Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1052


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“hong long!”

The void in front of you is like a clean mirror surface, quickly hit by stones, cracks are all over, and it is completely smashed in the next moment.

Also crushed, there is the weaker body of Evil God, the Lord of Fear.

The body of Evil God shattered, and Baili Qingfeng ’s figure flew into a sudden, and the whole person seemed to incarnation a huge magnet, madly absorbing the fearful will that constituted the god of fear.

The feeling is like he squeezed a lava and black flame out of a volcanic crater into a ball and swallowed it again.

Every time it is swallowed, it will cause the fear god to produce an inexplicable fear.

It seems that the shadow of death is step by step getting closer and closer to him.

“get out of my sight!”

Fear God Lord once again throws a punch, the grieved soul screams, and the dragon roars.

But this time Baili Qingfeng was not at all repelled by this evil dragon composed of injustice, both of his hands slammed openly, aiming at the roaring dragon and hammered it down, facing this The Dragon Hammer, composed of countless souls of injustice and the power of fear, is smashed. When this Dragon Crushes …

There seems to be something cracking and sputtering.

“The Essence of Evil God?”

Baili Qingfeng glanced.

But at this time he had no time to be distracted, waiting for this Strength to be condensed into a new body of Evil God by the Lord of Fear. His body suddenly turned into a black hole, swallowing this Strength in full.

With the dissipation of this dragon of injustice, the body of Evil God, the Lord of Fear, has been weakened to only one third compared to at the peak period.

“Paragon Divine Sword! Paragon Divine Sword! This is definitely the strength of Paragon Divine Sword!”

Fear Lord God felt his weak body again and again, and finally lost the courage to continue to slay with Baili Qingfeng, his body turned, and suddenly ran to the end of the sky and fled: “I need more strength!”


Baili Qingfeng looked at the God of Fear.

On him …

He smelled fear.

But …

It does n’t seem like a strange thing to smell the fear in the god of fear …

next moment, he radiated light all over his body, suddenly entered the form of Person and Sword Unite, the star force field came, and the electromagnetic Sword Technique was excited.

Under the impetus of the entire Star Strength, his body broke through the sound barrier in an instant, swept through a deafening roar to the back of Lord Fear, there is no half-stop and Evil God who is weak to only 30% Strength The bodies collide together.


It ’s like a shell shot on the wall!

The body of Evil God, the Lord of Fear, was shot by volley under Baili Qingfeng Person and Sword Unite’s Sword Technique … blasted and exploded into a dark flame.

Break the body of the fear god, and his body immediately emerged from the star field, releasing the status of Person and Sword Unite, and the back body was twisted, five fingers, Strength of Domain covered with violent strength. The god of fear was crushed and the body wanted to re-condense, the space of several hundred meters at a time seemed to be compressed and condensed!

In the process of compressing and condensing, the scattered body of the fear god is quickly integrated into one body, and finally, condensed under the five fingers clasped by Baili Qingfeng, and then …

Strength burst!

His solid body was crushed again!

Fear God struggling violently, trying to withdraw from Baili Qingfeng ’s attack.

But his god body was weakened too much, only 30% of his strength was 30%. How can he fight against Baili Qingfeng who always maintains a peak state and does not even take a breath?

The fierce struggle did not play much role at all under Baili Qingfeng. The body of Evil God finally condensed and was immediately re-exploded.

Not long ago, the strength of his Evil God’s body already had a tendency to fall to the incarnation of ordinary gods.

“Baili Qingfeng! You ca n’t kill me!”

The will of the god who fears the gods echoes frantically.

“Oh, do n’t say” this seat “anymore?”

Baili Qingfeng domain suppression, blocking this void, no matter how the fear god Lord struggles, fist strength explodes, and the fear god master bursts again and again.

As the gap between the two grows bigger and bigger, Baili Qingfeng now has no need to make every effort with every blow.

His current approach is probably equivalent to pressing the fear god with one hand to prevent him from struggling to escape, while the other hand is constantly aiming at his body with a hammer.

Every time they explode, the Lord ’s Strength will be devoured.

In this repeated process of blasting and devouring, the roar of this Evil God has become weaker and weaker.

“Stop it! Stop it!”

The fear god yelled.

Unfortunately, Baili Qingfeng ignored it at all, according to the fear god who had weakened to only equivalent to High Level Demi-God, the offensive did not stop at all.

For a time, the god of fear seemed to finally realize the fear that was once dominated by himself.

“no! I am the God of Fear, how can I become the God of Fear in the world of matchless great Evil God in the two-moon world, how could it ever fall!”

