Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1029


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“bang! bang! bang!”

Baili Qingfeng 128 spirit one after another break.

If it is not because his will has been strengthened several times by the god of war than before, the pain of this spirit break may be enough to distract him.

Fortunately …

After all, he has rich experience, plus he deliberately prepared some chalcedony and sacred spirits, put these things on his body, and the pain of the spirit’s severing quickly reduced.

While the Baili Qingfeng spirit was cracking and the consciousness was in a trance, the god of war, who burned himself and broke out with a strong blow, finally tore the Star River that he spirit world transformed into, directly from this Star River to seal the town Come out, the will of the mighty god swept through …

“hahaha! I am finally out!”

The will appeared, but he dared not fight Baili Qingfeng anymore, but instead gathered his body at the fastest speed, he would flee back to his own land Divine Kingdom.

“Wait … wait me for a while …”

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his temples.

How can the god of war care about him, scrolling through the wind and clouds, and coming out like a storm.

However …

Before he could rush out of 100 meters, a mirror light projected down, condensing his thinking into the void.

Jian Shen mirror!

“Divine Item!?”

The will of the god of war suddenly stagnate.

However, even if he lost his body, the God of war is a True God after all, and when the powerful will erupts, the strength of Jian Shen Mirror is quickly offset by him.


Wait for the god of war to break away from the battlefield, the kingdom of Baili Qingfeng’s domain stretches out and includes the god of war again.

If the god of war has the body of True God, Divine Kingdom on the ground manifested by the kingdom of the field can tear it with no difficulty.

But now, with an incarnation that just came from Condense, the difficulty of tearing the kingdom of the field is increasing geometrically, even if Baili Qingfeng not at all spends much thought on controlling the kingdom of the domain, and the god of war tears the kingdom of the domain After the split, it was already a few breaths.

Sometimes it rushed out of the realm of the realm, the god of war was about to leave, Baili Qingfeng of spirit slowly recovers once again unfolded the Star River of Spirit World manifestation, and he put the god of war back again.

“Void …”

The god of war uttered an angry roar, and the will of the god was blazing brightly, turning into a piece of gold Legion, which was arbitrarily slashed and torn in Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng also manifested his will into pure white rays of light.

The rays of light are filled with a peaceful and peaceful will. Any strength that refutes this will collide with it, just like the ice and snow exposed in the blazing sun, which quickly melts.

Two completely different wills will continue to confront and collide in the sky, although the god of war obviously has the upper hand, destroying Baili Qingfeng ’s will again and again, and even tearing the Star of Spirit World several times. River, but …

As long as he rushed out of this Star River used to seal the town, Baili Qingfeng ’s mirrors and the kingdom of the realm would take turns.

This kind of Divine Item that treats True God basically does not play much role in dealing with the God of war, which only has the will of God. The effect is surprisingly good.

And only need to delay the god of war for a moment, wait for Baili Qingfeng to rest, the torn Star River will be restored again, and the god of war will be involved again.

In this case, the battle between the two sides seems to have reached a stalemate, which has become a stamina and enduring competition.

“Void, the same as True God, there is no need to fight to such a degree between us, I can promise you that from now on, the warrior of the war temple will never step into the world of heaven!”

The will of the war god is shaking.

Even claiming to have changed.

However, Baili Qingfeng did not pay attention, while recovering his spirit, while condensing his will Core, constantly colliding head-on with the will of the god of war.

Just kidding …

For a while, his strength will double again.

Stop hand?

Can’t stop at all.

Time is constantly passing by the collision of the two people ’s wills.

In the first hour or two, the war god can tear the Star River transformed by Baili Qingfeng spirit again and again, but one or two hours later, when he slowly recovers from the weakness brought by the split of spirit. No matter how hard the will of the god of war is, he was suppressed in the Star River by his death and had to collide with the will core of Baili Qingfeng again and again.

And in this constant collision, Baili Qingfeng’s will has become stronger.

At the same time as being powerful, he even sensed something.

God ’s will …

In addition to Faith, the unity of knowledge and action in the heart, and effective, there is also a deeper form of expression.

Is nothing.


Will this thing extremely mysterious and abstruse does not have a substantial foundation, but why can it exist in a way that is almost eternal?

It exists in the material world, which can affect the material world, but also breaks away from the material world, even if the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees cannot destroy it.

