Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1082


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The message passed by Gundam was immediately reported to Lu Long, the military chief of the Di Shi District, and Lu Long quickly contacted Aoguang, Norwich and the others.

“that Divine King doesn’t listen to the Mecha warriors’ forcible rush to the door of Asura?”


Lu Long said solemnly: “Although none of us want to face it, the situation is probably going in the worst direction.”

“Call me Sokala, the star leader!”


Zhou Guang’s order was conveyed in less than ten seconds. A tall, sturdy man appeared in the Conference Hall.

Although this man looks less than thirty years old, he has a breath of years of precipitation, and his real age is more than fifty years old. Only by taking the life extension potion made by True God’s Blood can he maintain the pinnacle period Face.

Sokala, the son of the stars!

He and the first break in the history, the ashes of God’s slaughterer, are called the three pillars of the Federation!

They have created an array of Mecha warriors’ joint strikes, maintained the highest record of spirit intensity, and achieved the greatest number of invaders.

“His President, I have received a message from Gundam, one of the Legendary stars, but when the enemy of the Asura Gate launched an invasion, there were still three Space Gate begin to stir in the other two districts, which contained us. There are a lot of strengths, and there are not many strengths that I can mobilize. The only thing I can do is to lead my guards, and then let Mr. Polan, who is based in the Divine Continent district, rush to personal support.”

Sokala sound said solemnly.

Zhou Guang knew that this was indeed the limit of what he could do.

A total of 49 Space Gates have been opened in the Earth Federation. Each Space Gate has one to three hundred Mecha fighters depending on the degree of danger.

It’s just that there are too few Mecha fighters in the world, and there are too many gods. They have been in passive defense. They watched Space Gate increase its speed by one, or even two or three seats a year, like now, Sokala was able to take his guard away from his guard position and go to the gate of Asura to support himself, which had already taken a great risk.

“You are done.”

Zhou Guang looked tired.

The situation is deteriorating. Even if they have launched all the strengths in the world to deal with the crisis in the bi-moon world, they have brought more than 30,000,000 square kilometers of unmanned area to Earth with a large number of hydrogen bombs and anti-matter bombs. No one knows how long the Earth Federation can sustain.

“This is my duty.”

Sokara said, with a tone: “If that Divine King’s information is correct, I don’t think we can stop the two Divine King and Ten True God from joining together… I suggest, prepare to’annihilate “Missile…”


Zhou Guang is sad.

Are there more tens of thousands of square kilometers of uninhabited area?


At this moment, Admiral Lu Long seemed to have received any news, and the whole person was stunned on the spot.

Suddenly, ecstasy appeared on his face that couldn’t be stopped: “Really!? Good! Very good! This… this is a miracle!”

“What happened?”

President Zhou Guang quickly asked: “It looks like good news.”

Norwich and Sokala are also staring closely at the top person in charge of the Emperor District.

“that Divine King!”

Even if Lu Long wants to control his emotions, he is still happy: “It is that Divine King! The situation is not at all moved towards the worst reverse development, on the contrary, it is reversed! That Divine King stands on our stand , Is helping us to fight against the invaders from the bimonthly world! In the very short time he joined the battlefield, two True Gods have fallen on his hands!”

“that Divine King is helping us to fight the invaders of the double moon world!?”

“Two True Gods fell on his hands!?”

Norwich and President Eugene are full of incredible.

“Miracle! This is really a miracle!”

Lu Long cannot stand to stand.

“Not a miracle! We have to thank that Divine King, who is on our side at the most crucial moment!”

The star leader Sokala also received information from the Mecha fighters at this time, and finally a smile appeared on his dignified face.


Norwich murmured: “That Divine King is actually helping us?”

“Perhaps… what he said was from Heaven Wasteland Domain, it is true to return to our Earth Federation to visit relatives…”

Zhou Guang ordered: “I want all the materials of the battlefield of Asura Gate!”


The door of Asura.

The battle continues.

That Yuantai True God ran for tens of kilometers, but he didn’t escape Baili Qingfeng Sword Technique’s shooting.

When his body is out of balance through the penetration, the divine technique shines with nothingness, and the terrifying heat of hundreds of millions of degrees will burned into ashes for a kilometer around him.

But when Baili Qingfeng was about to involve his spirit in the Star River, that Divine King finally stepped out of the Divine Kingdom on the ground.

Compared with True God, Divine Lord has unlimited energy, while Divine King can compare Strength with Divine King, and bless himself, making his battle strength skyrocket.

This Divine King’s lineage is obviously more than just the ten True Gods exposed in front of him. The gods in his lineage are likely to reach twelve, or even thirteen, but it’s a complete Large gods!

