Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1091


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“No brother…”

Li Xingyao opened his mouth and hesitated.

“Don’t you? Oh, is it very affectionate.”

Li Zhou stepped forward casually: “Why, when will he arrive?”

After finishing speaking, he looked at the two well-dressed women beside Li Xingyao, frowned: “Go out!”

“Young Master Li…”

The woman looked at Li Monday with some fear and stood up.

But at this time, a youngster behind him said with a smile: “Don’t, Li Zhou, since it’s natural to come to play, there must be a few women to cheer, and they look pretty good, just stay Come and stay with us.”

Li Zhou listened and said with a smile: “Since Edo Young Master can see a few of them, let them stay well.”

Finally, he also said to the other two: “Sean, Anthony Young Master, you two choose one if you like.”

“Brother, they are my friends!”

Li Xingyao was dissatisfied.

“Okay, these people are who I don’t know? Since you’re out and playing, don’t pretend to be serious.”

Li Zhou indifferently said.

In the end, he said to the Anthony Young Master again: “Choose one? Or two or three. I believe Sean and Edo will not mind.”

The man named Anthony Young Master is a man in his thirties, with blond hair. His gaze swept away from several women: “I am not interested in these women…”

Then his eyes fell on Li Xingyao: “Is this your younger sister? Not bad.”

While speaking, he has directly passed the crowd and sat down on the main seat originally reserved for Baili Qingfeng in a spacious private room, just like a master.

Li Zhou saw this scene and said lightly with a smile: “Xingyao, Anthony Young Master sees you pleasingly. This is your blessing, and I will not pour wine for him immediately.”

Although he and Li Xingyao are siblings, they are not related by blood.

In the final analysis, they are all Li Xian’s one after the other adopted orphans that’s all.

In this case, it would be a joke to say that there is less affection between them.

“Li Zhou!”

Looking at the entire group where Huobin won the title, Li Xingyao stood up discontentedly and was about to say something, but at this time she seemed to think of something, and was suddenly startled: “Anthony!? Olympus, rays of light electronics… Anthony family!?”

“I went to Olympus this time to discuss the photonic chip with the rays of light electronics group. When it comes to photonic chip technology, in addition to the Anthony family responsible for the production of all electronic bracelets and electrical chips in the world, Which one can there be?”

Li Zhou indifferently said.

Li Xingyao suddenly changed his complexion.

The Pioneer Group is a star enterprise in the entire Tianhua City, and the Divine Continent District is regarded as a huge monster in the top 100. However, this volume is compared to the impact of the Anthony family in the Olympus District. Li Lai can’t be considered what.

The Anthony family can be ranked in the top ten in the Olympus district. Several members of the local council are members of their family. It is said that there are people in their family who have entered the federal parliament with only one hundred seats. Huanyu Group, which has great influence in the group, is controlled by people from the Anthony family. This person now…

“Cameron Anthony Young Master is the second heir to the Anthony family and vice president of the rays of light electronics group. This time I represent Pioneer Group and rays of light electronics to negotiate a tens of billions of cooperation The order is handled by Anthony Young Master and our Pioneer Group. Therefore, I hope you can entertain Anthony Young Master. Do you understand my words?”

Li Zhou’s tone is indifferent, but his words contain a striking strength.

After a few girls in the original room heard Li Zhou introduced Anthony’s identity, each and everyone’s eyes lit up one after another.

At first, they were somewhat alert about their arrival, but they also relaxed.

This scene fell into Li Xingyao’s eyes and made her secretly displeased, but in response to the eyes of both Anthony and Li Zhou, she quickly regained her calm: “It turned out to be the Cameron Young Master of the Anthony family, you are far away Yes, I really should give you a drink.”

while speaking, she took a bottle of red wine directly from the counter and poured it for Anthony under the eyes of everyone. Then she poured a glass of herself: “I wish you a pleasant time playing in our Tianhua City, I will first Do your best, you are free.”

Speaking, she sipped her wine while drinking.

“Alcohol is good, continue.”

Anthony smiled.

Li Xingyao heard Anthony’s words, which is to ask her to have another drink.


“After a while Anthony Young Master has to follow my brother to do business, I…”

Li Xingyao wants to change the subject, but before finishing the talk, Li Zhou has spoken again: “Since Anthony Young Master lets you drink it, just a few glasses of wine. Normally you and your friends go to various banquets. Isn’t it good.”

“Why, is it possible that I don’t have this face?”

Anthony lightly said with a smile.

He heard that Li Zhou said that the person named Li Buzhi didn’t know what method he used to change Li Xingyao, Wang Haiping, and the others who had been the first to see him. He came to Divine Continent. Tianhua City itself has the purpose of expanding the influence of Huanyu Group in the Pioneer Group. Now that Li Zhou wants to use his Strength to beat Li Xingyao, who betrayed himself, he does not mind selling his personal feelings.