In the final analysis, it lies in its nihility.

“For mortals, the will, cannot be watched, cannot be heard, cannot be touched, imperceptible, but it does exist, but it is extremely secret … it is like …”

In Baili Qingfeng spirit World, his Legendary will once again collided with the will of the god of war and shattered.

But at the moment it shattered, Baili Qingfeng “saw” it.

“Like matter and antimatter!”

In the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, divine light shimmers.

He has read some related books.

As everyone knows, after the Universe explosion, it was in a state of pure energy, when there were a lot of high-energy electromagnetic waves in the Universe.

If a photon collides with a photon, it will react and transform into other particles.

For example, after a pair of high-energy photons collide, they may produce a positron, an electron, and the positron is an antimatter particle of electrons.

A universe is actually very symmetrical. A positron will correspond to an electron. A pair of photon collisions may also produce protons and antiprotons.

Therefore, a proton corresponds to an antiproton.

The two concepts of the existence of will and nihility are actually equivalent to protons and antiprotons. Under a certain threshold, a form transformation will occur between the two.

The biggest difference between God ’s will and Legendary ’s will is that it can fully grasp both forms.

So, it is both existence and nothingness.

After realizing this, Baili Qingfeng’s will suddenly began to transform silently.

For a time, he seemed to have fallen into an unprecedented state of wonder.

He can clearly feel the components of his will, the perfect fuse together of existence and nothingness.

The two are entangled with each other, from existence to nothingness, and then from nothingness to existence.

Like the double helix structure of human DNA, adenine is always paired with thymine, guanine is always paired with cytosine, etc. The base sequence between the two is complementary, as long as one of the strands is determined The base sequence of the other chain can be determined.

This is also the reason why Demi-God and True God can reshape the destroyed body again and again.

Void and existence.

As long as the will remains, as long as the will carrier, the body, is not completely destroyed, he can reshape the collapsed body.

“This is the will of God … Will and anti-will, matter and anti-matter, can it be used to create anti-matter bombs?”

Baili Qingfeng feels the transformation of will, and at the same time allows his will moved towards his body to infiltrate, record, read and encode every cell of the body, and then form a double structure.

when the time comes Even if the fleshy body collapses, the will of God can deduce another DNA strand by the principle of determining the base sequence of one DNA strand.

Besides these changes, Baili Qingfeng can still hear subtle sounds.

“Great True God, I hope you can bless me to break the second human limit …”

“Please lower the Divine Punishment to the great True God Your Majesty and severely punish these villains …”

“You are nothingness, death, mysterious, future …”


These sounds are very weak. If it is not because of the amazing strength of Baili Qingfeng spirit, plus the fact that Concentrates One’s Mind is sensing every change in himself, I am afraid that these sounds are not conscious.

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng realized something.

“Is it a believer?”

He carefully sensed the reason for these sounds.

But …

These sounds appeared silently.

At the moment he completed the transformation of Legendary will to Legendary will.

“There must be a reason, otherwise these‘ sounds ’, or‘ consciousness ’impossible plainly appear in my spirit induction …”

Baili Qingfeng thought a little.

At this time, the god of war, which he had conquered in spirit world, seemed to have sensed something. Most of his already weak will obviously fluctuated: “Your will has transformed !? The glory that belongs to God in you is recovering !? “

Baiqing Qingfeng’s eyes lit up when he heard the word of the god of war.

Is there a ready-made True God?

Just ask him.

“How did you feel the believer?”

“How do you feel believers?”

The god of war was shocked: “The transformation of will will naturally induce believers.”

“I know, but why?”

“Why why?”

“Why can I sense it?”


The god of war did n’t know how to answer for a while.

Is n’t this common sense?

The question of Baili Qingfeng is like everyone knows why one plus one equals two.

“Do n’t you know?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little disappointed.

“Void, I think we should have a good talk …”

“Then forget it.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

This time the war with the god of war, he successfully completed the split of spirit from 128 to two hundred six, and completed the promotion from Legendary will to God’s will.

Now that the goal has been achieved, the God of War is no longer necessary for True God who glare like a tiger watching his prey.

At present, the god of war is annihilated, and this peaceful trip to the dark rock can really be considered Perfection.

At this point, a star emerged, and the next second, the star oscillated and collapsed, and Destruction Strength swept the weak will of the war god.

Star collapse.

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