With one after another faintly discernable illusory shadow flickering behind him, he stabs out with a sword, Sword Qi is empty, and in the void seems to be directly chopped out of a sky, will kill Baili Qingfeng who is killing Yuantai True God. Down.

Afterwards, Strength continuously from the Divine Kingdom on the ground poured into his body, and with the help of Dao illusory shadow, he was able to complete the divine technique in less than a second. Ten sword light behind them appeared at the same time, and Sword Qi punched Xiao.

It was the killing technique of shooting the six Mecha fighters instantly.


The Divine King pointed his finger at him.

sword light broke into the air, as if it were a laser cannon, and bombarded Baili Qingfeng with incredible speed.

This divine technique is obviously designed specifically for the research of sniper electromagnetic guns and nuclear shells, speed to the pinnacle.

It may not reach the speed of light like a laser cannon, but it is definitely above 20 times the speed of sound, especially if they are silent, as if ignoring atmospheric resistance, you can’t guard against it.

The locked Baili Qingfeng tried his best to dodge and punch with lightning!

Four Dao sword light was avoided by him.

There are six remaining…

Five of them were defeated by the fist strength of his crushing void, but there was still a breakthrough that broke his blockade and shot him!


Sword Qi exploded!

Even though the golden flames and frost armor can’t resist the sword’s edge, this sword directly penetrates all his defenses, leaving a bloody sword mark on him, the strength contained in it Let him retreat to 100 meters.

“Your Excellency…”

An unstoppable cry from the crowd!

“The speed is so fast, the frequency is so high, can I still have this formidable power!?”

Baili Qingfeng complexion changed.

If it weren’t for the double weakening of the golden flame and frost armor, this sword…

Enough to penetrate his body on the spot.

Divine King powerhouse, horror!

“This is your limit? See how long you can hold this seat!”

And at this time, that Divine King put his hands together again, and the Continuously Strength stretched from Divine Kingdom on the ground, and a new round of ten sword light was evolved again.

Quick shot speed…

Far above the True God.

“Be careful! This is a unique method of Divine King. God’s Force brews the divine technique in advance, and then Divine King guides it out, which makes the efficiency of the divine technique soar!”

A Mecha warrior spirit summons reminder.

“Is it a quick cast? Or should I call a double cast?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the ten sword light that condensed again in the second behind him, his hands were raised flat, and the six-handed Flying Sword spun in front of him.

At the same time as the ten sword light shots, the electric light burst.

Flying Sword with six handles burst out at the same speed.


sword light and Flying Sword collide in the sky!

sword light explodes!

A circle of visible air waves rippling in the sky.

In the middle of the air wave, Flying Sword tore the sword light and continued to kill that Divine King. Although the speed and formidable power were not as good as before, it made that Divine King look sharp.

“I actually broke my divine technique!?”

He made a right hand stroke, and a prism appeared in front of him. Flying Sword shot at the prism was quickly bounced off and scattered all around.

At this time, the remaining four sword lights shot by this Divine King also penetrated the void and hit Baili Qingfeng’s body.

This time, because the evasion is not timely, Baili Qingfeng even hits three swords!

With a trace of golden light, the blood overflowed from him within the body instantly.

The injury is second, the key is that these Sword Qi contain huge impact, once again Baili Qingfeng retreats several meters, so that the gap between the two has been maintained at more than 3000 meters.

This distance may not be long for him…

But with a few 1000 meters of buffer, his divine technique has almost no chance of hitting the target.

“My means are too few, can threaten True God, Divine King, there is only one trick, once restrained by the other side…”

Baili Qingfeng has to admit a fact.

“I can’t beat this Divine King!”

Seeing that this Divine King once again pulled the power of Divine Kingdom, condense a new round of sword light. He also exploded in the arc and controlled the six-handed Flying Sword to rotate in front of him.

Seeing this scene, that Divine King expression changed slightly, and ten sword light directly became six.

“xiu! xiu! xiu! “

Sword light and Flying Sword shot again in the sky, exploding countless finely divided Sword Qi.

But this time…

Flying Sword defeated the sword light, apparently unsustainable, and fell down.

“Strength of True God within the body can also use the divine technique for a limited number of times, not to mention that it is impossible to recover in the world of the invincible level? And this seat has the power of a Divine Kingdom!”

That Divine King put his hands together again, and the six new sword lights condensed again.

For a time, the two were like two gunboats facing each other, constantly shooting at each other.

Sword light and Flying Sword continuously collided and confronted each other within 3000 meters, exploding a large amount of Sword Qi, turning several 1000 meters into death extinction!

Baili Qingfeng can keep recovering the Flying Sword, and this Divine King can also continuously extract Strength from Divine Kingdom. In this confrontation between the two, the two seem to be in a stalemate, and no one can help anyone.

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