.

However, when Chu Yan arrived at full speed, he found that these two monument palaces were extremely dilapidated, like a ruin, simply impossible with any treasure, apparently the former Martial Artists who came to North Star Secret Realm , Searched countless times.

Chu Yan, who was slightly disappointed, could only take off again, moved towards a farther place to search.

Under the dual action of Divine Consciousness and Qilin’s pupil, Chu Yan is constantly exploring and advancing at a speed ten times faster than ordinary Martial Artist.

Across the distance, as long as the powerful Antiquity Monster Beast and the powerful Martial Artist are discovered, Chu Yan will avoid it in advance. As a result, Chu Yan flew in Secret Realm for more than an hour, and has not encountered a trace of obstacles.

With Chu Yan ’s current strength, 4 inner cores are running at the same time without using backwaters, and can fight against the Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer Martial Artist of ordinary, if Heaven ’s Chosen-level Martial Artist can only compete with Heavenspan Realm 4th Layer at most powerhouse battle,

However, among Martial Artists who entered Secret Realm in North Star, Martial Artists above Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer are at least 2.

Chu Yan believes that all Martial Artists, like themselves, have the idea of ​​murdering to seize the treasures, so they can only be careful and careful.

Along the way, Chu Yan has encountered no less than ten battles, of which only three are Martial Artist battles with Monster Beast in Secret Realm, and the other seven are Martial Artist battles against other Martial Artists.

For these, Chu Yan didn’t even bother to pay attention to it. Now, the most important thing is to pass the black stone!

After a long time, Chu Yan flew more than 100,000 miles, and a large swamp area appeared in front of him, and he could not see the edge at a glance!

“What a big swamp!”

Chu Yan frowned, among all the terrain, the swamp land is not solid enough, so the chance of relics is the lowest.

Shook the head, Chu Yan was about to change direction. Suddenly, a stream-like silhouette of 2 streamed across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed into the boundless swamp.

“Huh? These two people have a very clear goal, there is no trace of the way forward. Is there really a relic in this swamp?”

Chu Yan’s face started, and in doubt, the next moment, again a silhouette, flew from a distance, followed behind the two people, and rushed into the swamp.

“It seems that these people are not the first to enter the North Star Secret Realm, follow them!”

After making up his mind, Chu Yan immediately chased and rushed into the swamp.

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