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Chu Yan’s “mountain myriad beasts map” only needs Divine Consciousness control. Once Chu Yan enters it, it will show the body. Only when Chu Yan comes out will it be included in Rakshasa Space again.

In the myriad beasts of the mountain and river at this time, in addition to the body of 5 Divine Beast, there are only Chu Yan collections and dozens of Martial Souls.


After a short hesitation, the Stone’s Spirit giant, opened his fists into claws, and explored the room, grabbed the “mountain myriad beasts map” directly in his hand, put it in his eyes, and carefully observed it.

At this time, Chu Yan and Huang Futian stand opposite each other in the picture of the mountain and river myriad beasts, with different faces.

Chu Yan is thinking about coping with the stone giant or getting out of it, but Huang Futian is staring at his eyes, constantly looking at the world he is in.

“A rare treasure space that can accommodate living people !? Chu Yan has such a powerful rare treasure!”

Huang Futian’s face was full of consternation, looking at this vibrant World, his heart set off a stormy sea.

You know, the storage of ordinary Jade Talisman is only 100 steps in size, and it can’t accommodate living things at all, and the rare treasure space of Chu Yan, at a glance, at least has a size of 10,000 li, but also allows living people to enter .

Such rare treasure, rank is at least the same rank above the Spirit Treasure of the Heavenly Tier. He could not have imagined that Chu Yan has such Spirit Defying Spirit Treasure.


At this moment, Chu Yan waved a big hand, and a large light curtain appeared in front of the two people. The light curtain completely reflected the external conditions. It happened to see the Stone’s Spirit giant, carefully studying the hand in hand. “Mountain river myriad beasts map”.

After a moment, the Stone’s Spirit giant finally seemed to understand that the 2 human figures had just hid in this Spirit Treasure, and then, a ray of anger appeared on the Stone’s Spirit giant’s face.


In a dull roar, the Stone’s Spirit giant opened slowly, holding “myriad beasts Mountains and Rivers Chart” and sending it to his mouth.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan and Huang Futian changed a lot at the same time. This stone actually wanted to eat two of them!

“No! I went out to fight him!”

Chu Yan snorted, and immediately took out a few bottles of medicine pill. He could n’t help but say that he poured various medicine pill directly into his mouth, and then, body flashed, directly rushed out of the mountain and river myriad beasts.


As soon as he appeared, Chu Yan waved his hand and directly collected the “mountain myriad beasts map” in the hands of the Spirit Stone giant into the Rakshasa Space, looking at the Stone’s Spirit giant with anger on his face.

At this time, the medical power of various medicine pills in Chu Yan within the body is constantly unfolding, and the violent medical power surges into the whole body of Chu Yan like a flood.

“Hehehe, man, dare you come out !?”

The Stone’s Spirit giant saw Chu Yan, his face suddenly filled with excitement, and he laughed softly.

Of course Chu Yan knows that he is not an opponent of this big stone at all, but at this time he has no choice at all, and he will only be eaten by the stone without resisting, which is too miserable!

Moreover, Chu Yan does not want to die now!

“Fight against the water!”

Ignoring the smirk of the Stone’s Spirit giant, Chu Yan loudly shouted, felt that the massive medical power within the body drove the Qi Sea to run, and immediately urged the “back water decision”, and extracted 50% blood essence again.

In the next moment, Chu Yan’s hair changed from black to white, and the original smooth skin on his face instantly became old, and like a scorpion became an old man in late seventies.

It was not long before the last time the “back water decision” was used, and the recovery was very fast by “9 玄 Golden Pill”, but not at all completely recovered. In this case, 50% blood essence was extracted again Yu Boming.

50% blood essence is 5 times the battle strength!

With this battle strength, Chu Yan may have a chance to escape from this small world!

“Zhutian Sword Art, a sword of heaven and earth!”

Chu Yan loudly roared, Clear Sky Sword burst out of his hand, a black and white sword glow up to thousands zhang, fiercely cut to the Stone’s Spirit giant opposite.


A large group of black illusory shadow, silhouetted from Chu Yan body, holding golden trident, roaring and shaking, is the natural phenomenon that Rakshasa Devil Body urged to the extreme.

