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Boom … Rumble!

5 Se Gang Yuan, such as the Pentium River, a huge colorful palm glow that burst out in a flash and hit the general Lei.

Martial Artist arrives at Heavenspan Realm, it is comparable to True Qi power!

Chu Yan ’s 5-color palm glow exploded, even if it was a wave of fist that was rushing away, it instantly turned like a gust of wind, centered on the city gate, and swept inside and outside the city. People are terrified and trembling.


“How can this be!?”

Facing Chu Yan’s 5-color palm glow, General Lei only felt a numb scalp for a while, and his whole body was covered with cold hair, and his whole body was like an ice cellar!

The five-color palm glow in front of me, such as a Great Desolate mountain, terrifying may, let General Lei generate a trace of powerless resistance, and the whole person was instantly on the spot.

You know, even if it is the genius Cai Tianlei of the Central Heaven Continent and Heaven and Earth list, the cultivation base reaches Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer, and it has the ability of super-level combat. Under Chu Yan ’s punch, there is no resistance, let alone This is General Lei who is not as good as ordinary Martial Artist.

However, after all, it was Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer cultivation base, plus experienced, General Lei quickly awakened from the shock.

Ah ~!

When the five-color palm glow slammed in front of him, General Lei’s body hair exploded, and under the roar, True Qi broke out, waving his sword and fiercely cutting it out.

The blade glow exploded into the sky, and it was as bright as thunder. The fierce Blade Qi instantly split open space, straight out, and greeted the 5 color palm glow.


The blade glow collided with the fist seal, and a shocking weather burst broke out. The large void vanished instantly and turned into countless fragments. However, the bright glow of the blade glow, which burst instantly, could not stop the punch. Zhiwei …


After punching the blade glow, smashing the blade glow, the five-color palm glow, like a beast, slammed on the body protection astral qi of General Lei, smashing it out like a meteor, Crashed on the city wall behind him, slammed down on the ground, splashing big dust.

In an instant, the whole scene was silent …

Whether it was General Lei struggling on the ground, or Martial Artist and the people all around, all looked at Chu Yan with a horrified face, all in horror!

“What did you laugh just now?”

Chu Yan swept coldly, looking at General Lei on the ground and said.


General Lei was shocked by soul flies away and scatters, terrified look, and speechless.

The whole person is completely ignorant! And it’s still frightening!

Even before one minute, he still thought that this alien, in his own hand, couldn’t even support a single move, but in a blink of an eye, he couldn’t stop a single move, it was … himself!

This interracial battle strength is so afraid!

Is n’t Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer! ?

All around a silence, everyone looked at General Lei on the ground, all look pale, eyes wide, like a soul away from the body, only fleshy body remained on the spot!


This is simply impossible!

A Martial Artist of Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer, punched General Thunder of Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer with one punch!

The point is, this fuck is still true!

General Lei was lying there, struggling not to get up at all!

Not far away, Wu Hong’s smug smile on his face was completely frozen, his mouth wide open, and he could almost stop a cow.

In his heart, lightning and thunder, such as myriad beasts surging forward, for a time, completely silly, except for the twitching of the corner of the eye, the whole person seems to have petrified!

“Who else is not convinced!”

Chu Yan’s face was like ice, his cold eyes swept, and his eyes caught, each and everyone was so scared that the whole body suddenly shivered!

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Everyone who awakened, all sucked in a breath of cold air, the whole body was trembling, …

Not convinced! ?

That’s all, who dares not accept it! ?

At least, it seems that there are not many people who can defeat General Lei in Anhuang City, and there are few people who can defeat General Lei in one move. Those of them, who dare to stand up.

Chu Yan glanced over and glanced at Wu Hong, not far away, lightly snorted!

Chu Yan didn’t believe it. In this kind of dog, fart Yin-Yang Divine Sect, it can still ignore the strongest rules of Martial Soul World!

Martial Artist is respected, fist is king!

Whether it is in the North Continent or Central Heaven Continent, if the fist is big enough, you can ignore all the rules!

Little Anhuangcheng, I want to see, who can block me!

“Cang Tian, ​​this … this interracial, why is it so strong !?”

“General Lei, that’s General Lei … Even one trick can’t be stopped !?”

“Too terrifying! It’s actually a leapfrog battle, how is this possible !?”


A path of consciousness, but flashed in everyone’s mind, everyone’s face was as white as paper, and his soul trembled madly.

In the history of Yin-Yang Divine Sect for 10000 years, they have never seen it, and even heard that Martial Artists can leapfrog.

With the powerful cultivation technique, more than one Small Realm is labeled as evenly matched. In Yin-Yang Divine Sect, it has already been regarded as the ultimate genius. However, that is the contest between the Initial Stage and Middle Stage under the same cultivation base.

As before, Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer beat Heavenspan Realm 5th Layer, simply ignores the order of cultivation base!

I haven’t heard of such a thing for 10000 years!

Chu Yan this fist, not only beat General Lei down, but also completely subvert the world view of all around everyone!

“I said, die if you don’t roll! Now, you can die!”

Chu Yan looked at General Lei on the ground, raised his finger to condense his sword, his fingers together, a finger pointed…

In an instant, a colored finger sword, like a startled rainbow, shot out and penetrated General Lei’s eyebrow …

General Lei, who was hit hard and couldn’t even run body protection astral qi, immediately burst a tiny blood flower at the position of his eyebrows, and his body was soft and instantly died on the spot.

what! ?

Wu Hong saw this scene, his body was fiercely trembling, so terrified that his whole body was trembling, and his feet were both unable to support his body.

He actually killed General Lei, then himself …?

Wu Hong lifts the head, and just saw Chu Yan’s cold eyes swept across, and suddenly felt only a cold air rising from the soles of the feet, suddenly hit the whole body, all hair stands on end, a pair of pupils enlarged to the extreme …

“Hmph! Remember, don’t mess with me again, or die!”

For this Wu Hong, Chu Yan does not want to kill him for the time being. After all, killing a general Lei has played a deterrent role. This Wu Hong is the Yin-Yang God outside sect hall in charge of An Huangcheng, the only son of Wu Hall Lord !

If you kill him, the Wu Hall Lord will be completely crazy, chasing himself in 4 places!

Although Chu Yan is not afraid, but he no longer has time to waste with them, quickly find a place to start cultivation, it is the right thing!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan immediately turned around and stood up, preparing to leave Anhuang City and find a place outside the city.

Wu Hong looked at the figure of Chu Yan rising from the ground, and found that the other party had no intention of killing himself. Suddenly, he was still full of fear and he quickly recovered.

The strength of this alien is so powerful, the cultivation technique on it is hardly Earth Rank middle grade cultivation technique! ?

If he can get his Earth Rank middle grade cultivation technique, he can, like him, soar into the sky and become the number one expert in Anhuangcheng! ?

However, Wu Hong saw Chu Yan’s body shape and thought that he would leave Anhuang City, he couldn’t help but feel anxious!

At this moment, a roar, burst into the air!

“Interracial, still want to go !?”

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