Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1093

Bai Daoming said that he left the room with Gundam.

This time Li Xingyao was originally ordered by his father Li Xian, and took Baili Qingfeng to know a few more peers. Now because of Li Zhou’s affairs, she can see the true face of her “younger sister”. So far, the only thing that can make her eye-catching is Shasha alone.

Seeing that Baili Qingfeng is done with her business, she immediately said with a smile: “Don’t be a brother, I just didn’t have much fun at the Galaxy”. I’ll take you to another place to walk around, and understand what we are doing now. something youngster plays with.”

“No, I want to stay at home during this time to read books, study a lot, and go out to play every day, giving me a sense of wasting time.”

“Why is it a waste of time, at this age, isn’t it time to spend your youth?”

“I can’t play anymore, I can’t compare with you guys who are already married, how can I go out and play every day like before.”

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand.

His words made Li Xingyao stunned: “Why don’t you… are you married?”

The woman named Sasa on the side was also disappointed, but…

Still sitting dignified.


Baili Qingfeng said: “But I haven’t told my father about this matter yet. I plan to bring her directly next time to come and give my father a surprise. You will also help me keep this matter secret.”

“I…I get it.”

“Okay, go back to reading, alas, there are so many things to learn, and time is not enough.”


Bimonthly boundary.

Walking with bare feet on Bailizhu on a road seems to be sensing something, leaning his head, it seems to be sensing something.

next moment, her figure suddenly rose into the air, and a special force field emerged from her.

Star Power Field!

Under this force field, her body obviously felt great pressure. Under pressure, her body seemed to be crushed.

It’s just that this damage was repaired by her amazing ability to repair Fleshy body by God’s will.

Almost as quickly as the efficiency of the collapse of the fleshy body, the repair of the will of God will be as fast as possible.

In this continuous process, she can clearly sense that her body seems to be getting stronger, or…

Adapt to this pressure.

“zi zi!”

The electric light exploded.

Flying into the void, she suddenly accelerated, suddenly broke the sound barrier, and with a deafening roar, she instantly flew out several thousand meters!

After counting 1000 meters, she forced back from that supersonic flight.

Look pale, there is even blood on the corner of the mouth.

It’s just that Demi-God’s recovery effect on Fleshy body made her careless about these injuries. After wiping the blood around the corner of her mouth, she looked up again, as if looking up at the sky of the entire double moon… p>

“Strength of the Star Realm is already so huge… How amazing is the universe that the Qingfeng big brother mentioned at the time!”

Looking at her thin hands, she showed a hint of unwillingness in her face: “Unfortunately, I was too weak, and the Star Realm could not freely display and master, let alone the more realm…I It must become stronger… Demi-God’s body can’t support the strength of the Star Realm. Then True God, use True God as the support point of the star force field, and then use this support point to pry the entire star, to Star-based, look at the Universe!”

Thinking of this, she looked at the distant city and could not maintain the speed of sound, but the speed of the speed to the pinnacle quickly came to a small town that she saw with telescope not long ago.

And when she came to this town, the town was already caught in a fire sea, and countless people were wailing and screaming in pain.

For this scene, Bailizhu didn’t take a look, and his eyes fell directly to the mouth of the town, a gigantic silhouette with a height of three meters and a body full of black flame.

“A fearful god son spreading fear?”

Bai Lizhu said indifferently.

“You are not the same? I can sense the same kind of smell on you across a hundred kilometers…”

This dread god looks at Bailizhu, with a trace of grief on his face.

“We are different.”

Bai Lizhu said, slowly pulling out his sword.

“Different? They are all fear gods, what’s the difference!? I really thought you were wearing a little girl’s skin and treated yourself as a human!?”

The horror god son said that there was also a fierce and howling in the sword in his hand: “Despite some unknown reason, we have lost our perception of the Father and God, it seems that he has fallen, but our way of ascent But it has been through. The 24 surviving Sons of Fear will surely regenerate someone in the fight, transformed into the new Lord of Fear…”

“24 Fear God Son?”

Bai Lizhu looked at him calmly: “To be precise, it was nineteen, but soon…it will become eighteen…”


This god of fear was started, followed by said with a malicious smile: “Yes, eighteen, even, we are fighting for the hope of achieving the new god of fear, the same is true of other gods…the real remaining fear now The Son of God may have only 14, 10, or even 5…but…you can’t see that scene…”


At the end of the talk, the Strength of the Fearing Son within the body burst out, and the breath of Demi-God Level spread unbridled…

And in front of him, he was greeted by a round of Sword Qi!

A round of Sword Qi breathed with Paragon God, slashing spirit, penetrating Heart, destroying Sword Qi of will.


“You can’t do this, I want to see my lawyer!”

Anthony shouted loudly in an interrogation room.

“Cameron Anthony.”

A man in a suit and sunglasses was sitting in front of him, slowly opening a data bag: “When you were 13 years old, you killed an innocent passerby because of drag racing… 15 years old , To persecute his teammates for vanity and make them beat to disability, when 16 years old…”

The man described the crimes he committed in his life.

After hearing the man’s words, Anthony had a trace of fear on his face: “I have already compensated the parties for these things… You are abusing your powers, I will call my grandfather.”

“Call you grandfather? I don’t think so, he is now powerless to defend himself.”

The man said, open the bracelet directly, and a message popped out.

Member Reggie Anthony of the Olympus District has been deprived of his legislator status for bribery, embezzlement, embezzlement of federal resources, etc., and submitted to the Supreme Court for trial.

Seeing this news, Anthony as if was struck by lightning, the whole person froze on the spot.

“It’s not just your grandfather, there are a lot of incredible news.”

The man said, continue to eject other messages in the electronic bracelet.

Rays of light Electronics Group’s various illegal acts, investment companies and groups backed by the Anthony family, all kinds of problems…

Looking at the news, Anthony screamed suddenly: “This is not true, this is not true… I am grandfather is a parliamentarian, our Anthony family’s industries are all over the major industries in Olympus, once something goes wrong, The Olympus area will have a lot of shocks, how dare… how dare you guys…”

“The Anthony family’s influence in Olympus is indeed great, but what is it in front of the entire Federal Strength!”

Man indifferently said.

“Strength of the entire Federation! Who can represent the will of the entire Federation!? President Zhou Guang will not work!”

Even though Zhou Guang still has his political enemies.

A silhouette of Baili Qingfeng suddenly flashed in Anthony’s mind: “He!? He can represent the Federation!?”

“You have to thank the adult for his kindness. At least, you only have to face life imprisonment without being shot directly.”

The man said, waved his hand: “Okay, what has been said, take along to withdraw.”

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