Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1028


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Light, devour everything.

In the upper 1000 meters of the explosion’s most Core range, all of them are transformed into nothingness by the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees.

Holy Spirit, Legendary, Demi-God, and even the God of War, the god body of True God, are no different from ordinary creatures under this terrifying high temperature that even atoms can decompose.

The flash of white rays of light flashed, though it was so momentary, it scattered all ashes and dispersed smoke.

After white light, it was a blood-red flame, and the blazing rays of light burned the entire sky dome into red, and the whole sky dome seemed to be burning violently.

burning the heaven and boiling the sea, nothing more than this.

Baili Qingfeng Although the method of Person and Sword Unite that inspired Sword Technique to break away from the center of the explosion at the fastest speed, the blazing high temperature still made him feel like walking on the blazing sun, and the damage was compared to Being directly sprayed by the dragon breath of the flaming king is no less impressive.

After a few seconds, Baili Qingfeng rushed nearly ten kilometers away before looking back.

There, a huge mushroom cloud is slowly forming. The hurricane rolled up by the high-frequency air pressure formed by the explosion carried his strength in crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Even if he was already ten kilometers away, he still let His body involuntarily retreated several dozen meters.

“Under the divine art” none “… don’t think of anything left.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the flame that had stained the entire sky dome, and his eyes were a bit sad.

divine force crystal, divine blood, true divine essence, Divine Item ……

It’s gone.

The only thing left …

It is estimated that there is only the will of God.

“I only hope that the will of the god of war will allow me to complete the breakthrough completely, otherwise it would be a waste of so long a time.”

Baili Qingfeng thought of it, and quickly rushed towards the explosion center.

Although the temperature of all around at this time is still high enough to turn steel into molten iron …

But the problem is that steel is not as good as his heat resistance.

“My god body!”

Baili Qingfeng has not yet arrived at the explosion center, a roar mixed with infinite anger has risen from the flames.

Then the war True God ’s will swept through a blazing flame. Self-destruction blasted the center, and the body was ten meters tall like a venerable Demon King. Form others.


The god of war felt the horror strength that instantly annihilated his own body, at this moment …

Finally, Baili Qingfeng is no longer regarded as a human being, or monster.

True God!

The lifeform in front of you is most likely True God like him!

Only True God can master this terrifying Peak magic!

Reminiscent of Baili Qingfeng’s identity in Tianhuangjie …

“Void True God!?”

“True God, life force is tenaciously incomparable.”

The strength of Baili Qingfeng’s feet erupted, and with the explosion of electric light, his figure instantly straddled the space between the two!

The god of war who just rushed out of flames and burned a flame incarnation saw Baili Qingfeng whistling, and the angry expression on his face seemed to be so stagnant.


next moment, he suddenly turned around, strode the meteor, swept the blazing flames, and rushed towards the direction of Divine Kingdom on the ground one hundred kilometers away.

Unfortunately …

When his speed wrapped in flame incarnation obviously couldn’t reach the body of True God, but after dozens of kilometers of chasing, Baili Qingfeng had rushed behind him, accompanied by a punch in the air, within a radius of several hundred meters Seems to be smashed all!

“fuck off!”

The god of war roared in horror, and a punch mixed with blazing flames collided with Baili Qingfeng’s fist strength to explode the void.

But this fist strength, which is composed entirely of flames, is a little bit worse than his god body?

In the face of Baili Qingfeng ’s fist strength that even his god body could barely fight against, the entire flame body was hit by a volley on the spot and exploded into ten thousand zhang firelights.

“Void, you really have to kill everything!”

The will of the god of war swept the angry spirit storm.

Wait for the god of war to condense the fire again, the Star River transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit World swept out, and all of his remaining will of God was instantly involved.

At the same time, one after another, the already shining star began to collapse, and it evolved into a star collapse to crush the will of the war god.

The number of his spirits has reached 128 now, even with the will of a True God. If supplemented with Phoenix Nirvana Technique, it is equivalent to sleeping three or five days and waking up a True God. Too.

But …

The main reason why he came to find the god of war is to use his god ’s will to sharpen his own will in order to transform his will and enter the field of Demi-God. In addition, he also intends to use his Strength to suppress his spirit and complete spirit 128 to 256 splits …

Phoenix Nirvana Technique ca n’t kill it.

“This is too close to Divine Kingdom on the ground of the god of war. In case I have a subordinate of the god of war to search when the spirit splits … The situation will definitely become very troublesome.”

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and immediately strode the meteor and ran to the end of the sky.

He found a valley on the way to his place. The geographical location is quite secret and it is suitable for temporary hiding.


Soon after Baili Qingfeng left the battlefield, four Legendary hurried from the direction of Divine Kingdom on the ground.