The Lord of Fear sees that he is going to be completely blown away. It seems that he has finally decided: “Strength of fear is endless. Even if you can temporarily suppress my fear will, you will be one day Affected by fear, it becomes a slave of fear. At that time, you will lose yourself, and my great god of fear, will be reborn in the flame of fear! “

next moment, his body suddenly exploded, and his fear was boiling to the extreme.

The blazing black flame, mixed with the howling of countless injustices, went straight to the body of Baili Qingfeng, swept away, and suddenly entered his spirit world.

He will rely on his Strength’s endless qualities for his final stroke!

“hong long long!”

As soon as he entered Spirit World in Baili Qingfeng, he noticed a powerful bondage.

And in the middle of that bondage, most of his fearful will is struggling fiercely, slamming, and seems to be coming out of this imprisonment of the bondage Strength.

“These stars … are actually spiritualized, how can human spirit world be so powerful!?”

The God of Fear looked at this scene, and his heart was full of shock.

He has never seen such a spirit world.

“Could it be that this is why he can separate Paragon Divine Sword from the immortal Divine Emperor?”

Fear God Lord watched for a moment, his own will soon fuse together with his will trapped in the bound force field.

For a time, this fear of Will Might skyrocketed, causing the entire bondage field to vibrate slightly.

“Come, the key moment is here!”

Baili Qingfeng concentrated on spirit.

Next, it will depend on whether the dreaded God Lord can tear up the bondage field formed by the stars formed by his 256 spirits.

And fear the Lord …

It didn’t let him down either, and soon he rallied his spare energy and shocked the field of bondage.

“You can’t trap me!”

As the fearful Lord returned to full roar, his figure was directly transformed into a giant dragon with a black flame burning all over his body, and he was madly impacted in the restraint field.

Under this violent impact, the bondage field with 256 stars as the Core shakes for a while, and even the layout and structure between the stars seem to change with the shock of the bondage field No longer stable.

But …

It just seems …

Several minutes later, in Baili Qingfeng ’s disappointed eyes, the first wave of fear of the Lord God was suppressed by the bondage field.

In this round of fierce shocks, fourteen stars were overwhelmed by the violent shock of the binding force field and burst apart.

“The Lord of Fear is indeed stronger than the True God of Transcendence, but it is not strong enough to produce a qualitative change level. The True God of Transcendence, I can destroy it by using 128 stars in a row to perform the Star Destruction, and the Lord of Fear … probably It takes 180 to 200 stars … “

Evil God ’s will is more difficult than True God ’s will.

But …

Their greatest strength is recovery. Strength is endless, and they are not very good at outbreaks.

“I want to see, how long can you hold this field of restraint force!”

The fearful impact of the Lord God consumes a lot of strength.

But as he said, the omnipresent power of omnipresent fear quickly came to me, and in less than ten minutes, his strength had recovered again.

For a while, a new round of impact begins again.

“Efficiency is very fast, really worthy of Strength, the endless fear of God, it seems that I have to use a little chalcedony from time to time to speed up the recovery of spirit …”

Baili Qingfeng felt some emotions and felt more or less sorry.

This fear god …

It’s really strong.

If he is weaker, it will be easier for him to seal the town.

If he is stronger, he can help him complete the split of 256 spirits to 512 spirits in one breath.

The split of spirit is actually a one-time break and then standing. It must be completed in one go.

A spirit split is like a little by little knife, where life and death are oppressed.

If all spirits are split at the same time, it is the big knife that cuts according to the head, and will not die, and under the pressure of life and death, it can break through and stand beyond the self.

However, if he tempers the spirit to the extreme, it has Absolute Control for these spirits, and it is not difficult to split himself.

Breaking through and standing is breakthrough, beyond self.

The breakthrough of where water flows, a canal is formed is also breakthrough after the rich background.

It ’s just that the former is fast and the latter is slow.

Fear God Lord took a break for a while, relying on his endless Strength to supplement the impact of Baili Qingfeng ’s bondage field again.

For a time, his spirit world oscillated again.

Stars are cracked and condensed again, becoming stronger and tenacious.

Looking at the fearful god master who started to struggle hard, Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Fear God’s main card perpetual motion machine is online.

Next, as long as he pays attention to it, from time to time he recovers the spirit depletion with the chrysoprase, ensuring that the binding force field always exists, so that he can continue to temper and sharpen his spirit.

“Score 180 to 200 spirits to maintain the bondage field, and the amount of spiritual force that can be used next is limited … But the problem is not big. According to the level of effort of the fearing God, it will be a few months, If you slow down for half a year, my spirit will be able to split itself after being layered. When the time comes, having 512 spirits will make it easier … “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Considering that Evil God has the feature of perpetual motion …

After his spirit was split into thousands, he was not motivated by a fear god alone. He felt that it was necessary for him to take a good look at other Evil God information.

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