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Several Martial Artists were full of greed and heart, but they thought that Chu Yan’s strength still suppressed the urge.

Based on the battle between Chu Yan and Cai Tianlei just now, several of them wanted to snatch the “Soul Sky Tower” from Chu Yan. It was almost impossible.

Moreover, the eight of them do not trust each other and each has their own lusts. Even if they work together to fight against the enemy, they must also guard against secret calculations between each other, which is fundamentally impossible.

Slowly floating in the sky, Chu Yan stood upright. After the Soul Pagoda was closed, he slowly turned his head towards several people, and collected the greed in their eyes, indifferently smiled, opened the mouth and said

“Farewell, everyone!”

In words, Chu Yan body flashed, lifted up, moved towards the distance and flew away.


When Chu Yan’s silhouette disappeared into the sky, several Martial Artists stood still on the square in front of the original Soul Tower.

For a long time, 8 people recovered from the consternation and looked at each other. Not only did the greed in their eyes not subside, but they shone more and more.

“Everyone, a whole Soul Sky Tower, how many rare treasures are that? Don’t you mind?”

Tall Monster Race youth, eyes swept, said solemnly.

The speech fell to the ground, 8 Martial Artists, all complex sank, a whole Spirit Treasure, they are certainly very exciting.

However, how much dreaded they are in their hearts is all contemplative, but the lust and greed in their hearts are constantly breeding like wild grass.

“Everyone, this person has already gone to” Cangfengling “, if we join forces to go round and round up, there should be a chance!”

Lean old man’s eyes are full of ugly eyes, coldly said.

“However, this person can defeat Cai Tianlei, we are not his opponent!”

“Yeah, this child at this age has such a terrible battle strength. No matter whether it is innate talent or the card, we can’t match it!”

“Not to mention whether he can be killed, but there is only one Soul Sky Pagoda, even if it is robbed, how will the 8 of us be distributed?”

“Yes, this question must be said first!”

The eight Martial Artists spoke one after another. Although they all thought about the same thing, they wanted to snatch the “Soul Sky Tower” from Chu Yan, but there were also many concerns.

“Hehe, a kid from Heaven Transforming Realm, no matter how high the innate talent is, and how strong the battle strength is, we will find a few more Heavenspan Realm helpers. I believe it is not a problem at all!”

Lean old man strode out and walked in front of several Martial Artists, said with a sneer

“And, as you saw just now, he did not dare to deal with us at all, which is enough to show that he is merely this!”

Speaking of which, the lean old man paused for a moment, sweeping 8 Martial Artists with brighter eyes and lighter lips, said with a smile

“I think we might as well discuss how to allocate the spoils of war!”

In a word, everyone’s eyes flashed in an instant, and their consciousness was quickly brought to the most exciting thing by the lean old man.

So, 8 Martial Artists opened their mouths and stood on the square, and began to discuss the proposal of allocating spoils of war. They even had a fierce argument and almost collided. The scene seemed to be from Chu Yan. In his hand, grabbed the “Soul Tower” in general.

…… ..

After Chu Yan flew off the top of Snow Mountain, moved towards the lake ruins where Huang Futian was.

After the two met, they searched for the exit directly, left the inner castle area, returned to the place of departure, and returned all the way, moved towards the entrance of Secret Realm, and flew away.

Along the way, Chu Yan and Huangfu Tian talked a lot, and even told Huang Futian in detail about the whole process of the Soul Sky Tower.

“What !? You inherited Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect !?”

Huang Futian was almost shocked to fall from the air by Chu Yan’s words, staring at Chu Yan with a shocked expression on his face.


Chu Yan turned over the palm, and the dark Rakshasa Order appeared in his hand, showing it to Huang Futian.

This token, like some kind of black ink crystal, above the information, has Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Yin-Yang Heaven and Earth, 9 kinds of Spirit Seal, people can see its out of the at a glance ordinary.

Nine kinds of Spirit Seal, scattered and standing, but feeling the fusion with each other, resulting in a kind of mysterious Heavenly Dao reincarnation, just like between Heaven and Earth, 9 things and 10000 things, endless rules are all printed on this little token Above.

“Yes! I am now Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect quasi-Sect Master. As long as I go to another Rakshasa Order, I can officially inherit Rakshasa Soul!”

Chu Yan said with a smile.

“God ah! Chu Yan, I really read you right, I knew that last time in the Nine Nether Palace, you must have a higher inheritance than me and Ye Zilin, just didn’t expect, Nine Nether Palace for 100,000 years , Have been looking for successor, and you actually meet! “

A trace of joy appeared on Huangfutian’s face, and his eyes glanced at the Rakshasa Order, said with great happiness in Chu Yan’s hand.

For him, the 3 Star inheritance obtained at the Nine Nether Palace was the biggest opportunity since he cultivated Martial Dao. Therefore, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect was also highly recognized in his heart, plus, 3 Star inheritance was cultivated Afterwards, the recognition of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect will continue to evolve into a faithful faith.

Chu Yan saw Huangfutian 鈥檚 eyes full of sincerity and could n鈥檛 help but smile, saying, 鈥淗uangfutian, I want you to be the heir to Xuanshui Palace and accept the true Martial Emperor Level inheritance of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! You must take the oath of Heavenly Dao. From today, you will officially become a member of Rakshasa, and you will not betray sect for life! “

Heavenly Dao’s vow is bound by Heavenly Dao. If Martial Artist issues the Heavenly Dao’s vow, if it violates it, it will drop Divine Punishment Heavenly Tribulation, or directly damage Soul Destruction!

“What !? Martial … Martial Emperor Level inheritance !? I …”

Huang Futian was shocked and stunned by Chu Yan 鈥檚 words, and his heart was stunned like a 10000 thunderclap exploded in the Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness.

However, at the Nine Nether Palace, he saw Chu Yan being taken away by Ox Head Man, and he also held the Rakshasa Order, so he did not doubt Chu Yan 鈥檚 words, staring at Chu Yan, pupil light Getting brighter.

“Why, you don’t want to!”

Chu Yan said with a smile, his voice was soft, but he woke Huang Futian out of the shock.

“No … no! Of course I meant, I was a member of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! I will make the” Heavenly Dao Pledge “now!”

Hearing this, Huang Futian did not hesitate at all, immediately stopped his figure, stood in the void, and looked at Chu Yan solemnly, and said.

2 people stopped in the air, Huang Futian hand seal flipped, True Qi diffused, sensing the power of Heavenly Dao all around, Divine Consciousness spread out, word by word, and made the Heavenly Dao vow.

When the oath was completed, a thunderclap suddenly exploded above the sky, causing the whole piece of Heaven and Earth to tremble fiercely.

This is Heavenly Dao’s oath, a natural phenomenon that has been induced with Heavenly Dao!

“Okay! From today, we are the same same sect!”

Chu Yan was full of joy and excitement. Huangfutian is the Number One Genius of the North Continent 5 Great Overlord Empire. Now he joins Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and becomes the heir of Xuanshui Palace, one of the 9th house. With his innate talent, it will grow into Rakshasa Soul Heavenly soon. Sect’s peerless powerhouse!

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