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“Satisfied?” Chu Yan was stunned, frowning slightly, staring tightly at the middle-aged powerhouse in front of him.

Since this person knows “Rakshasa Promise”, it means that he must know Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, but that was 100,000 years ago …

Therefore, this person is either related to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, or else it is the enemy of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. At this point, Chu Yan previously heard from Green Elder Yun that the enemy that destroyed Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect was extremely powerful.

Did you find yourself belonging to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and want to kill to the last one?

In Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness, countless thoughts flashed quickly, and Chu Yan could not be sure that the middle-aged powerhouse in front of him was an enemy or a friend to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

But soon, Chu Yan’s pupil light kept flashing, and a faint and resolute aura came out of his body, and his figure became more and more upright.

As a Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and a quasi-Sect Master, I must never shame Sect, even if it is dead!

“It was Rakshasa Everlasting Art that I cultivated!”

Chu Yan’s face was decisive, not angry and replied in a deep voice.

Hearing Chu Yan 鈥檚 answer, the pupil of the middle-aged powerhouse grey instantly dilated, and a mass of fine flashes flashed out, saying, 鈥淩akshasa Soul Heavenly Sect sect sect protecting cultivation technique, except for the quasi-Holy Son , By no means, what is your relationship with Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! “

The middle-aged powerhouse’s understanding of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is far more than Chu Yan’s imagination, and he knows so much secret!

Chu Yan did not answer immediately, but stared tightly at the eyes of the middle-aged powerhouse for a long time …

In the eyes of the middle-aged powerhouse, Chu Yan saw many complex expressions. However, Chu Yan made a decision, and immediately turned over and took out the Rakshasa Order!

“I am Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is currently Sect Master, natural cultivation” Rakshasa Wuji Promise “!”

Chu Yan held the Rakshasa Order and faced the middle-aged powerhouse directly, proudly.

When the words “Rakshasa Promise” were spoken, I saw Chu Yan rushing out of a beam …

This beam of light is transformed into a large piece of black and white brilliance, intertwined and fused, yet entirely different, such as a black and white two-color sky, covering the square of the two people above the square zhang, a piece of golden text, slowly emerging, in black and white In the two-color sky, like a water ripple, it is constantly swimming, as if in the Endless Starry Sky, the golden stars are shining …


Seeing this scene in the middle-aged powerhouse, the complexion greatly changed, and the whole body is full of fluid like Spirit Qi, storming out, might soaring …

“It really is … Rakshasa Promise! You … are you really Sect Master !?”

Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, only the Sect Master can cultivate Rakshasa, and the natural phenomenon in front of me is recognized by the middle-aged powerhouse at a glance. It can be seen that this person has a profound relationship with Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!


next moment, the middle-aged powerhouse complexion sank, without the slightest hesitation’s big hands, grabbed the Rakshasa Order in Chu Yan’s hand!

The quick shot was almost in the blink of an eye. The Rakshasa Order in Chu Yan’s hand reached the middle-aged powerhouse. Chu Yan couldn’t stop it at all. Of course, he couldn’t stop it.

Holding the dark Rakshasa Order in his hand, the middle-aged powerhouse looked at the eyes fiercely, especially carefully, very seriously …

In this regard, the full time of half stick of incense …

The middle-aged powerhouse complexion looks like expression and expressionless, but his heart is shocked because he recognized it at a glance. This is the Rakshasa Order that represents the identity of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Sect Master.

“Senior, may I ask, is this thick bunker related to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect !?”

Chu Yan looked at the middle-aged powerhouse for a long time and asked gently.

The middle-aged powerhouse, slowly looked up, looked towards Chu Yan, his eyes flashed, different colors, and finally nodded the road

“Here’s … Hou Tu Gong Soul Sky Tower!”

“Sure enough!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan pupil light was violently bright, his mind fiercely shivered, and his pupils contracted.

Atsushi Palace! ?

Is it really the Thousand Palaces in one of the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect 9 palaces! ?

But shouldn’t the Houtu Palace be in the 9 secluded seas? How could it be among the North Star Secret Realm?

“Tell me, your name!” The middle-aged powerhouse asked in a long tone.

“Chu Yan!” Chu Yan replied.

hearing this, middle-aged powerhouse nodded, whispered “I’ll take you to see Sir, 100,000 years! 100,000 years … oh!”

In a sigh of sang, the middle-aged powerhouse gently waved his hand, and a wind-like force swept in to wrap up Chu Yan. Immediately, two people flashed their bodies and moved towards Tianfeng Mountain.

“Sir !?” Chu Yan wondered, who didn’t know who Sir said the middle-aged powerhouse said, is it even more powerful existence than this middle-aged powerhouse! ?

You know, the cultivation base of the middle-aged powerhouse is already the median Martial Venerable Realm, and the actual battle strength is even close to the existence of the superior Martial Venerable Realm!

Moreover, I am now in the first floor of the Soul Sky Tower. The towering Soul Sky Tower is probably above the 9-Layer, and it is more than just the space World in front of me.

The middle-aged powerhouse is extremely fast. After several flashes, it reached the top of the top of Fei Tianfeng Mountain!

On the top of the empty mountain, there is only one wooden door, in which the Space-Time swings, and it is strictly a Space-Time channel.

After 2 people entered the Space-Time channel, they appeared in a world of endless fire sea. However, the middle-aged powerhouse not at all stayed and flew all the way. Soon, they passed through several different wooden gates and stone gates in succession. , Fire door …

After about 5 minutes of time, Chu Yan did not know how far they had gone, but they only felt the speed of the middle-aged powerhouse, which gradually slowed down.

After a while, the middle-aged powerhouse finally fell to the ground and stood at the foot of a yellow hill.

“Shi 9 See Sir!”

The middle-aged powerhouse is opposite the yellow Lingshan, respectfully saluted, bowed, and his face is extremely respected!

Seeing this, Chu Yan raised his head and moved towards all around. It seemed that he should still be in the Soul Sky Tower now, but he didn’t know where he was.

However, Chu Yan already knew that the Soul Sky Pagoda was the Hou Tu Palace, one of the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect 9 palaces. In this way, he should have no worry about his life. However, when the middle-aged powerhouse saw Rakshasa Order, not at all Like the last time I met the Zongjun, I went directly to pay homage, which kept Chu Yan’s heart hanging all the time.

However, no matter what happens next, Chu Yan can only face it!

The voice of the middle-aged powerhouse spread, all around a silence, no response!

After a few breaths of time, on the Yellow Spirit Mountain ahead, a faint voice sounded softly.

“Come up!”

This sound Green Ancient lasts for a long time, as if from 100000000 10,000 years ago, crossed over Space-Time, with endless mulberry, resounding through the whole Heaven and Earth鈥?..

Buzz …!

A brown yellow beam of light fell straight down from the top of the mountain, continuously solidified, and finally turned into a ladder, leading directly to the top of the mountain!

“Let’s go up!”

The middle-aged powerhouse said to Chu Yan that he immediately stepped out and moved towards the ladder step by step.

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