Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1075


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“Don’t come back.”

Seeing Baili Qingfeng open, Li Xian laughed in the hall.

And a woman in the room that looks 25, full of mature charm, also set her sights on Baili Qingfeng: “This one is the elder brother, really … instrument dignified, handsome out of the Ordinary, I do n’t know how many Huaichun girls can be charmed in the future. “

“Brother … brother?”

Baili Qingfeng slightly startled.

This woman looks a lot bigger than him, and is actually commendable to him.

But for a moment he recalled that he used the identity of Li Buzhi, in other words …

He is fourteen years old this year! ?

You do n’t have any children, so you ’re grandfather?

“Never mind, you come, I will introduce you to a few people.”

At this time, Li Xian’s voice rang again.

Baili Qingfeng glanced, there were six strange faces in the room besides Su Li he had seen before.

“These three, Wang Zhenwei, Yuanfeng, and Qiao Qi are all my partners. Pioneer Group can have today’s achievements, thanks to the joint assistance of the three …”

“Uncle Wang, Uncle Yuan, Uncle Qiao.”

Baili Qingfeng greeted the three of them, looking very polite.

In spite of the sudden emergence of this, the three people who are most likely to take over the Pioneer Group from Li Xian in the future are very cold, but looking at Li Xian’s face, it also means un’ed.

Jochie also smiled and said: “Just come back.”

“In addition, I just greeted you, your younger sister Xingyao, two of them are Uncle Wang’s son Pinghai, and the other is your uncle Qiao’s child Qiao Xue.”


Baili Qingfeng greeted.

Qiao Xue ’s age seems to be around thirty, but it is quite charming, but nowadays, skin care products are used more, and it looks like 30 years old … maybe it ’s already 40.

In other words, another 25-six younger sister most likely is more than thirty, no wonder it looks so mature and capable.

“No brother.”

Li Xingyao has a pretty smile on her face: “until now listens to your father talking about you. It has been twenty years since then. Today our family is finally reunited. After receiving this news, my impatient rushed over , I want to meet my brother. ”

At this time, Li Xianyi also explained: “You were missing accidentally, and your mother was seriously ill. She was afraid of me being lonely, and urged me to adopt Li Zhou and three years old at the end of her life. Xingyao, I originally planned to take the time to tell you about it, but when I came back from the company, you were already out … “

while speaking, he took a closer look at Baili Qingfeng ’s expression, and after seeing that he did n’t seem to have any offensive or rebellious emotions, he took a sigh of relief and said with a smile: “Now I see Xing Yao, just know me , And Li Zhou is talking about the new chip market development business in Olympus, it is estimated that it will be a few days before you meet. “

Baili Qingfeng can understand the spirit entrustment required by the parents when the spirit is empty.

For their adoption of one child and one daughter, they are fully understandable.

Even after sensing Li Xian ’s agitated emotions, he took the initiative to smile and greeted Li Xingyao: “Hello.”

While speaking, she was also nodded to Wang Pinghai and Qiao Xue: “Pinghai and Qiao Xue, how are you.”

“No brother.”

The two were also nodded with a smile.

The overall atmosphere still looks very harmonious.

At this time, Su Li suddenly said to Li Xian: “Lord, let Xingyao, Axue, and Pinghai talk with them separately. They belong to the same generation, and they should have the same topic, just let They do n’t need to take a look at the changes in Tianhua City over the years. “

Li Xiansi wandered for a moment, considering that his next chat with Wang Zhenwei, Yuanfeng, Qiao Qi was not suitable for being heard by Baili Qingfeng, and now nodded: “Well, do n’t let it be older than you, But this time is out of the field, and the information is relatively closed. A Zhou and Ping Hai, you take him around. “

Speaking of which, he gave Li Xingyao a careful look: “I hope you can really treat it as a brother, get along well, understand?”

“Dad, don’t worry, I always want to have another big brother, and let me lead the big brother to quickly integrate into life and leave it to me.”

Li Xingyao said with a smile.

Li Xian is nodded.

Although he is adopted by one child and one daughter, his ability is not bad, especially Li Zhou, which is called commercial genius. He has been trained by him as a successor in these years, and he has been methodical in handling people.

Let ’s get Li Xingyao and Baili Qingfeng get along now and see how well he accepts them.

Soon, Baili Qingfeng and Qiao Xue, Li Xingyao and Wang Pinghai left.

After seeing them leave, the eyes of Wang Zhenwei, Yuanfeng and Qiao Qi fell on Li Xian: “I said Li Old Brother, which one are you singing?”

“He is indeed my son Li Wuzhi, there is no doubt about it.”

Li Xiandao.

“Listen to Su Li that you intend to hand Pioneer Group to him in the future?”

“I have this idea, but it depends on what he means.”

“You have been cultivating A Zhou vigorously and let him successfully enter the board of directors over the years, and the ability of A Zhou to work in the group has not disappointed us. Talking about it, if you change your coaching position … Have you ever considered A Zhou’s idea? Although some of the programs in the TV series are exaggerated, they may not have any reference role. “

“I know, but I’m not dead yet. I believe I can hold my foot.”

