Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1092


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“You come and beat me.”

The short five words echoed in the room.

Hearing this passage, everyone except the Gundam was stunned on the spot.

Especially Li Zhou and Anthony, looking at Baili Qingfeng seems to be looking at a rare breed.


The Edo Young Master was coldly snorted: “There is a good show now.”


Anthony laughed suddenly.

Laughed a word first, and then it seemed that the more I wanted, the more funny I was, so that Unable to Bear laughed: “Haha, hahaha…interesting, interesting, so interesting!”

Not only is he laughing, but Li Zhou and Edo Young Master are also laughing.

The only one of the four who didn’t laugh was the Sean who had experienced the battlefield and was obviously the bodyguard.


His eyes shrank suddenly, immediately operating his electronic bracelet, searching for news.

“Is it funny?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at him.

Anthony smiled for a moment, his eyes suddenly froze, and said sharply: “Li Buzhi? Son of Li Xian, Chairman of Pioneer Group, do you know who you are talking to?”

“Xing Yao has just introduced it, Anthony.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“Good! Good! Good! Very good!”

Anthony said, took out a business card directly from his body and threw it to the ground: “It won’t take long for you to understand the weight of the three words “Anthony”. Take this business card, when the time comes to ask your dad to take you, come directly to me, kneel and apologize to me…”

“Wait, what you said is clear, do you resent the affairs of today, and then irreconcilable with our Li Family? Exterminate Li Family whole family!?”

Baili Qingfeng expression grave road.

“irreconcilable, extinguish Li Family whole family?”

Anthony froze slightly.

In today’s society, such things as irreconcilable and extinct whole family are too much.

In addition, although the Pioneer Group is not comparable to the Anthony family, it is ultimately a star enterprise in Tianhua City, and the Divine Continent district ranks among the top 100 large groups. In the end, he is only the second heir to the Anthony family. The true power of the family, no matter how resentful they feel, will at best be the strength of the network in their hands, and even the cooperation of Li Zhouli should be needed to kick Li Xian out of the Pioneer Group board and let him fall from the cloud of aloof and remote. .

Of course, he can’t say these words naturally, otherwise the imposing manner he accumulated is not disappeared?

At the moment he is sneaked: “This man, living in this world should understand that no matter what decision you make, you have to think about what price you will pay for it. There are some things that you just know… remember, Take this business card and be kind, I will give you and your father the opportunity to come to me for mercy…”

“Wait a minute!”

At this time, Sean finally exclaimed, interrupting Anthony’s words.

His face was pale, and he shuddered: “Young Master…No…don’t talk nonsense.”

“Shaun? What are you doing?”

Anthony frowned.

Instead of ignoring him, Sean took a step forward and looked at Gundam respectfully: “But is the driver of the Dawn Watcher, Mr. Legendary Warrior Gundam?”

“Dawn Watcher? Legendary Warrior!?”

Anthony started.

Li Zhou and another Edo Young Master are also in the heart.

“Legendary Mecha Warrior!?”

Gundam looked at Sean and ignored him, but came directly to Baili Qingfeng: “Mr. Li, we will give you an account of this matter.”

Baili Qingfeng frowned.

Anthony didn’t seem to say that he wanted to irreconcilable to destroy his whole family. Although his words were a bit tacit, he later said he could give himself a chance to change himself…

Thinking about this, Baili Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally felt that people still need more care, more forgiveness, and more understanding.

So he said to Gundam: “I should… I haven’t offended them, nor did I do anything that violates the law?”

“Of course, we all see the whole process, and we are very grateful to Mr. Li for respecting our federal laws.”

“Of course, I have always been a law-abiding citizen.”

Baili Qingfeng said with a smile.

“Please be assured that we will handle this matter and give you a reply.”

“That line, then please you, after all, I… I should not have the power to enforce the law.”

Baili Qingfeng said of this, it seemed to think of the other person’s “benevolent” attitude, and quickly added: “Oh, yes, don’t destroy others’ whole family, let them realize their mistakes.”

Up to a listen…

Almost scared that the sweat on my forehead overflowed.


Mr. Li and Li Divine King just thought about rushing to the Anthony family to exterminate the entire Anthony family with Supreme Divine Power?


Regarding the identity of this Mr. Li-Divine King and True God can be one after another beheaded, habitually grinding their offending enemies into powder, it is completely reasonable.

Not to mention a small Anthony family, even if it is a super city like Tianhua City, once he is not happy, he can still raze to the ground…

Thinking of this, Gundam’s face was pale and he quickly said: “I understand, Mr. Li, please be assured that our handling will not let you down, once again thank you for your respect and recognition of our federal laws.”

