Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1081


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“This is… Astral!?”

True God, who is in the Star River volume, feels the bright starry sky enclosing him, and feels the strength contained in each star, and his will will fluctuate wildly.


“hong long long!”

Without waiting for the True God to speak, Baili Qingfeng’s star-breaking technique blasted down.

Strength that the stars collapsed tears the True God’s will instantly.

“Stop it!”

This True God is still stubbornly reorganized after being torn apart, but…

Baili Qingfeng has only sensed for a moment, and his face has shown an awe-inspiring color: “A star-killing spell has destroyed at least nearly 10% of his will of God, especially… in the world of incompetence His will cannot be repaired continuously, in other words… Thirty stars will collapse, and I will completely wipe out his will…”

The will is destroyed and True God dies.

And the time it takes to release the 30 Star Crashes in Spirit World…

3 minutes!

“It’s really a blessed by heaven environment, and it’s true True God’s immortality.”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Comparing with the difficulty of annihilating True God…

Think about it all.

When he was emotional, the expressions of the outside world seemed to freeze.

True God!

A hundred Mecha fighters may not be able to fight against the True God of beheading. Once placed in a normal city, a True God that will cause no difficulty to millions and even tens of millions of people will be killed and killed in Baili Qingfeng It will be so in less than three seconds until the end…

It’s just…

It’s brutal!

Under the impact of this shocking scene, when Baili Qingfeng crushed that True God’s will to Spirit World, he took two breaths and the battlefield near this area was dead.

Whether True God or the Mecha fighters who witnessed this murderous scene, all unconsciously held their breath.

“Mr. Li!”

For a long time, the latest Gundam suddenly woke up: “Thank you, saved my life…”

“You are welcome.”

Baili Qingfeng’s consciousness stayed in spirit World for a moment, his gaze turned, and he leaped over from the Gundam, which had already fallen on another True God.

And while his gaze fell on the True God, the True God also woke up, his gaze fell on him.

Because Baili Qingfeng is just a Demi-God, plus he and Gundam are fighting side by side, this True God did not regard him as a fellow of the two-moon world at all. Force fluctuations condense on him, a divine technique has been condensed.

“divine technique · all spirits!”

A door seemed to open above his head. In the door, the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses stormed out like a one after another rainbow, and swept straight to Baili Qingfeng’s figure, the speed was fast, He was not given any chance at all.

“Be careful!”

Gundam exclaimed.

After the golden flame flashed on Baili Qingfeng, feeling the power of the eruption in these rainbow lights, he faced the front without without the slightest hesitation, fist strength exploded, everything in the sky within a range of 1000 meters The meson seemed to be completely exploded and reduced to a vacuum.

Bai Qing Qingfeng’s figure keeps receding in a violent explosion.

From time to time, a rainbow of light hit his body, but he was blocked by the burning golden flame on his body. Even if the golden flame could not resist, the remaining rainbow could not tear the defense of Frost God Armor.

However, the real terrifying of these rainbow lights is obviously not the impact contained in it, but the majestic will of the gods embedded in it.

The will of these magnificent gods continues to oscillate in Baili Qingfeng spirit World, and it seems that his spirit world will be completely torn apart.


After his Spirit World evolved into a Star River, it was too vast and solid. Although these rainbows were like a rushing Universe storm, which caused more than 20 natal stars to extinguish, but…

That’s all.

“True God and True God’s confrontation energy competition is on the one hand, the most crucial point is the will confrontation. After the energy competition fails, at best it will be beaten by the god body, but once the will is exhausted, it will fall into a deep sleep If you are caught and slapped by the other party in the middle of a deep sleep… True God only has a dead end…”

Baili Qingfeng’s mind flashed in his mind.

That’s why all True God’s divine technique often comes with a strong will.

“How is it possible!”

Feeling Baili Qingfeng’s spirit fluctuations that hardly decreased much, the True God sank quickly with a heart: “Divine Kingdom!? No! He is only a Demi-God, how can he own Divine Kingdom! Moreover, the Rule Power projected from the Space Gate affects at least 20-30 kilometers… and here, it is hundreds of kilometers away from the Space Gate!”

Baili Qingfeng ignored the idea of ​​True God.

Seeing that he no longer attacked, he immediately integrated into the starry realm, excited by electromagnetic ejection, within the body the energy in the ring magnetic field kept surging, and the fierce destruction of Strength was brewing on him again.

That kind of special energy response…

“This move again!?”

The True God without the slightest hesitation withdrew and retreated. At the time of the retreat, his figure flickered like a phantom, which made people unable to lock his figure!

“What a wonderful body!”

Baili Qingfeng heartily praised.

divine technique is different from other skills, there is a launching process.

Despite his continuous proficiency over the years, he can first accumulate energy within the body and then release it in an instant, but it still takes a second or two.

And this two-second time…

It’s enough for a True God to rush beyond 2000 meters.

This distance divine technique for nothing’s formidable power is no longer deadly.

Of course, he can choose the formidable power of the divine technique of accumulating the divine technique, which takes longer to accumulate, in this case…

Baili Qingfeng lifted his left hand flat, and a Flying Sword spun rapidly in his palm.

When the True God flashes again, the electric light bursts out and the Flying Sword breaks into the air!

Under the Sword Technique, this Flying Sword shoots in front of True God at nearly twenty times the speed of sound.


Absolute Strength given by absolute speed, even the True God’s body is difficult to resist.

In an instant, the flashing True God has been penetrated through the body.

Due to the powerful body of the god, Flying Sword can’t shoot it like a carrier. It can only pass through his body, but even so, the terrorist Strength carried on Flying Sword still carries his body. Let him fly involuntarily.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Baili Qingfeng stepped on a virtual footstep and stopped for a while after a divine technique. The nihility finally rubbed out.


That really Divine Eyes has a big pupil and tries his best to regain his center of gravity, but next moment ……

Endless light has completely swallowed his figure.

Reproduced the scene like True God Ji Si.


Baili Qingfeng’s figure appeared in an instant 2000 meters away.

Behind him, the blazing white rays of light overshadowed the glory of the sun, even if it was just a flash, the destruction strength that can be released instantly is enough for any one to be inspired from the heart.

But at this moment, Baili Qingfeng had his hands together and a familiar and terrifying energy was frantically brewing from him.

Feeling the familiar and terrifying fluctuations in this energy, Yuantai True God did not dare to hesitate any more, and withdrew suddenly, rushing towards Divine Kingdom on the ground at the fastest speed.

This mysterious existence whose breath is equivalent to Demi-God can escape from his divine technique that can trap Divine King, showing that most likely also has God King Level battle strength!

Only Divine King is the one who can deal with such King Level existence!


(I have to say something, but I feel like I didn’t say anything.)

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