Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1009

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It is indeed common sense.

Anyone who comes from his World can see that there is a problem in the astral world.

Not only the astral world, like the blazing sun above the sky, the silver-purple double moon, etc., obviously not very normal.

As for the degree of abnormality, he still cannot give accurate information.

“I … I …”

The realm god Lord Nuo Nuo, for a while, did not know how to respond.

Even this Majesty’s self-proclaimed has been abandoned.

Looking at the incredible god of the field, Baili Qingfeng once again deeply felt the benefits of reading a book.

If he is a person who likes hobby books, even if he is not unhappy, I am afraid that he will be easily entered by the domain god, and eventually he will be sold and will help him count the money.

Therefore, another star transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit immediately emerged.

“Wait a minute!”

The Domain God Master exclaimed, followed by some lack of confidence: “Although the Star Realm is an ancient god, it is a deep sleeper The ancient god in China, the reason why I still allow my descendants to cultivate Records of Numerous Stars in the case of understanding this is because through the star world, it is expected to become the Demi-God of this ancient god. “

“Demi-God who became an ancient god?”

Baili Qingfeng A group of caring low-energy children looked at the domain god master.

He does n’t understand. When he needs to become Demi-God, he needs to plan.

The god of the field seems to be inspired by Baili Qingfeng ’s eyes, and quickly said: “The strength of Demi-God comes from True God, subject to True God, even if True God no matter how to train Demi-God, Demi -God’s Strength can’t exceed the True God’s Strength upper limit, but … If a god master spares no effort to transfer his Strength to Demi-God, it will allow Demi-God to have True God’s body, which is the initial The god ’s avatar. Similarly, if an Ancient Divine General ’s own strength is devoted to a Demi-God who inherits his strength, that Demi-God will also have a far better victory than True God, and even rival God ’s. Strength! “

” So? “

” The astral world falls into a deep sleep, and the Demi-God who became the astral world can completely absorb the energy of the astral world continuously, borrowing strength of Star World condense The body of True God, which has almost the same battle strength as True God, not only that, if they have enough strength in the astral world, and use those strengths as the background, they will eventually be like gods Like the strength borrowed from Divine Kingdom, the strength accumulated in the astral world is injected into itself, thus bursting into a strong battle strength that is not inferior to that of the Divine Lord. “

The Domain Divine Lord finished, with a tempting The tone of the words: “I let the Empire of Stars promote Records of Numerous Stars in order to use everyone’s strength to transform strength of Star World, if you want to turn hostility into friendship with me, I can tell you the secret method, when the time comes you You can use everyone ’s strengths for your own use, equivalent to get a Divine Kingdom and thousands of believers! And because these believers and your strength are all from the astral world, there is no impurity between strengths, these believers Every saint who is equivalent to cream of the crop! “

” But these are the strengths of the astral world after all, once the astral world wakes up … “

” impossible! ”

The domain god expression firmly said: “Astral Realm has been asleep from Ancient Era to the present. According to the written in ancient records traceable, it has been at least 100,000 years ago. Perhaps it has fallen, but Some original instincts remain … “

” You don’t understand.

Baili Qingfeng interrupted the words of the god of the field: “Everything that is suspected is true, not to mention that the astral world has not fallen, even if he has fallen, he will still wake up when necessary. It ’s like you, the king of the North, Ruler in the North, is n’t the outside world rumored to have fallen for several decades, and even a few True Gods under your dare dare to stand up and publicly rebel, but you still do n’t still appear in front of me now and lively ? ”

“I …”

The Domain God Lord felt aggrieved.

This …

Why does n’t make sense.

“Let me put an end to this war!”

Baili Qingfeng ’s star collapse technique without the slightest hesitation collapsed again, overwriting the will of the god of the realm.

Although he ca n’t see any anomalies in the astral pit dug by the realm god, he still remembers what his parents taught after hours.

Do n’t be greedy and cheap.

Although it ’s not cheap to get a Divine Kingdom, even those True Gods who have n’t condensed Divine Kingdom will be thrilled, but …

People must learn to discipline themselves.

The main purpose of his attack on the gods in the field is to end the war. Then, before achieving this goal, other purposes have to be temporarily postponed.

“Om weng!”

The stars collapsed, and the will of the domain god Lord soon collapsed and shattered with this strength.

For a moment, the tenacious will of this god has once again coagulated: “Immortal Divine Emperor, I am resurrected by the immortal Divine Emperor … The person who really wants to deal with you is the immortal Divine Emperor …”


“Baili Qingfeng, stop! You let me go, I am willing to work with you to fight against the immortal Divine Emperor!”


