Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1076


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The entire group soon came to the Mecha exhibition hall.

The particularity of the times has created a difference in the pursuit of goals by Peak 鈥檚 rich circle.


The cost of each Mecha fully armed is often several billions, even several billions.

Although these Mechas are in a weakened version, the loaded weapon modules are also lacking in weight, but the price is still starting at 10 million levels, and the better one basically reaches over 100 million levels.

In this case, the number of Mecha displayed in the entire exhibition hall is not much, only dozens, and in front of each exhibition stand, without exception, surrounded by a large number of visitors.

Beside the booth, Baili Qingfeng also saw a special product that can only be seen on pictures, the Internet, and TV in normally-a model.

As soon as they arrived, Qiao Xue and Li Xingyao’s eyes were attracted away, even if Wang Pinghai left Baili Qingfeng’s eyes a lot less.

“Scarlet Storm … Arbitrator … Holy Sword … His, guardian angel !? This is one of the styles known as the closest to the official Mecha, using the latest metal materials, extremely strong, and equipped with a repulsive shield , Has a strong defense strength, but the firepower is also not bad, if you let a qualified Mecha division drive this Mecha, one person can destroy an armored force. “

Wang Pinghai’s eyes are a little bright.

However, when he glanced at the price of 80 million yuan, even if he was the son of a pioneer group director and he also opened a small company, he still felt that he could not afford it.

When these people looked at Mecha, Baili Qingfeng was also watching Mecha 鈥檚 data: “Well, the maximum speed is only Mach 1.6? Limit the overload of 9G, and the thrust is only 13 tons?”

Mecha …

Is it so weak?

Even if he does n鈥檛 use Person and Sword Unite’s electromagnetic Sword Technique, the speed is above this Mach 1.6.

“What 鈥檚 wrong, do n鈥檛 you have a fancy one, which one is your favorite?”


Baili Qingfeng shook the head: “Let 鈥檚 go see the professional Mecha.”

“That line.”

Although Wang Pinghai wanted to stay in the exhibition area for a while, considering that their main task was to accompany Baili Qingfeng, it was still nodded.

The entire group took the private aircraft again and went straight to a high-level club.

This clubhouse is built on the outskirts of Tianhua City, covering an area of 鈥嬧€媡hree or four square kilometers.

Baili Qingfeng entire group When I arrived here by flying machine, I saw two Mecha fighters in an open space in front of the “fighting” battle. In the open space, towers stood up, and the top of the tower was each and everyone platform, used to observe the battle of Mecha in the center of the open space.

“Today there is a Mecha matchup between Thunder Dragon of the Flame Sword and James the Bright Star?”

Seeing the two huge monsters fighting together below, Wang Pinghai, Qiao Xue, and Li Xingyao were all very excited.

“Wang Shao, Qiao Young Lady and Li Young Lady are also here?”

Some people saw a few people on the observation deck and greeted with a smile.

Several people quickly walked over, picked up each and everyone’s telescopic equipment, and stared at the duel in the open space far away, his eyes unwilling to blink.

It鈥檚 not just him. The men and women on the scene are all the same. During the fierce war, the young and beautiful female companions around them will also be unable to bear to scream excitedly.

“Do you want to try Wang Shao?”

A man of his age was accompanied by his female companion and walked beside Wang Pinghai.

“Even if I am, both Thunder Dragon and James are eighth-level spirit players, and their Mecha is heavily modified. Although I also play Mecha, I still have self-knowledge.”

Wang Pinghai shook the head.

鈥渉ehe, under normal circumstances, the sixth-level Mecha division naturally cannot fight against the eighth-level Mecha division. Taiwan Mecha borrowed, may not be able to rely on Mecha performance, counterattack the eighth-level Mecha division.”

“Official Mecha?”

Wang Pinghai is a little emotional, Liu Zhongyuan has a good relationship with him, if he speaks…

“Right, this one seems like a new face, I haven鈥檛 seen it…”

The man’s eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng.


Wang Pinghai hesitated for a moment, but still introduced: “Li Youzhi, Young Master Li, son of our chairman…”

“Mr. Li Xian, Chairman of Pioneer Group?”

Man slightly startled: “Isn鈥檛 Mr. Li Xian鈥檚 son Young Master Zhou?”

“Young Master Li is the son of the chairman who has been separated for many years, and I just met yesterday.”

Wang Pinghai briefly introduced.

The man looks at Baili Qingfeng, Great Young Master of Pioneer Group…

Suddenly, he was obviously enthusiastic: “Young Master Li Hello, I am Huang Jie of Skylight Media. If Young Master Li is interested in Mecha, I will introduce you more in the future.”

“I am really interested in Mecha, but…”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the two Mecha divisions of the “Flame Sword” and “Bright Star” in the battle, and the hook: “I am not the same as the Mecha warrior I remember.”

