Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1063


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“Safety Sector, Commerce District, tourist area, warning area, and war area.”

Baili Qingfeng put down the book in his hand.

The whole World is divided into twelve districts, and each district has each and everyone community for the convenience of governance.

The Di Shi District was originally established to deal with the Vatican Gate of Heaven, but since the All Gods turn to Dusk, the Bimonthly World seems to regard the Federation as a real enemy, although there are no more True Gods sent into them. World, but the number of Space Gates built has increased significantly.

However, the bimonthly boundary is to get through the Space Gate on their side, and the federal districts can only watch with their eyes open, which is difficult to stop.

At best, while the Space Gate is not yet open, it will form a huge Mecha warrior Legion, and enter the Space Gate opposite to kill and destroy.

Over the past two decades, the results have been minimal.

At present, the number of Space Gates in the world has increased from twelve years sixty years ago to thirty-nine now, with annual growth.

With the increase of Space Gate, the war area is also expanding.

Like Baili Qingfeng, when he first came out of the gate of Asura, the area of ​​600 kilometers and more than 400,000 square kilometers of land was rare and almost completely filled with military bases.

But even if there is such a specially divided military area, the surrounding area can still be safe. From time to time, these military areas will have the Great Knight and Half-Step Legend of the bimonthly boundary, and they will be killed from the Space Gate. Out, ordered to understand the situation of the world while trying to reduce the war potential of the Federation.

In this case, around a lot of war zones, a batch of warning zones have been established. After the warning zone is the Commerce District, the tourist zone, and the Safety Sector at the most core location.

“No wonder the architectural style of Shougu City is similar to the period when I left … No, it is worse than my period, many buildings rarely have more than ten floors, and the quality requirements are extremely high …”

At the same time, he also understood why the entire city was obviously attacked by electromagnetic pulses, but not at all caused much disturbance.

Probably the residents of the city have become accustomed to this change.

“Electronic bracelets are very important. Each electronic bracelet not only records the identity information of residents, but also includes functions such as bank cards, communications, and social circles. At present, Shougu City has just been attacked by electromagnetic pulses, and some people cannot start it. It is reasonable to say that the electronic bracelet should be replaced. If you go to those relatively safe commercial cities and tourist cities, if you do not have an electronic bracelet on your wrist, you will be treated as an alien immediately. “

Baili Qingfeng thought, looking towards the center of the city.

The electronic bracelet comes from the global center in every city, and only that institution can issue it. Because it also has the role of an electronic ID card, it is often registered when humans are born.

In addition, the bimonthly world has sent more than one person to sneak into Earth World. In order to prevent this latent, the verification function of the electronic ID card has already been heavily encrypted. Re-processing of the ID card requires more than the verification of basic information. Local The department will also specifically verify his growth trajectory.

In this case, Baili Qingfeng wants to reissue an electronic identity is not an easy task.

“Identity authentication is difficult, everyone has a strong sense of anti-spyware, even if I pretend to be another person, but if I ca n’t fully integrate into his life circle, I will still cause a lot of trouble …”

Baili Qingfeng scratched his head.

The establishment of the federal government has completely inspired the potential of the people Wang Yang.

And Baili Qingfeng doesn’t want to fake, disguise or something.

He is him, he has n’t broken the law, he has n’t done anything shameful, and he has to hide from Tibet.

“Then I can live my life as before. I came to this world without any malice. I just want to see my family, relatives and friends. If I can … Well, my current situation is probably equivalent. to go out to work, and then find a girlfriend outside, and then buy a house in the field and get married. Now, come to visit a house, so there is no need to hide. “

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, but the mood was cheerful.

He is a law-abiding person and yearns for this peaceful and stable living environment.

“Well, the first time to apply for electronic bracelets seems to be very troublesome, and there are a lot of procedures … I used to run government departments, and I had to run more than a dozen departments for a small problem, either this person was not there It ’s normal for the leader to go to a meeting and spend three or five days … it ’s better to go home and see my parents. When the time comes, I ’ll go to the relevant department to slowly register the information. ”

Thinking back to the book he just saw, he quickly chose a direction and was about to take off.

“Wait a minute.”

When he was about to take off, he seemed to think of something: “If I just fly up like this, if there is any misunderstanding, I am afraid I will be beaten down.”

He did n’t worry about being injured in the process of being beaten down, but felt that a round of shells was worth a lot, and wasted money that was also a taxpayer ’s waste.

It is better to save and add some social welfare to spend these shells worth at least a few thousand thousand, several million, and even tens of millions and hundreds of millions of shells on him.