“What’s going on?”

At this time, Anthony vaguely felt something was wrong, and he turned to Sean: “You just said that he is Legendary Mecha Warrior Gundam Brigadier General!? Chief Gundam and so on exist, even when facing the general, even the five-star general, This look…”

“Young Master, stop talking!”

Shawn stepped forward with a smile on his face: “Sir, I’m Shawn of the “Raytheon” team, there may be some misunderstandings in this matter…”

Gundam still ignored him, but came directly to Anthony: “Cameron Anthony? I am Captain Gundam, the 42nd team under the stars, and the director of the Federal Office of Foreign Affairs. Now I am arresting you for threatening federal stability. !”

The full confidence in Anthony’s face finally disappeared, with a trace of fear in his eyes: “This… Chief Gundam, misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding. The relationship between our Anthony family and the stars has always been very good. Mecha used by the star warriors It also uses some of the fine chips of our family. My grandfather Reggie also drank with your star Aslan leader last month…”

At this time, two more people came in.

It was the pilot of the previous Baili Qingfeng private aircraft.

“Sir, Mr. Li.”

The two greeted each other.

“Take him down.”

Gundam ignored Cameron Anthony’s words at all.

The two couldn’t help but say, grabbed Anthony directly.

At this time Anthony finally panicked: “What do you want to do!? I did not at all do anything harmful to the Federation, you are abusing your power! I am grandfather serving in the Federal Parliament…”

Baili Qingfeng heard it, and looked at it with some surprise. “Isn’t the Federal Parliament serving for the Earth Federation to overcome the bimonthly boundary? How about the descendants of the members of the parliament? Going up and down, it is very detrimental to the social atmosphere.”

Gundam hastened to promise: “Please rest assured that Mr. Li’s determination and policy of the Federation against the bimonthly world will never be shaken by anyone.”

“Yes, I have read many novels. At the time of the enemy, the soldiers bravely killed the enemy in the front, bloodshed the battlefield, but there was an intriguing fight behind the human…Legendary Mecha soldiers retired due to serious injuries, but found their own home The younger sister was persecuted by the village tyrants to do odd jobs in the restaurant.

“I will respond to your opinion above, and thoroughly examine Mr. Reggie, I will never let you say such a thing will happen.”

“Then I will rest assured.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Anthony, who was pushed out of the room, heard the conversation between the two, and instinctively felt chills: “Impossible, impossible, grandfather, but the federal parliamentarian, even if the Gundam is the Legendary Mecha warrior, I don’t want to shake his position… Bluff! He is bluffing!”

He shouted in disbelief.

But he knew in his heart that it was impossible to speak these words from the ground up as Gundam. Since he said so, even if he could not shake his grandfather’s status in the end, it would cause him some troubles and attract him. Attacks by political enemies, whether or not such attacks will eventually work…

He Cameron Anthony…

It’s over.


Anthony was quickly brought down. During the whole process, Sean, the Mecha warrior, dared not block half a point.

Li Zhou and Edo Young Master on the side are also pale, and they dare not take a breath.

Li Xingyao looked at Baili Qingfeng with no difficulty to suppress the heroic posture of Li Zhou and Anthony.

Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with her choice.

Li Zhou recovered for a while.

Assuming that once Anthony is finished, he will never have a good result. Li Zhou quickly squeezed a smile on his face: “Bud brother… the thing just now… is a misunderstanding, everyone is making a joke, you see, Don’t make it so real…”

He understands that compared with Gundam, Baili Qingfeng’s attitude is the key to the matter.

“I understand, so I didn’t intervene in this matter, but gave it to Gundam and federal law. I believe that federal law will not injustice a good person or let a bad person go.”

The nodded that Baili Qingfeng agrees with.

“What federal law…”

Li Zhou secretly relieved.

If it is handled in accordance with federal law, the operational space is large.

Thinking about it in his heart, but he who has already seen the energy of Baili Qingfeng, he dare not dare to do the same as when he came here: “Don’t be brother, we two rarely meet, it’s just me who will take the lead…”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Baili Qingfeng: “To be honest, Li Zhou, you disappointed me a bit. As a brother, even my own younger sister is not well protected, and even came with outsiders. Bullying my family.”

“This…this is just a joke that friends get together…”

“I can tell if it’s a joke.”

Baili Qingfeng said, and said to Li Xingyao: “Okay, let’s go.”

“Okay, no brother.”

Li Xingyao complied.

When she was about to leave, she called out to only one of the “younger sister” women who stood on her side: “Sasa, you come together.”

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