“Anthony Young Master…”

Li Xingyao glanced at Li Zhou. He clearly wanted to teach himself a lesson to let her understand the cost of “betrayal”, but…

Lenovo Baili Qingfeng’s huge influence in the military department, she made a decision after all, resolutely said: “Anthony Young Master has this Yaxing, I feel free to accompany you for a drink, but my main purpose today is to entertain I’m not my elder brother, so forgive me for not being able to accompany me.”


The faint smile on Anthony’s face froze.

And that Edo Young Master came forward at this time: “It looks like the Pioneer Group has a prejudice against our rays of light electronics, Anthony Young Master is not willing to ask your Pioneer Group people to drink a glass of wine, it seems I have to find the director of Lorraine and others to talk about it and let them consider the attitude of Pioneer Group.”

“Edo Young Master don’t be impatient.”

Li Zhou said with a smile: “I believe…”


The door of the private room was pushed open.

Baily Qingfeng and Gundam appeared outside the private room.

“The ninth district, Xianyingxing private room, is here.”

When pushing the door, Baili Qingfeng’s voice has been heard from outside.

At the same time, the two also entered the private room.

“Xingyao, that’s right.”

“Brother, you are here.”

When Li Xingyao saw Baili Qingfeng, he seemed to have found a backing, like relieved sighed in relief.

Almost at the same time as he entered the booth, Gundam’s eyes had fallen on Anthony side Sean.

The kind of iron blood energy that is unique to Mecha fighters…

He is familiar.

When Gundam’s eyes fell on Sean, he also saw Gundam, just…

Looking at his followers following Baili Qingfeng, the pioneer son of Pioneer Group, his face is obviously puzzled, and he seems a little unsure of the guess in his heart.

“Wow, there are a lot of people, it is very lively.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Brother, let me introduce you, this is Cameron Young Master from the Olympus Anthony family…”

“Oh, Cameron Young Master, hello hello.”

Baili Qingfeng immediately stepped forward and shook hands with Anthony in front of him.


Anthony sitting on the main seat didn’t move a bit, so Baili Qingfeng’s hand was stopped in the air.

Although Baili Qingfeng was a little embarrassed for a while, she didn’t take it seriously.

It was Gundam. This scene made him suddenly feel afraid of what he did to inspire the anger of killing the terrifying existence of a Divine King and three True God with no difficulty, and quickly stepped forward: “Your home Have you ever been taught what etiquette is…”

“Okay, okay, don’t say anything, trivial, this is nothing.”

Baili Qingfeng quickly waved his hand.

Other people refuse to shake hands with him, this is really not a major event.

He is not gold, and it makes no sense that everyone likes him.

It’s just that Baili Qingfeng didn’t take it seriously, but the expression on Anthony’s face gradually became indifferent. His eyes fell directly on Gundam, his eyes with a trace of fierceness: “You are provoking me!? How can I teach me at home, turn Get you irresponsible!?”

While speaking, he stood up slowly, a simple action, but exuded a sense of oppression from his body: “Still said… You look down on my Anthony family and deliberately insult my family? “

Baili Qingfeng on the side saw that both parties seemed to be unhappy, and quickly stepped forward to do peacemaker: “sorry, my friend is offensive to speak, I apologize to you on behalf of him, if…”


Anthony looked at Baili Qingfeng in front of him with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: “If an apology is useful, there will not be that many disputes in this world.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Li Xingyao next to him puzzledly: “What’s the matter, isn’t he your friend?”

“I didn’t invite him, my sister and I are waiting for you here, and Li Zhou took them in…”

Li Xingyao explained.

“The Anthony Young Master just forced Xingyao elder sister to drink.”

The woman in the professional attire suddenly inserted a sentence.


Baili Qingfeng glanced at the wine glasses on the table, and then, according to the photos he saw, he quickly fell on Li Zhou: “My younger brother? Are you actually trying to force your own younger sister with an outsider?”

“Oh… I don’t know that I have such a big brother as you. You may have lied to Li Xian, but trying to lie to me is not a simple matter. Heaven knows you came out of that corner. “

Li Zhou looked at Baili Qingfeng, who had nothing to say, and there was a hint of playfulness at the corner of his mouth.

“This matter is more than Li Zhou’s own thing now.”

Anthony spoke again. He stared indifferently at Baili Qingfeng: “Apologize, you have to look like an apology, otherwise…”

Baili Qingfeng looked at Li Zhou and Anthony.

At this time he already understood, these people…

The comers are not good.

“Gundam’s words are indeed offensive, but I have apologized to you on behalf of him, meaning that we have made it clear, but if you are still unhappy, dissatisfied…”

Baili Qingfeng gradually straightened his body, his eyes straight at Anthony: “Come and beat me.”

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