It would be better if prices could be lowered.

“Well, I do n’t know if my home has been demolished …”

Baili Qingfeng suddenly looked forward to it.

His family is okay, not to mention what is rich and expensive, but it also belongs to a well-off society.

The family has a small factory in the city, relying on the factory. At that time, the annual family income was like 2,000,000.

With these unfathomable mystery ideas, Baili Qingfeng’s figure rose into the sky, and the light around all was quickly distorted.

Soon, he was almost invisible, completely disappearing into ordinary people’s vision.

At this time he seemed to see a fighter jet passing by in the sky.

Fighter …

“Well, there is radar, infrared remote sensing is also a defense?”

Thinking about it, faintly discernable electromagnetic waves occurred again in his body. These electromagnetic waves can absorb the electromagnetic waves that cancel the radar, so as to avoid radar scanning.

After doing this, his figure rose into the air, maintaining a relatively low altitude and a speed less than double the speed of sound, and headed towards the Divine Continent area next door.

Although he did n’t come back in the six years, but the world has changed significantly in the past six years. He happened to be flying while learning about the new situation of the Earth Federation.

Along the way, he was able to see many soldiers heading towards Shougu City. It seemed that many traffic routes were closed.

In addition, he felt a lot of high-power electromagnetic waves sweeping over the city of Shougu.

There seems to be a sense of surveillance above the sky.

But he didn’t think much.

Just think that with the passage of time and the development of technology, it is normal operation to have satellites staring at the sky dome and repeated scanning of the radar repeatedly.

After all, the Earth Federation is now threatened by the bimonthly world, and it is reasonable to call them 100% spirit.

Let ’s say …

Before he left, he could not sense the existence of electromagnetic waves and light waves of various frequencies. Heaven knows at that time whether the scanning of satellite and radar waves was so frequent.

“Why is there no time to be quiet, but someone is going to carry that ’s all for us.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly entered the Divine Continent district with emotion.

After entering the Divine Continent area, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel that the air around all became friendly.

It’s not the kind of wanderer who doesn’t return all the year round. It’s hard to imagine the feeling of returning home suddenly.

“My home was originally in Tianhua City … I think about the location, hey, if I remember correctly, the geography book marks Tianhua City as Safety Sector?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes lit up.

Although the Commerce District and the tourist area do not have to worry about being affected by the war, it is obviously more comfortable to live a safe life in the Safety Sector.

Because of the Earth ’s diameter, Baili Qingfeng ’s telescope is somewhat difficult to correct the position.

Plus, as he keeps flying, Tianhua City is getting closer …


As he entered the Divine Continent district for 800 kilometers, a huge city suddenly appeared in front of him.

Giant city!

Real giant city!

Baili Qingfeng Shougu City, who was there three hours ago, has a large population, but the degree of prosperity is not as good as that of the first-tier city before he left this World.

But the Tianhua city in front of you is so prosperous that you have entered the era of science fiction and the illusion of a future city.

In the whole city, hundreds of high-rise buildings rise up from the ground. Numerous underground rails and aerial rails are constantly interlaced between the buildings. Suspension vehicles on the rails roar back and forth, and there is no stop.

The building is all around, each and everyone The huge display screen displays a variety of news, advertisements, and from time to time there are some stereoscopic images presented by virtual projections.

In addition, Baili Qingfeng also discovered a large number of personalized and miniaturized aircraft.

These vehicles are constantly shuttled in specific orbits, in a trance, like a Sword Immortal flying with a sword passing through the sky.

After watching it for a while, he quickly realized what he was doing and suddenly covered his eyes.

“Tianhua City has developed beyond recognition, my family …”

Baili Qingfeng glanced.

Except for the geographical location and the same name, it is noted that this is the former second-tier city of Tianhua City. Others have nothing in common with Tianhua City in his memory.

Baili Qingfeng, according to his own memory, hesitated for a while before coming to the one hundred and sixty-story mansion where his home might be located, and finally …

Looking in front of a building.

Taihua City Public Security Management Department, Bai Hua Street.

Baili Qingfeng fell from the sky and appeared in an unmanned corner.

Then come to the household registration office of the management department.

“My parents should be able to find it here. Even if I ca n’t find it, at least I can know where the factory that was originally located has moved. If I find a factory in my home, I will naturally find my parents. Ring. “

Baili Qingfeng thought.

There are many people in the household registration office.

He watched it for a moment, picked up a number on the machine, and waited patiently in line.


(The code chapter actually gave me the feeling that the code Li Qiuxian and Supreme Zhanyuan had a final duel in the source world.)

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