“It was the immortal Divine Emperor and Baili Qingfeng that drove me away from Middle-earth World at that time. We are natural allies. Why are you so ruthless.”

Fell again!

The will of the god of the field constantly shakes the ambition to confuse Baili Qingfeng.

But …

As a five-good outstanding young man who has received orthodox nine-year compulsory education, he always keeps in mind the spirit of the spirit that he has always had in mind and grasps any hope Opportunities to complete the original intention, resolutely implement the style of being a person from beginning to end, and implement the implementation plan that recognizes the direction without being shaken by any external force.

Be prepared to firmly believe in the three “everything”, six “possible” and nine “rumors”, strangling all possible problems and crises in the cradle.

By adhering to this idea, Baili Qingfeng suffocated a sigh of energies, and he spared no effort to perform the Star Destruction, even regardless of whether his Spirit World could bear it.

Under these continuously strikes, after losing the Divine Kingdom, the domain god who was unable to survive was resisting 89th star collapse, and finally overwhelmed …

“I … will not be reconciled …”

With a groaning roar, his spirit will be completely twisted into pieces.


In the moment when the god of the field fell, a special wave spread around Baili Qingfeng. Unfortunately, he had n’t had time to spread it completely, he was spirited. The river system transformed by World was completely crushed.

“Freedom …”

Under the pressure of this special fluctuation, Baili Qingfeng ’s spirit condensed for a moment in his own Will Core, and vaguely felt that his own Will Core belongs to ” Part of “freedom” is tempered by the will of the god of the realm. It seems to be contaminated with something. There is a tendency to transform into the will of the god.

“Unfortunately … I am not the kind of person who is not free or die, and I cannot fully transform my spirit into free will. The will I really want to transform is peace! In the future, if I Become a god, not a god of freedom, but a god of peace. “

Baili Qingfeng watched and took back the spirit.

What he really wants to do is to promote World Peace with the idea of ​​Peace True God.

“Freedom and peace, but the two wills have some similarities. Take a moment to retreat and try to figure out the difference between the will of Legendary and the will of God. Maybe you can comprehending it. It really doesn’t work … I remember the world cave is a god of gods? Although it seems to be renamed as the god of glory for a while, there is a war factor in his will, and by colliding with his will, maybe Let me understand the true meaning of ‘peace’. “

Baili Qingfeng thought that this had already been decided.

It just happened that the Flying Sword he casted by Chishen Steel was either damaged or had nowhere to be shot, and he needed a new batch of Chishen Steel to cast Flying Sword.

At that time, the Red God True God fell, the death True God got a lot of Red God steel, the War God and other Revered Divinity also got some, he just one after another came to the door to deal with them, put them in hand All Red God Steel is exchanged.

If you can use Chishen Steel as the main material to make all Flying Swords into extremely strong Demi-God Artifact ……

When fighting those Demi-Gods and even True God , He does not have to use the magic art of nothingness.

The magical formless power is so great that it can kill all the spoils of war and turn them into nothingness.

At this time, I think of the battle over the Star City …

As long as I knew that the Star Empire was not at all ambushing dozens of Demi-Gods, he should n’t be so fast. out The divine art has vanished.


While Baili Qingfeng was still secretly annoyed by the loss of three Divine Items, the stars all over the city had fallen into a panic.

Especially those powerful empire seniors with cultivation base, while feeling the wave of Heaven and Earth’s sorrow and sorrow of sentiment that came from not long ago, each and everyone’s face was full of whiteness.

This particular fluctuation …

They have not experienced it, but they have seen it in books more than once.

All books have a description of this situation-True God has fallen!

True God fell …

In addition, this ripple of Heaven and Earth sympathy seems to be coming from the direction of the Gods Mountain thousands of kilometers away, which god fell …

The answer is ready to come out .

“The great realm god … fallen again …”

“This is not the annihilation of the god body, but the fall of True God, and even … the existence of the god-lord level … … Baili Qingfeng… Is it really possible to do this step? ”

“ The Empire of Stars is really over … Demi-God has almost lost everything, Legendary has suffered dozens of deaths and injuries, plus finally The realm of the awakening trend has once again fallen … and it is really falling under the circumstances that everyone can feel … “

The Legendary people are constantly communicating, clearly Baili Qingfeng and Bailizhu Not in the Star City, but these great characters who stand on the top of the power of the Star Empire are still keep quiet out of fear.

“Who can imagine that the Stars Empire will eventually fall to this point … Baili Qingfeng The original intention of the Stars Empire was just to establish diplomatic relations with the Stars Empire … He was sincere, with respect, with Coming in peace … But … those who are Saint Xingyao and Shengxinghui refused peace and chose war … “

” war, there is a price to pay. For the Empire … Unbearable … “

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