This sword, Chu Yan did not dare to leave his hand at all. With all the urging, all True Qi Gang Yuan, plus fleshy body power, poured into Clear Sky Sword as much as possible, a sword was cut out, and the void was split instantly and brought out a black stunned, shot straight at the Stone’s Spirit giant.

All battle strength, and then through the five-fold increase in the backwaters, even if Cai Tianlei is here, I am afraid not to dare to directly connect this sword.

However, the Stone’s Spirit giant of the median Martial Venerable Realm cultivation base has a terrifying power far beyond Chu Yan’s imagination.

When the shocking black and white sword glow fell to the Stone’s Spirit giant, only listen to a bang, Sword Qi exploded, and faced the stone palm of the sword glow, just trembling, then the sword glow was held in the palm, and rubbed into the powder .


The next moment, the gust of wind suddenly burst, squeezed the sword glow’s stone palm, passed through Sword Qi Yu Jin, and instantly caught Chu Yan in his palm.

After catching Chu Yan, the Stone’s Spirit giant did not stay a trace, suddenly turned around, his body rose into the sky, moved towards the flying peak in the distance.

Chu Yan was held by a huge stone, his body was stiff, and under huge pressure, True Qi could no longer function normally, and there was not even a trace of struggling.

This Stone’s Spirit giant, I don’t know how many years have existed, the horror of strength is outrageous!

Feeling the strong wind whizzing in his ear, Chu Yan knew that he was constantly moving towards Fei Tianfeng.

This Feitian Peak stands above the sea of ​​spirit clouds at 10,000 zhang high altitude. It is majestic and majestic. Spirit Qi is extremely rich. Looking up, it is like looking at a Heaven Realm. It is amazing.

“Why is this broken stone catching me?”

Chu Yan’s heart is full of doubts. Until now, worrying about tension and so on, it makes no sense. Chu Yan is just strange. This Stone’s Spirit giant why not squeeze himself directly, but take him to Feitianfeng instead?

The closer to Feitian Peak, the more Chu Yan feels that gravity is increasing, the initial 100 times the gravity, and now I am afraid that it has reached 130 times.

However, Chu Yan still has the effect of “folding back against water” 5 times, and these gravitational forces cannot affect Chu Yan.

After a sufficient amount of breath breaths, the Stone’s Spirit giant took himself and finally landed on Feitianfeng.


Stone’s Spirit giant waved his hand and put Chu Yan on the ground, just above a cliff on a mountainside.

Chu Yan turned his head and looked around for 4 times, and found that this flying peak was no different from the ordinary mountain peak. However, the grass and trees here were all Earth Element attribute, even if it was a big tree, it also became Earth from the Wood Attribute variant. Attribute, outside the bark, is covered with a thick layer of stone skin.

In front of Chu Yan, however, there is a protruding part of the cliff, standing on the protruding cliff platform, looking down, as if feeling the entire World at his feet.

Looking at the Stone’s Spirit giant behind him, Chu Yan was puzzled. This broken stone didn’t kill himself. Instead, he brought himself here. What the hell is he doing?


Suddenly, a height is on the top 10 steps of Chu Yan’s face, slowly showing up, from virtual became real, turned out to be a strong middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man, with a pale face, eyes shining like stars, a thick eyebrow and a broad nose, and a face like a knife and axe, with sharp edges and corners, looks extremely rough and vaguely, and that’s Stone’s that is up to hundred zhang Spirit Giant, also has several points of similarity.

“Human! Have you cultivated” Rakshasa Promise “!?”

As soon as the middle age person appeared, his eyes were like electricity, staring straight at Chu Yan, Shen Sheng asked.

“Do you know Rakshasa Promise !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan complexion greatly changed, and he asked in amazement.

You know, Rakshasa Promise is his biggest secret, and he never told anyone who the middle age person was, and when he spoke, he revealed his biggest secret!

“Who are you?” Chu Yan asked, frowning deeply.

“Answer the question of true body!” Middle age person expressionless, indifferent, said, “If the true body is not satisfied, immediately … die!”

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