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“pay respects to Sect Master !”

Huang Futian paid homage to Chu Yan and said.

“Exemption, we are commensurate with Senior Brother, these vulgarities, exemption!”

Chu Yan raised Huang Futian and was in a good mood, said with a smile.

“Haha, many thanks Senior Brother Chu!”

Huang Futian was also excited, and laughed out loud.

“When I go back this time, I will take you to accept the inheritance of Xuanshui Palace.” Chu Yan said with a smile.

Huang Futian was nodded, and he was very excited. With the inheritance of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, he has full confidence in dealing with the Black Blood Temple in order to revenge the ruin of the clan!

The two flew all the way in a hurry and quickly left the North Star Secret Realm to the grassland in front of the “Eye of the Sky” channel.

Chu Yan looked towards the endless grassland in front of him, and said to Huang Futian, “I used a secret skill and I must adjust my interest rate as soon as possible, otherwise I would hurt my Fleshy body too much, so let’s find a place to rest for a while!”

Although he wanted to leave immediately for “Cangfengling”, Chu Yan knew that the “backwater” would do great harm to his body. If he didn’t use Golden Pill and Rakshasa’s soul-adjusting rate adjustment as soon as possible, I’m afraid it would not recover for a month or two.

It is for this reason that Chu Yan did not choose to leave the eight Martial Artists, but chose to leave, but …

Chu Yan glanced back at the “Eye of Cangtian”, his mouth slightly raised, and he guessed that the eight Martial Artists would definitely go to “Cangfengling” and wait for themselves.

Huang Futian was nodded and had no objections.

Sou! sou!

Immediately, 2 people walked side by side, moved towards the depths of the grassland.

After flying about 100,000 miles, Chu Yan’s figure fell to the ground, rushed directly under a mountain peak in front of him, all the way to the stealth, and continued to descend towards the bottom of the mountain.

Huang Futian did not hesitate. He followed Chu Yan and plunged into the bottom of the mountain.

Walking through the ground all the way, descending a full depth of 10,000 zhang, finally found a karst cave underground, 2 talents stopped.

“Huangfu Junior Brother, don’t resist, I will take you into the myriad beasts Mountains and Rivers Chart!”

Chu Yan said to Huang Futian.

Huang Futian hearing this, nodded, and then disappeared with Chu Yan’s figure at the same time, and entered the mountain and river myriad beasts picture.

Mountain and river myriad beasts In the picture, Spirit Qi is plentiful. Chu Yan used to cultivate in the picture before, and he also built a simple wood house.

Therefore, after 2 people showed up directly in front of the wood house, Chu Yan directly confronted Huangfu Heavenly Dao

“Huangfu Junior Brother, please do it yourself!”

After all, Chu Yan walked directly into the wooden floor and sat cross-legged.

This time, the use of “back water” is extremely damaging to Chu Yan. Because the “back water” is used twice in a row, the interval is too short, and the body is originally damaged, and it has not been fully recovered. If it is used again, it will hurt.

Fortunately, Chu Yan now has “9 Xuan Golden Pill”, plus “Rakshasa Promise” to restore the Fleshy body, far exceeding the ordinary cultivation technique, so Chu Yan can recover more than half as long as he concentrates on rehabilitation. .

Immediately, Chu Yan took out a bottle of “Double Origin Pill” and a bottle of “9 Xuan Golden Pill”, all poured into his mouth, and began to run “Rakshasa Promise”, deeply sinking into the restoration of cultivation.

Myriad beasts Mountains and Rivers Chart is the world that Chu Yan is fully in control, plus only Huangfutian is an outsider, and Huangfutian has already issued a Heavenly Dao vow, naturally it will not be harmful to Chu Yan, so Chu Yan can rest assured Bold cultivation.

And Huang Futian, there are no 4 chaos, and like Chu Yan, enter the room next to the wood house, also began to cultivate.

Time flows like water, and it passes by quickly!

All of a sudden, the moon was rising and the day slowly passed …

When 2nd day was bright, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes, swallowed a mouthful of gas.

A full day of cultivation adjusts interest rates, which makes Chu Yan’s qi and blood recover a lot, at least, will not affect himself in a short time, but if he wants to recover completely, it is not a 2nd day.

The recovery of qi and blood has also restored Chu Yan’s full strength to more than half, and there are even signs of breakthrough …

“In the North Star Secret Realm, powerhouse as clouds, my current strength is still a little worse!”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, muttered to himself, “It seems that it is time to break through” Supreme Unity Art “, 4 divide to 8 realm, and you should be able to cultivate!”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, recalling the secret of “Supreme Unity Art”, Chu Yan carefully tried the breakthrough after comprehend it.

The mind sinks into the body, Chu Yan communicates the 4 inner cores in Qi Sea, Divine Consciousness is divided into 4 and they are respectively detected …

Although the secret method of “Supreme Unity Art” is powerful, in fact, the requirements for Martial Artists are extremely high, not only the Fleshy body is extremely strong, but also the purity of Gang Yuan is also very high. Heaven Continent will remain silent for countless years.

However, for dual body refinement and Chu Yan with 5 Divine Beast, these two requirements are the easiest. The only thing that restricts Chu Yan from improving the “Supreme Unity Art” realm is the cultivation base realm.

At present, Chu Yan cultivation base has reached breakthrough to Heaven Transforming Realm 9th Layer, and there are signs of breakthrough half-step Heavenspan Realm cultivation base. Now, breakthrough “Supreme Unity Art” 4 divide to 8 realm is not a problem at all.

Therefore, this time, Chu Yan cultivation “4 divide to 8” realm, has absolute grasp and confidence.

When the “Supreme Unity Art” was running slowly, less than ten breaths, the 4 inner cores in Chu Yan Qi Sea began to differentiate. The first inner core has been smoothly divided into 2 small cores Inner core, as a result, the inner core in Chu Yan Qi Sea becomes 5 pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan in a spurt of energy continued cultivation and began to differentiate the 6th inner core.

The sixth inner core differentiation was smoother than the previous one, and the differentiation was successful in less than 6 interest times.

6th … 7th … 8th …

An hour later, in Chu Yan’s Qi Sea, a small inner core was divided and Didi was spinning, “4 divide to 8 realm” was achieved!

Immediately, Chu Yan took out 3 bottles of “9 Xuan Golden Pill” full of joy, and began to nourish the new 8 inner cores, let them grow up as soon as possible.

At the same time, Chu Yan runs “Tian Gang Jin”, adjusts Five Elements Gang Yuan, differentiates one by one, and transforms 8 of 5 inner cores into Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements attribute. In this way, Chu Yan will With the complete Five Elements Gang Yuan, you can complete true Five Elements integration.

I used one hour again, and waited for 9 pieces of “9 Xuan Golden Pill” medical power, all within the body, 8 pieces of inner core continued to grow, and after full filling, Chu Yan opened his eyes again …

“The battle strength is at least 5 times higher than before!”

Chu Yan fiercely clenched his fists, and five different colors of gangs suddenly rushed out. On his fist, he continued to flow and merge. The sense of terror made Chu Yan feel that this fist, even the 5 zhang earth, can be one. Punched away.


Long exhaled, Chu Yan stood up, ready to leave.

After all, it is extremely important to go to “Cangfengling” to find the other three main drugs of “Tianyang Extreme Yuan Pill”, the sooner the better.

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