Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1062


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At this moment, Admiral Lu Long is receiving an outstanding officer in his office.

A six-year-old who has completed Mecha warrior training and has the potential to be an official Mecha warrior.

He was careful to put a colonel rank on this man ’s arm and put a bracelet on his hand: “Kunting, from today on, you are a qualified Mecha warrior. I hope you The Mecha, which can be driven by the Federation to spend 1.6 billion stars, rides in the sky and the earth, sweeping away all the enemy enemies from the different worlds, and let these intruders of the different worlds see the wrought iron and unyielding courage of our Federation! “

“Maying to die for the Federation!”

The colonel officer named Kun Ting should drink loudly.

Mecha warrior!

The most brilliant military profession since the establishment of the Federation.

No one.

Once any fighter with Innate Talent is selected, he will receive the most rigorous training. After completing training to become a reserve fighter, he will be awarded the lowest rank.

If you can get it right …

At least all the major ranks started!

In front of this new warrior, Kun Ting has all the best performances on all sides, but is the elite of the elite, so that it alarmed the commander of the Di Shi District, and the five-star general Lu Long attracted him to personally Kun Ting awarded the title!

As the award was completed, applause rang out.

More than ten other people in the office applauded at the same time.

The applause did n’t last long, the office door was quickly opened, and a man with the rank of Brigadier General was full of face: “General, the door of‘ Asura ’No. 4 & 2!

“The door of Asura !? Is it possible that the extinguishing soul plan failed?”

Lu Long said, glancing at the people in the room.

These people retired immediately.

Kun Ting also intends to retreat, but he is called by Lu Long to stay in place.

At the same time, he took the information handed over by the man and looked through it.

“No, but … the problem may be greater than the failure of the extinguishing soul plan.”

The Brigadier General said, pointing at a few of the data points.

After Lu Long glanced at the data, his face suddenly changed: “Connect me to Lieutenant General Nan Pan, the person in charge of the door of Asura!”

“Admiral Nan Pan, the heads of the three major military bases, Dimo, Shastri and Jin Chengdao are all online.”


Lu Long complexion changed.

Soon, in the office, the curtains were lowered, and the room was slightly dim. At the same time, a special instrument was opened and more than twelve silhouettes were projected.

These twelve silhouettes have not only the heads of the major military bases, but Kunting ’s eyes were unable to bear when they fell on two of them, and they exclaimed: “This is … Legendary Mecha Warrior Gundam, Shen Donghui! “

Looking at these two people, he felt excited.

Although he is the first in every class in the Mecha warrior training camp, compared with the countless reputations, Legendary Mecha fighters Gundam and Shen Donghui with countless brilliant records are obviously not a grade.

Let him fight against other Mecha fighters. Within three, he can gain the upper hand. If he has more than five players, he can only be passively beaten. However, the Gundam and Shen Donghui in front of them all have a Legendary record of one to ten.

But at the moment these two Legendary Mecha fighters apparently ignored the worship of a newcomer, and their expression grave was extremely extreme.

“Our technology leaked? Is it not analyzed by experts, that the God of the World pays great attention to the cultivation of the will. Once the energy is focused on learning the knowledge of our World, the collision of materialism and idealism will lead to their will not. If it is stable, the serious person will even cause the backlash to fall to the altar? What is going on? And, you said that the intruder clearly has only thirteen energy levels, and the World ’s statement is only Demi-God, but it actually broke out ten times. The speed of sound has also been used as a means of controlling Celestial Phenomenon? “

Lu Long looked at the people who came out of the projection and expressed seriously.

“We named this intruder as ‘thunderbolt’, and his appearance was like a thunder, completely subverting our understanding of the gods of the two-moon world, making us realize that we are progressing and learning their cultivation. The Body Refining Department, they are also constantly studying and learning our scientific system! “

Nan Pan said sole solemnly, the person in charge of the door of Asura, at the end, he said: “In addition, the estimation of his energy level is obviously incorrect. The Marshal should have read his information. He can control his energy level. Based on this, we updated his energy level positioning to ten Fifth Level! “

“Ten Fifth Level !? God King Level!?”

Lu Long, as well as several unsuspecting seniors on the field, had complexion changed at the same time.

Kun Ting, who is qualified to listen, is even more confused.

What does fifteen mean?

A formal Mecha warrior, only fully armed is barely qualified to compete with the twelve-level cultivator, and can independently fight against the thirteen-level cultivator, each of which is famous, such as Gundam and Shen Donghui among Legendary Mecha fighters Wait.

As for fifteen energy levels …

According to an energy level improvement, a base budget that requires ten times the number of people to form a battle …

Fifteen energy levels, need a thousand Mecha warriors!

One thousand!

