Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1010

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“The price of war …”

The voices of Marcia, Marquis Saitama, Marquis of Roaring Lions, Qian Ye, and two equally powerful Marquis lords are full of voice Sigh.

“In fact, before I first went to Tianhuang Realm to see Baili Qingfeng, I also went to the Caveman World to investigate him specifically, and the Caveman called it a” clear nightmare and cover. ” The shadow of the sun, the death knell of death, unstoppable, unbeatable, Undying and Inextinguishable, but this kind of remark is too exaggerated, almost like praising True God, so that … I Not in my heart, but now it seems … “

Marcia, the Legendary, said bitterly.

“I have also received rumors about him from intelligence personnel, saying that he ’s burning his eyes to the flames, howling the life pointed by the word edge, and mastering the magic that turns everything into nothingness. When the anger comes, the rays of light that will cover the sun, that kind of mighty, that kind of horror, any life facing him can’t survive ‘… “

The Marquis Saitama said, looking towards A glance in the direction of the Imperial Palace in the distance.

Flame, burning, life, howling.

The rays of light that overshadowed the sun did not know how many people in the Star City lost their vision, nor did they know how many stared directly at his Divine Power ’s life scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

Even now, what happened just now is like a nightmare, a nightmare they are clearly sober but unwilling to accept.

Rolling black clouds obscure the sky like death shadows.

And the explosion that deprived all of the sound is ringing the death knell of the Star Empire again and again …

“The Ministry of Information has not lied to me … this is truly unstoppable. , Unmatched, Undying and Inextinguishable, not falling … “

Marcia sighed.

The intelligence section of her men can finally prove it.

Why these rumors related to Baili Qingfeng are like praising True God ……

Because …

He is God!

“Domain God … is this completely pitted by their descendants?”

Marcia said.

“The entire Imperial Palace has disappeared. According to our understanding, the current Imperial Family Lineage, except for the Holy Star that seems to have noticed something wrong and left early, all the bloodline of the descendant is completely destroyed, plus there is no The biggest supporter of the god of the field … Imperial Family of the Star Empire From now on, I am afraid that it will become history … “

The Marquis of Roaring Lion marveled.

“The powerful realm gods will eventually come to an end. I hope you can take this as a warning. From now on, you can never be underestimated by anyone.”

Qianye ’s spirit fluctuations From the holy soul stone that has the nurture will.

Everyone is deeply nodded.

“Go to the Star City again to clean up the rebels, lest they gather people again and continue to be enemies with our Heavenly Waste Realm, and wait for the matter to be resolved before we return to the Heavenly Waste Realm.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

Bai Lizhu was a little disappointed when she heard: “Did you go back?”

She does n’t like the Star City, the purple moon above the sky dome, and she does n’t like the bimonthly. Boundary, but …

She misses these months.

Although she has been very bitter and tired these past few months, but …

It is very fulfilling.

“It ’s time to go back, oh … yes, Qian Ye and I said that the empire of stars left a secret, which happened to be less than 300 kilometers away from the mountains of the gods. In the valley of nameless mountain, let’s take a look at it. “

Baili Qingfeng said, said resolutely:” This time the star empires unwarrantedly launched a war to our heaven and wasteland, although they ended up with their defeat, but in In this war, I lost more than a dozen pieces of Red Kobelco Flying Sword, and the time wasted for this was more than two months … rounding is three months, and the cost of these materials and time, the Star Empire has to give us An account, just … Now the people of the Star Empire are almost gone. Even the Imperial Palace is raze to the ground, and they cannot make any compensation for them. It is estimated that they will not be able to take it out. Simply use this secret as a Compensation, I not at all saw this secret, even if there is only one copper plate in it, I recognized it. “

” en. “

Bai Lizhu nodded.

The two walked through the air, and soon came to the valley that Qian Ye said about 180 kilometers away.

In the valley, Baili Qingfeng searched for a moment, and soon found a stone room built in the mountains according to the special terrain.

There is no Formation or special materials used in this stone room, and there are even few traces of artificial carving. It is not a stone room, but a ground seam.

There is a psychic mine inside this seam.

This ore has a small disturbance effect on spirit perception, plus the naturally existing gaps …

It is really the best place for building secrets .

Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo quickly entered the secret through the crack.

The secret hides a group of night owls. This is a gregarious Fierce Beast that can release special sound waves. The sound waves are extremely penetrating, and they are even sensed tens of kilometers away.

Baili Qingfeng saw it for a moment, and soon thought of something: “It seems that these night owls are the guardians of the secret, their strength may not be worth mentioning, but once someone enters this secret will They wake up, the sound waves emitted from them can be turned into the best warning, plus here is only 300 kilometers away from the gods mountain … Even if someone lucky enough to find this batch of hidden places, they ca n’t live the treasure inside Take it out. “

While speaking, he directly expanded the country of Divine Item.

With the strength increase of the kingdom of the field, despite the thousands of night owls in this group, they can still be wiped out in less than thirty breaths.

The field of Legendary lifeform is far more unreasonable than the lifeform that has not become Legendary.

Especially after the field has been expanded into the above-ground Divine Kingdom, it is even more unfavorable to deal with these gregarious Fierce Beasts.

Through the area where the night owl lived, the two of them walked down the ground for several thousand meters, and a clearly clean mountain wall appeared in front of the two.

“This crack … seems to be very deep, with an area of ​​more than 10 million square meters on either side, and because there are no who-like marks, even if we know that the treasure is hidden in the mountain wall, we still want to find out An easy thing … a bad one may even damage the hidden treasure. “

Baili Bamboo Road.

“This is simple.”

Baili Qingfeng said, reaching for a knock on the mountain in front of him.


The arc shines.

A ring of invisible ripples spread out at the place where he struck.

“Since the item is hidden in the mountain wall, there must be a certain hollow, we find out those hollow areas through special electromagnetic frequency resonance, and naturally we know where the hidden treasure is hidden.”

Baili Qingfeng said that after a moment of careful induction, he quickly came to a place more than 300 meters away.

As he carefully excavated the mountain wall and dug six meters, a box with a diameter of one meter was dug out of it.

Seeing the mountain wall all around almost exactly the same camouflage environment, Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “Is n’t it some heavenly material earthly treasure? Sooner or later, it ’s for people to use, so hidden is so deep, really Someone thinks it won’t work? Every digging is so troublesome … “

” pa! “

Bai Lizhu opened the box.

When Baili Qingfeng sees the contents in the box clearly, some muttering words come to an abrupt end …

“This is …”

“Holy Spirit. “

Bai Lizhu replied. At the end, he looked carefully and then added:” A box of divine spirits. “

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