He recalled the spectacular scene when hundreds of Mecha fighters formed a battle line and dragged a True God, saying: “Each Mecha can easily reach speeds of more than two Machs and three Machs when it breaks out , Even Mach 4, they have a variety of weapons, and the use of high-vibration particle knives, laser knives, whether the intensity or intensity of the battle is more amazing than the battle in front of them.”

“That’s a professional Mecha warrior, every one is an elite in the military department, and can enjoy heroic treatment in any city, and most of us naturally have no contact with this kind of existence.”

Huang Zhe embarrassed.

Qiao Xue on the side heard Baili Qingfeng and said with a smile: “Listening to the brother’s statement, it seems that there is a way to take us to see the real Mecha warriors fighting and open your eyes?”

Baili Qingfeng thought about it.

The battle at Asura 鈥檚 Gate was not so easy to end. The Mecha fighters in the Di Shi District suffered a big loss from the True Gods of the Double Moon Realm. True God over there must definitely fight back, and the battle should not be over.

Plus …

When he saw his father Li Xian, he felt that he was really old, so he was thinking of going back to Shougu City and taking the True God essence that he hid in Shougu City to see if he could let Bai Dao Mingto Relationship, find a pharmacy compounder and blend the essence of True God into a life-extending potion.

And Qiao Xue, Wang Pinghai, and the others have their own private flying machines, and he can just call them and take a ride down the plane.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng happily responded: “Okay, let’s go to see it together, just over the door of Asura, and I happen to get something.”

“en !? Gate of Asura!?”

Wang Pinghai and Li Xingyao’s eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng at the same time, a little surprised: “Young Master Li, can you enter the war zone over there?”

“Do you still need a relationship?”

“Of course, you must find a relationship to apply through the waterway into the war zone, otherwise, you may be shot down by various anti-aircraft weapons.”

“Find a relationship application?”

Baili Qingfeng clicked on the electronic bracelet and submitted an application information.

Just a moment, a green reminder signal lights up.

“Look, isn’t this an application? It’s easy.”

Wang Pinghai, Li Xingyao and Qiao Xue glanced at each other, and they were suddenly shocked.

Mecha fighters fighting and training in the war zone,

“Well, it’s a little far away, more than 1,800 kilometers …”

“It does n鈥檛 matter.”

Huang Zhe quickly got together: “I have a supersonic aircraft that can fly at a speed of 1.5 Mach, even if I make a circle around our planet, it will not take a day.”

“That’s good, together.”

Baili Qingfeng warmly greeted Huang Zhe.

This kind of downdraft doesn’t sit white or sit.


Almost when Baili Qingfeng applied to enter the war zone where Asura Gate is located, this news was reported to General Lu Long and President Zhou Guang at the fastest speed.

And in less than half an hour, a video conference with a very high level of participants began.

“You should have received the message I just sent to you. Divine King, who is mysterious, has just submitted a channel to the gate of Asura in the war area. According to the data we tracked, he has now left. Tianhua City, with a population of 80 million, flew towards the War Zone of the Asura Gate at a speed of Mach 1.4 with a private flying machine. It is expected to arrive at the Asura Gate in an hour. “

Zhouguang President said solemnly.

“What on earth did he think? Leave the equivalent of Tianhua City with 80 million hostages and go to the door of Asura, which has now gathered 800 Mecha warriors !? He is going to give up all his advantages walking right into a trap? “

“The door of Asura just launched the extinguishing soul plan the day before yesterday. It was the period of military strength pinnacle, especially the smooth execution of the extinguishing soul plan. In order to prevent the retaliatory counterattack of True God in the next bimonthly world, a large number of electromagnetic guns , Laser guns, and armed satellites are concentrated in that area, and even Celestial Phenomenon satellites help to disperse the bad weather that may be formed in this area. In this case, even if a real Divine King carries hatred from the bimonthly world, Out, we are also 70% sure that he will stay there forever … At this time, this Divine King goes to the door of Asura … What is his purpose? “

“Is there any terrifying existence in the two-moon world that is about to kill, and this Divine King should cooperate with each other? Give the gate of Asura a fatal blow to the 800 Mecha warriors?”

“Do not rule out this possibility!”

“But if there is a big move in the Double Moon Realm, why do n鈥檛 we get any information? In case, this Divine King went to Asura 鈥檚 gate for other reasons. Once we angered it, we could n鈥檛 get him. The killing attracted him and us to cast aside all considerations for face, when the time comes … “

Admiral Lu Long, Aslan, Norwich, Qin Dongsheng, and the others all spoke one after another, and the Peak Peak great character in the Conference Hall seemed a mess.

“You guys, now it’s time for us to make a choice. If we want to kill this Divine King, he will abandon the 80 million hostages in Tianhua City and go to the gate of Asura, which will be our best chance. If we don’t kill 鈥?Once he has any plans … who will be the unpredictable consequences waiting for us … “

President Zhou Guang’s heavy voice echoed in everyone’s ears: “So, it’s time for us to decide our future destiny …”

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