All the Mecha warriors in the entire Emperor Shih District added up and couldn’t match this figure!

“Yes, an enemy of fifteen energy levels! An energy level of fifteen, and avoiding the materialism and idealism traps, mastering our world’s technological means, and even being able to freely control the enemies of their own level. , Sneaked into our World. “

Nan Pan said, starting an instrument.

The instrument clearly shows that Baili Qingfeng has dragged on the inescapable net repression of hundreds of Mecha fighters, and then rushed out of the encirclement at ten times the speed of sound, and then caused the change of Celestial Phenomenon, through howling wind and torrential rain lightning thunder Such extreme weather environment avoids being hit by laser satellites.

“In addition to these methods, he also used other methods, such as precise control of particulate dust, grinding it into a reflective diamond, reducing the lethality of laser weapons, and creating a strong flash effect through the use of potassium. The most important thing about making blindness … “

Nan Pan pressed again on the instrument, and an image was projected.

The center of the image is a point, and the background …

The whole planet!

“According to the observations made by our instruments and the data provided by the scientists, he used a special method to pry the magnetic field of our star and use the magnetic field to exert electromagnetic pulses. In other words, we have For other True God, lethal weapons come to him … more than 90% of them are furnishings, and against him, we have to be mentally prepared to lose all electronic devices. “

“Lost electronic equipment …”

General Lu Long ’s eyes fell on Gundam and Shen Donghui.

The two Legendary Mecha fighters without the slightest hesitation said: “If we lose the chips, AI, loader, and remote support of the combat command and Tianhe Supercomputer, our battle strength will be weakened by at least 60%!”

Mecha warriors fight against enemies, never fighting alone!

Behind them, there is an elite team of more than a dozen people, or even dozens of people, supporting the data.

Under the electromagnetic pulse, the signal could not be received. The Mecha fighters and the team behind them were separated. They belonged to the real fighting alone, and the degree of influence on their strength can be imagined.

“Precisely master all kinds of technological means, and have a stronger spiritual force than Legendary Mecha warriors …”

General Lu Long ’s chief technical advisor amazed: “Our second-generation Mecha warriors are pure use of spiritual force, through a special stress state, to make a single force exert 30% of the effect, and The third generation Mecha warriors expected to solve the problem of the spirit ceiling. At present, scientists are trying to split spirit, but this process is too difficult and painful, and the failure rate is extremely high. As for the fourth generation Mecha warriors … Using the nature of spirit to interfere with reality, micro-manipulation of the atomic level, thus exploding incredible power … he can use the potassium element to create a flash … This is already the standard of the fourth generation of Mecha warriors. “

“The fourth generation of Mecha warriors!?”

Lu Long seemed to think of something, and looked at the chief technical advisor with a solemn face: “I remember the final form of the fourth-generation Mecha warrior is to be able to micro-manipulate the atomic level through spirit, and then use the Mecha instrument with high-purity uranium The material releases nuclear fission!? “

Technical consultant nodded.

“If he already has the equivalent to the four-generation Mecha warrior level that we are still in theory … can he be …”

“With his ability, as long as he has relevant raw materials, he can perform nuclear fission.”

Technical consultant said.

For a time, everyone’s heart sank at the same time.

“Generals, this is not the worst.”

Gundam and Shen Donghui said at the same time: “Nuclear fission formidable power is limited. The real terrifying is Supreme-limited nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion requires an amazing pressure field, and he can mobilize the star force field. With the star force field Strength, clearly meets this requirement. “

Using the star force field to achieve nuclear fusion!

Lu Long, Nan Pan, Di Mo, Jin Chengdao, and the others were shocked at the same time, with incredible expression on their faces.

True God came to their world and not only lost their Undying Body, but because of their inability, their destructive power also dropped significantly, and it took a lot of effort to destroy a city.

But if someone has mastered nuclear fusion …

Formulatable power Supreme limitation of nuclear fusion …

“Atmospheric disturbance caused by a 100 million-ton equivalent hydrogen bomb can circle Earth several times, and the energy released within thirty nanoseconds is equivalent to 2.9% of the solar power. Outside … “

Gunda said slowly.

But he has n’t finished his words yet, Lu Long has ordered clang: “He is now infiltrating into Shougu City !? Find him! Must find him! We must understand clearly, similar to his existence is individual It ’s still… precise investigation of everyone in Shougu City, monitoring of each communication bracelet, analysis of each camera, and mobilization of all mobilizable satellites over Di Shi District to stare at this city! Immediately! ”

After finishing, he stood up: “I will go to see the Speaker and convene the Supreme Council!”


At the same time, everyone responded abruptly.

“You are very likely, a World Level crisis that is not inferior to the invasion of the gods sixty years ago, with his arrival, came!”

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