Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1051

And in this process, the fearful will of the Divine Lord will collide with his spirit again and again. During the collision, his spirit will be greatly tempered and sharpened.

to get rid of the weeds and keep the flowers.

Wait for all 256 spirits to be tempered to the extreme. When instructing Ruyi, he may complete the split of 256 to 512 spirits without the help of external pressure.

“Compared to the fear of the Divine Lord tearing up my Star River Department Gravitation Force field, I still hope it is the latter … after all, the more holy spirits are needed for the spirit cultivation Perfection, especially Taking too much will also produce resistance … In the case where the Holy Spirit of the North has been redeemed by me, once my spirit is split into 512, the newly split 256 It ’s quite troublesome for Spirit to quickly temper to Refining Spirit … ”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

So …

You have to give the feared God a little hope!

Baili Qingfeng’s face gradually became pale, and his will was no longer firm.

This scene fell in front of the God of Fear, and it made him even more excited.


Fear God has even thought about it. After Baili Qingfeng is completely reduced to a slave of fear, he can press the secret that separated Paragon Divine Sword from the immortal Divine Emperor from his mouth, and then bail Qingfeng to lure immortality Divine Emperor made a sword, and finally let himself successfully win Paragon Divine Sword from the immortal Divine Emperor.

As long as you can get this ancient Divine Item ……

He fears that Lord God will go to Evil God Peak from now on, becoming the strongest Evil God in the history of the Double Moon Realm!


Time passes.

Fear of God ’s attack continues.

As this Evil God bombarded a large amount of fear will into the Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng, and was restrained and suppressed by the Star River force field in his Spirit World, the outside fear God Lord was obviously weak.

Although he was weak, he could see Baili Qingfeng’s apparently unsustainable, and looming spirit of will, but his fighting spirit became more and more high.

“This Majesty’s fear will burst into his Spirit World and he loses his senses. This demon god is using his spirit to suppress this Majesty’s fear will !? He holds the Paragon Divine Sword from the immortal Divine Emperor The separated method, Spirit must be far superior to ordinary people, it is estimated that this is where he has confidence … “

Fear God Lord felt his will but never returned, and sneered in his heart: “It ’s really stupid, this fear God Lord, based on fear, Strength is endless, since ancient times, I do n’t know how many great characters want to suppress this The seat, human nature is evil, fear is rooted in the depths of the heart, no one can really pull it out, as long as the fear is still there, this seat will be Undying and Inextinguishable, even the kings of the gods with the gods, and even the emperor of Divine King, I also do n’t want to completely suppress this seat. Let ’s see how long you can support a Demi-God! “

The thoughts circulated, and the fear in him exploded even more violently.

Another hour.

Unconsciously, the Lord of Fear has already transformed most of his will into an attack that blasted into Baili Qingfeng ’s Spirit World, and Baili Qingfeng ’s face …

It seems whiter.

But that’s all.

At this time, Fear God has already noticed a problem.

After entering the Spirit World of Baili Qingfeng, his fear will not have any feedback, just as if the other party is a bottomless pit, how much fear will be able to suppress how much fear will …

Demi-God, there is absolutely no such strength.

And this blasphemy is only related to Paragon Divine Sword, but it is not the ancient Divine Item in charge of Paragon Divine Sword ……

He has so much fear that his will will blast into Baili Qingfeng within the body. Even if he does not tear his Spirit World, at least it has to have other reactions?

What’s the matter if you look white?

“Something wrong!”

The Lord of Fear is a little uneasy, and his eyes suddenly turn to the Son of Fear who is fighting intuitively in the distance …

And the horrified god son is also aware of what, he quickly shouted in horror: “Forgiveness … Father …”


His words didn’t have time to speak yet, within the body suddenly burned a fierce flame.

The black flame rises arrogantly, sweeping around with great energy and quickly injected into the body of the dread god. For a time, the body of the dread god has been weakened by at least 60% and recovered directly.

“Heirs of this Majesty’s … listen to this Majesty’s summon … come quickly …”

The God of Fear was devoured. The Lord God of Fear raised his hands again, a circle of invisible ripples spreading continuously, which contained a fluctuation similar to strength of Faith.

“Fear of God seems to have found …”

Baili Qingfeng was stunned.

It’s really worthy of Evil God, cunning! sinister!

He is too tender to naturally deceive the opponent for long.

“So …”

Baili Qingfeng, who has been resisting the attack of the god of fear, has a short meal, next moment …

Strength broke out!

Within the body, a ring-shaped magnetic field roared, and the energy bred out of it burst out through his fist strength. The space in front of him seemed to shine a blazing star, rays of light and heat. Fangyuan several hundred meters smashed.

“Are you pretending!?”

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng, which seems to be an arrow at the end of its flight, suddenly exploded, fearing god shocked and angry, a huge and gigantic body roaring, rolling up its innocent soul, black flames, and attacking bravely.

However, he is not at the peak period at this moment, the strength between the two is quickly reversed!

“hong long long!”

Along with the horrific shock wave bursting out, the god of fear has a ten meters high figure and retreats for ten steps.

Before waiting for him to stabilize his body, Baili Qingfeng, who was arrogantly supported by the frost god’s armor, has broken through the flames and is fighting again.

No one arrives, fist strength comes first!

With him punched out, the void was smashed, and a radius of 100 meters was counted as nothingness.

At a critical moment, the Lord of Fear directly emerged from the realizing emptiness and emerged from this shocking emptiness attack.

However, while he turned into a virtual, behind him, a terrifying illusory shadow projected, and with his hand stretched out, Sound of Thunder

The Refining Spirit Secret Technique Nine Heavens Thunder Move strikes that he has not used for a long time.

“hong long long!”

Under the strikes of the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, the body of the fear god shook a while, and part of his will was scattered.

“Not good!”

The fear of God complexion greatly changed, and quickly rolled towards that part of the will, but Baili Qingfeng first charged forward, hit the sky, and the space in front shattered again.


The horror god who rolled towards that part of the will of the fear was blown away with a punch, howling and blazing with flames.

The Baili Qingfeng that rushed to the side of this fearful will suddenly swallowed a piece that directly swallowed the will that seemed to be composed entirely of unjust soul and Evil Spirit.

That picture …

The eyes of Fear God ’s main pupil shrink.

This blasphemy Baili Qingfeng ……

What does he want to do! ?

“Come again!”

Swallowing this piece of fear will, Baili Qingfeng a long whistle, aiming at the god of fear to kill again, the momentum of the sky …

A bit of an arrow at the end of its flight is weak! ?

At this moment, the Lord of Fear, who has always brought despair to others, felt the breath of fear for the first time …

“What the hell are you!?”

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