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In this swamp, there is a faint mist. Although it has little effect on the line of sight, these white and green malaria have terrifying extreme poisonous.

As soon as Chu Yan entered the swamp, he swallowed an “Earth Dragon Pill”. As a Pill Master, he would not only refine medicine pill, but Chu Yan immediately felt the chronic malaria that these ordinary Martial Artists could not detect.

The deeper into the swamp, the more and more poisonous in the malaria, all around can’t even see a living Monster Beast or wild beast, this natural phenomenon gradually caused some to enter for the first time like Chu Yan North Star Secret Realm Martial Artist’s alertness.

“Not good! This malaria is poisonous!”

“My True Qi can’t work anymore, go back!”

“Run away! This place is too terrifying!”


With a cry of exclamation, a part of the Martial Artist rushed out of the crowd, turning around and rushing out of the circuit, all with pale faces and dark eyes, with obvious signs of poisoning.

“Hmph! A group of white, idiot, want to take advantage of us, simply courting death!”

A few older Martial Artists, seeing those fleeing backgrounds, all mocked, said with a sneer.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan ignored other people, just moved away from the crowd a little, moved towards the left side, but didn’t expect, flew about 10000 steps to the left side, passing through the more and more dense malaria , There is a silhouette in front of you, go alone.

“Who are you !? Why are you here?”

Chu Yan’s sudden appearance made the man very alert and immediately shouted.

This person, a green long robe, aged 5, has a pair of triangular eyes with a very ruthless color.

The cultivation base of this old fogey has reached Heavenspan Realm 4th Layer, holding a dagger, his eyes full of vigilance.

“Senior, I just want to ask you, what is there in this swamp?”

Chu Yan bowed his hand and asked.

“En? This is the first time you have entered the North Star Secret Realm? Why didn’t you get poisoned?”

The old man narrowed his eyes, looked up and down at Chu Yan, and found that Chu Yan was not Heaven Transforming Realm cultivation base, and his expression suddenly relaxed, but instead flashed a hard-to-detect color.

“Below is the first time to enter the North Star Secret Realm. It happens to have a medicine pill to avoid poison, so there is no poisoning. Please also let Senior tell the swamp situation!”

Chu Yan said solemnly.

“Little friend, since you are destined, the old man will tell you about the North Star Secret Realm and the swamp!”

The old man groaned slightly, his face suddenly filled with smiles, close to Chu Yan, said with a smile.

“many thanks Senior !”

Chu Yan also laughed softly, politely.

“Secret Realm has been in existence for more than 10000 years. Although it is 100000000 million miles away, most of the relics have been explored, and most of the remains have been explored. The remaining valuable remains are not even 100 points! “

“Hiss! Within 100000000 million miles, how many remains are there?” Chu Yan exclaimed.

“Legend, there are more than 10000 relics in the Secret Realm of the North Star. At present, the most probable chance of treasure is 7-8!”

“Among these 7 8 ruins, there are obvious antiquity strong imprints of Great Influence, among which countless rare treasures, especially Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine, are still growing, so the chance of getting the chance is also the greatest.”

“However, you have also seen that more than a dozen 10000 Martial Artists entered, all of them came to the 7 8 places, but in the end can get the precious Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine, but very few, because of these relics, incomparable Dangerous, even the Martial Artist of Heavenspan Realm 9th Layer, every time it opens, there are a lot of losses. “

“There is a place called” Thick Earth Castle “in this swamp in front of you, which is one of the goals!”

The green robe old man explained in great detail, and constantly introduced Chu Yan to the situation of Secret Realm and this swamp.

Chu Yan started to inquire about some of these things, but he didn’t know much about the swamp.

The old man obviously entered the Secret Realm of the North Star five times. For the situation here, he knows more than others.

“so that’s how it is !”

Finally, Chu Yan nodded, about the reasons why this swamp is so attractive.

It seems that the “thick earthen castle” in this swamp is extremely out of the ordinary, otherwise it would also be impossible to attract so many Martial Artists and directly hit.

“Many thanks Senior Xiang, we’ll meet again some day!”

After understanding the situation, Chu Yan gave a hand to the old man, politely.

“You don’t have to be polite, just take the opportunity to take care of yourself!”

old man shook the head, looks very polite and polite, with a smile on his face, very easygoing.

Chu Yan nodded, then turned around, ready to fly to the right.

At the moment Chu Yan turned around, mutation suddenly emerged!

Chu Yan, who turned around, couldn’t see that behind his wrinkled faces, the original brilliant smile instantly converged into a gruesome murderous intention.

Immediately, a fist print slammed into Chu Yan’s back, and a sharp killing intent burst like a tide.

This fist is extremely powerful, with fists like thunder, with the power of mountain dumping, might be shocking.

The most important thing is that this fist, the speed is extremely fast, the moment when the fist print is formed, crushing the void, almost at the same time that the void appeared the a crack, it has hit Chu Yan’s back.

This move is the strongest blow that the old man can perform under the premise of ensuring speed!

While punching, the smile on the green robe old man’s face reappeared, as if he had seen it in his eyes, the Heaven Transforming Realm young man in front of him was explodes into waste.

This is not the first time a sneak attack has been done by a newcomer. In the first few times in the North Star Secret Realm, he killed a lot of newcomers Martial Artist. The wealth he obtained is not much worse than the Martial Artists who obtained Spirit Grass Immortal Medicine. .

In his view, it is not as good as murdering to seize the treasures to find hard opportunities and Spirit Grass.

Heavenspan Realm 4th Layer cultivation base, even if the newcomer in front is Heaven’s Chosen level Martial Artist, this fist will probably never survive.

Being cautious is the reason why he entered the North Star Secret Realm five times and survived without any shortage.

“Ha ha ha! Go die!”

Seeing that Chu Yan was immediately killed, the green robe old man unable to bear laughed loudly. In his estimation, the Origin Crystal on Chu Yan would not be less than 1000, which is a lot of wealth.

However, dreams are always beautiful, and reality is always cruel!

next moment, green robe old man’s eyes fiercely shuddered, and the laughter suddenly stopped.

I saw that the palm glow he had blasted came to Chu Yan’s back, and the body in front of him suddenly turned suddenly, also punched out.

5 The gang of Yuan Yuan merges, the colorful brilliance lingers, Chu Yan’s silver fist print, like a star in the sky, wrapped in the power of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, slammed into the palm glow from the opposite side.


A loud noise, a violent sky wave, in a thunderous sound, stormed away, sweeping 10000 steps …

The green robe old man’s fist print, like an egg hitting a rock, was directly scattered by Chu Yan’s silver man’s fist print, turning into full weather, 4 scattered.

“No … this is impossible!”

green robe old man Seeing this scene, look pale, stunned, can’t believe what he saw with his own eyes.

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