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In the screams, with a strong True Qi, it swept the audience like a hurricane, making the city defenders on the ground and the Martial Artists onlookers.

Then, a silhouette, striking like lightning from the direction of the city, just stood in front of Wu Hong in the blink of an eye.


Wu Hong saw the person coming, and suddenly he was ecstatic, cry out in surprise.

The silhouette flying in that city is Yin-Yang Divine Sect An Huangcheng Foreign Affairs Hall, Hall Lord, Wu Gui!

Yin-Yang Divine Sect has established a foreign affairs hall in each city under its jurisdiction, equivalent to the Central Heaven Continent City Lord Mansion general deposit, used to manage these cities.

And the Hall Lord of the Foreign Affairs Hall, which is the rank and status of an ordinary Elder within the equivalent to Yin-Yang Divine Sect.

However, even the Elder of ordinary is the strongest person in the city, so the Hall of Foreign Affairs, Wu Gui, is the number one powerhouse in Anhuang City!

“Boy, you are killing General Wei in our city, and you still want to leave !?”

Wu Gui glanced at General Lei before he could no longer die before the city gate. He was suddenly angry, and then looked at Chu Yan’s eyes, all angry!

Wu Hong swept the corner of his eye and saw that he was not injured. Wu Gui Hall Lord was slightly relaxed. Then, when looking towards Chu Yan, the whole body’s direct gas exploded like a tide, body flashed, and his hand was punched out.


Fist strength soared into the sky, exploded the air, broke a void black hole, and made a dull popping sound. The golden fist could not be spent, just like a roaring golden war lion, with a skyrocketing anger and killing intent, straight to Chu Yan.

The most powerful punch has just exploded, and the mighty punch is rushing like waves, sweeping all directions.

This fist contains all the anger of Wu Gui Hall Lord and the full strength of Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer.

One punch will kill!

For Chu Yan who refused himself, and now killed his own city, General Wei, Wu Gui Hall Lord certainly would not show mercy. If he did not use the most cruel way, kill this alien, and later in Anhuangcheng, these aliens will not turn God! ?

Boom … Rumble!

The shock wave of the violent shock of the fist finally swept away. The city guards, Martial Artists and civilians all around were rushed back and forth under the fear of fist, and the area in the middle of the battle was pushed away in an instant. A big piece!

Seeing this scene, all the people who had just died in grey all turned red and their faces were excited …

Hall Lord shot!

This alien will die!

Not far away, Wu Hong saw father’s shot, the same excited body trembling, his eyes wide, and he looked at this scene with great excitement.

But soon, Wu Hong burst into a sudden look, his face started!

Father won’t …. Explodes this alien into waste with one punch! ?

You have to know that your cultivation technique and Martial Soul have not yet been obtained. If the aliens are not brought on the body, but they are printed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, then you will get nothing!

In addition, for this alien, Wu Hong hoped to capture it and force him to issue the Heavenly Dao vow to make him his subordinate. In this way, such as Martial Artist of this evildoer took it out, absolutely pull the wind!

In the focal point of ten thousands, in the horror of everyone, Chu Yan slowly turned around, the Clear Sky Sword trembling quickly in his hand, 5 Cai Gang Yuan lingering on the white sword body, right hand light, a gorgeous sword light suddenly cut out …


The sword light is like water, like the glow of light 10,000 li, multi-colored sword aura, such as a long rainbow, directly penetrates Heaven and Earth, cuts through the void, and the sharp sword power even exceeds the punching power of the punch, which makes people feel refreshed. fiercely shocked!


The horrible explosion sound, heaven shaking earth shattering, multi-colored sword aura collided with the golden fist print, exploded a group of shocking waves destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, soaring, shaking the earth!

Boom … Rumble!

The city wall that was close at hand was shocked by this terrifying air wave, and suddenly shocked, and then a large piece of collapse, such as thick smoke and dust, flying all over the sky, covering the sky!

shua! shua!

The silhouette of Chu Yan and Wu Gui Hall Lord rushed out of the sky and dust, flashed back 1000 steps, and chose to avoid the central explosion zone and face off!

what! ?

How can this be! ?

Everyone looked up in midair, and the 2 silhouettes of the void were suddenly stunned …

This alien, actually blocked Wu Hall Lord’s punch! ?

This … is absolutely impossible!

Wu Gui Hall Lord, but the powerhouse of Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer! And it is still the number one expert in Anhuangcheng!

And that alien, but only Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer cultivation base, the strength gap between the relatives is 6 levels!

At this point, among the crowd, many people only feel that Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely blank, completely silly, and many people have begun to doubt that all this is a dream!

Just now, the aliens defeated General Lei with one punch, and everyone has refreshed the World view. I realized that there are genius and peerless genius that can leapfrog.

But now, this alien is fighting against Wu Gui Hall Lord!

Moreover, it really stopped Wu Gui Hall Lord’s attack and stood there in total loss, showing no signs of defeat!

So now, people have not only refreshed the world view, they feel that this world is going crazy!

Not far away, Wu Hong’s face completely froze, except for the regular twitching of the corner of the eye, the whole person was stupid!

Father ’s strength is clearer than anyone ’s. Not to mention that in Anhuang City, even if it is within a radius of 1,000,000 li, it can be regarded as the existence of a powerhouse.

Therefore, when father shot, he was worried that Chu Yan would be explodes into waste directly by father, but now, that Chu Yan, even easily blocked the horror punch of father!

What a joke! ?

Is this world, there is a genius than his own genius! ?

Wu Hong’s Sea of ​​Consciousness is in chaos. Under continuous blow, he is already on the verge of collapse!

In midair, the shock in Wu Gui’s heart far surpassed everyone present!

“Impossible! Impossible!”

In amazement, Wu Gui Hall Lord murmured silently.

His heart was like a stormy sea, and the sky was shaking. He couldn’t even imagine that the alien in front of him had such a powerful battle strength!

His Divine Consciousness constantly explores Chu Yan back and forth. Even after 100 confirmations, Chu Yan’s cultivation base is still only Heavenspan Realm 2nd Layer, not Heavenspan Realm 8th Layer of the same level as himself!

I saw that General Lei was bombed by Chu Yan before. Although he was shocked in his heart, he could not have imagined that this alien had the strength to match his own!


Chu Yan stood in midair, with the body’s body protection astral qi, and now he was rushing to explode the explosive wave, looking at Wu Hall Lord in the distance with a cold face.

“Wu Hall Lord, I just want to go out of the city, you guys will provoke me again, don’t blame me for being merciless!”

Chu Yan’s voice is like ice, with both eyes killing intent looming.

This Wu Guinai is a Hall Lord in Yin-Yang God ’s outside sect. Killing him will inevitably lead to Yin-Yang Divine Sect ’s tracing. However, Chu Yan is now in the heart. As long as this dog, fart Hall Lord, no matter how daring it is, Chu Yan will never let him go.

“Alien, what’s your name !?” Wu Gui Hall Lord asked with a desperate suppression of the fear in his heart.

“Chu Yan!” Chu Yan replied.

Seeing that the aura on Wu Hall Lord continued to converge, Chu Yan turned and turned his back to Wu Hall Lord and said

“Dare to chase, kill without mercy!”

If leaving a cold, like ice, Chu Yan flew out, ready to move towards the outside of the city …

“and many more!”

Seeing Chu Yan preparing to leave, Wu Gui Hall Lord’s eyes flashed a strange color, suddenly opened his mouth, shouted loudly.

“courting death !”

Chu Yan loudly shouts, the word glow of Clear Sky Sword in his hand, burst out, full of thousands zhang length, and suddenly turned around.

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