In order to deal with Baili Qingfeng, almost all Holy Spirit, Legendary, and Demi-God are summoned by them. Although they are also subordinates of the War God, they have not been transformed into Legendary Holy Spirit and are in trust. He was born with a bad idea.

And when they rushed to this battlefield and witnessed the destruction of strength from a radius of ten kilometers, each and everyone looked pale.

“This kind of Strength … is definitely True God ’s own shot! And True God ’s Peak Divine Skill!”

“Godfight! Godfight! This is Godfight!”

“A True God named” Void “entered our dark rock, and a fierce battle broke out with Your Majesty, the great war god?”

The four Legendary glanced at each other, and they all saw the panic in their eyes.

“Wait, nothing True God! Can you still remember the depravity of True God of blood and death of True God …”

“True God of blood and True God of death are rumored because they invaded the Sky Desolation Realm and angered the True God that is sitting in the Sky Desolation Realm, which ushered in the disaster of extinction …”

“Are n’t the great war gods issued Oracle claim that the True God of nothingness is only a false god who steals the name of God … Your Majesty also ordered the expansion of military strength, apparently preparing for the next invasion of the Heaven and Wasteland …”

This Legendary said this, so I didn’t go on.

Got it.

They already understand the entire process of development.

The True God, who was nothing, obviously did n’t know where to get the news, knowing that their war god, Your Majesty, was ready to invade the Heavenly Waste Realm, so he directly entered the Dark Rock from the Heavenly Wasted Realm, Came to the base camp of their war shrine lineage, so this is the world war that shocked hundreds of miles.

As for what you Majesty said, True God is a false god who steals the name of God …

Several Legendary glanced at this battlefield that will be raze to the ground ten kilometers away—especially the center of the battlefield. It seems that all the energy and atoms have been crushed into nothingness and turned into nothingness …

Do you need to continue to explain these terrifying and mighty powers?

“Void True God …”

Four Legendary minds can’t help but think of some rumors about the void True God from another cave world.

According to rumors, he is a lucid nightmare, the shadow of the sun, the death knell of death, the end of all things, bringing everything to nothing …

Right now, confirmed.

This great existence really has the strength to make everything vanity.

For a time, several Legendary couldn’t help but complain.

Is n’t the history of True God and the death of True God enough?

It is clear that this great True God Your Majesty has shown the horrible record of killing True God, and it is still two consecutive times. To provoke each other?

This is good.

I’m almost done.

“No, I have to take my people out of here as soon as possible, otherwise wait for that God True Your Majesty came back to his senses …”

“Although True God is a great sin, but … Your Majesty of war is really too reckless … following him is afraid that there is only a dead end …”

“Heavenly World … our four True Gods in this lineage …… Full of three folds in the World …… I must be warned of my children and grandchildren in the future, that World is a world filled with shadows , That World is a world shrouded in nightmares, that World is a world of death and nothingness Ruler … Forever, never step into that World half step … “

Four Legendary panic, each and everyone fled at the fastest speed.


At this moment, Baili Qingfeng has arrived in the valley he has previously selected.

As soon as he reached the valley, he focused his attention on spirit world.

When Spirit World splits sixteen spirits, it can barely grind the will of extinguishing soul, and when it is thirty two, it will be a lot easier. Even when sixty-four, even High Level Demi-God ’s will He refines easily.

At present, his 128 tracks …

Erasing True God ’s will is as difficult as destroying Demi-God ’s will in the sixteenth.

“When you split into 256, you can really relax.”

Baili Qingfeng felt the war god who was struggling fiercely in his spirit world …

Thinking for a moment, Dao Spirit soon turns into a chain, binding the god of war!

“Void, you can’t trap me!”

The god of war roared, his powerful will rampaged, and madly struck the chain of his spirit.

“hong long long!”

The violent strength erupted, causing those chains to violently oscillate, seeming to be in jeopardy.

“No, the pressure is not enough, it seems that the spirit can’t be torn apart completely, you have to force the god of war!”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment. Soon, the spirit oscillated, and the entire Star River seemed to be beginning to fail. It seemed to collapse like a star collapse.

A star has collapsed, and the bursting strength has made the god of war unbearable. If his entire starry sky collapses …

“Not good! Nothingness. This is to use the entire spirit world to show a fatal blow? Although his spirit world will be hit hard, I am afraid I do n’t know how long it takes to sleep to recover, but my will … but will Completely wiped out! “

The god of war felt a deep crisis of death. For a time, he suddenly roared, and the will of the god seemed to start to burn, shining bright light shining on Baili Qingfeng spirit World …

“open for me!”

“hong long long!”

In the self-burning self-attack of the god of war, a desperate counterattack, the chain formed by Baili Qingfeng 128 spirits …

Finally broken.

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