Li Xian indifferently said.

“But Li Old Brother, you are seven and 15 years old, and all of us have survived the great disaster of twenty six years. We have some problems with our bodies. Now you can hold your feet. But ten years later? Do you think that in ten years time, can your eldest son grow up and suppress A Zhou ’s sharpness? ”

Li Xian’s eyes fell on Wang Zhenwei and several people, frowned: “What did Ah Zhou tell you?”

Wang Zhenwei shook the head: “We did not contact A Zhou, we can accept A Zhou, because he showed the ability to let us recognize, but Li Buzhi …”

“Director Lorraine passed a message with us not long ago. He was worried that Pioneer Group would eventually become a family business. Once a company became crony, its life force and future would be obvious.”

Yuanfeng’s focus is serious.


This is the second largest director of the group, with a shareholding ratio of 29.1%, not much worse than the 34.2% of his hands. The remaining Wang Zhenwei, Yuanfeng, Qiao Qi, Li Zhou and the others, the shares in their hands The ratio is in the range of 5% to 10%.

Behind the director of Lorraine, Huanyu Group is standing …

This is one true Giant level enterprise, involving military industry manufacturing.

At that time, Pioneer Group sought financing, and it could only rise rapidly after being helped by Huanyu Group. At the same time, Vanguard Group paid a lot of money at the same time. Li Xian had inserted a Li Zhou, if he still wanted to promote Li Do not enter the board of directors to take charge of the pioneer group in the future, which may eventually make Li Family account for more than 51% of the pioneer group. Director Lorraine will never watch this happen.

“Oh …”

Li Xian expression is very calm: “Twenty six years ago, I was just a Boss of a small factory. The annual turnover is less than 10 million, and the net profit is only one 2,000,000. I can be a pioneer in twenty six years. The development of the group to this point, then I can naturally take the future direction of the Pioneer Group. “

“Okay, I hope you are right … It’s just that the times are different now, the New Generation is born in the battle of war, and their methods are much tougher than our older generation.”


“Brother, I heard from your dad that you did n’t call it this name. When you were in elementary school, your dad changed your name to Li Youzhi. He said,” Do n’t be evil, do n’t be good. Not for the meaning of ‘Why did Dad rename you suddenly?’

Li Xingyao asked with a smile in the elevator.

“This …”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a while: “It should be that he doesn’t want me to do bad things, I hope I can do more good things.”

“Is this so?”

Li Xingyao said, immediately said: “What are we going to do next? Oh, listening to Li Aunt said, you seem to have just returned from a relatively closed and backward environment, should you not know what is new? Let ’s go to the exhibition hall. . “

“Exhibition hall? Auto show?”

Baili Qingfeng is a little curious.

Two words at the car show …

There is naturally a picture in his mind, big, long and white!

Although his family background was good in the past, his parents were strict. On that occasion … he could only think about it, now …

I’m really curious.

“Auto Show?”

Qiao Xue on the side said with a smile: “The car show this thing is for those young people to play. We call the exhibition hall the Mecha exhibition hall.”

“Mecha? Yes.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

“Although the World today is a peace and security, the disaster of twenty six years ago is still vivid. I clearly remember how our family survived in those six months … The older generation is better, But the leisure time of our generation is basically not racing, going to the sea, or sweeping the mall … Oh, it is not not sweeping, but it is not the kind of mall. “

Qiao Xue said, glanced at the side Wang Pinghai said: “There are three Mechas in Pinghai’s courtyard!”

“Three Mechas?”

Baili Qingfeng startled: “Can folks also collect Mecha?”

“Not legally required, but can’t I get a Mecha driver’s license?”

Qiao Xuedao.

“Do n’t listen to Xueya ’s nonsense, my few Mechas can be regarded as real Mechas. All the lethal weapons have been removed, which is no different from the one-to-one model.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the Mecha warrior textbook in his electronic bracelet, and at a few others: “Do n’t you say you can drive Mecha after spirit level 10? The three of you … The highest level is Pinghai. Level 6? “


Wang Pinghai glanced at Baili Qingfeng …


“Civil Mecha is equipped with an auxiliary system, so it can be used with Spirit Level 6 … Look at you like this, you seem to know Mecha quite well?”

“Understand a little bit.”

Baili Qingfeng said truthfully.

“Humility is n’t it, then either we will buy one at the exhibition hall and I will take you to a professional venue to practice?”

“Professional venue?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes lit up.

Can I drive Mecha to become a Mecha warrior?

“Okay, no problem!”


(I have been studying what ABC stocks this morning, and what are the voting rights for dividends, etc., I feel dizzy, but (☄⊙ω⊙) ☄After checking for an hour, I was shocked, I am When writing business warfare? Is there no one in my heart? Cough cough, I change, Mecha and Fireball are the romance of men.)

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