Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1094


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The Ninth Federal Lifeform Computer Research Institute.

Baili Qingfeng consulted the professors of the research institute with an open mind and tried his best to learn the knowledge of lifeform computer.

After these professors understand Baili Qingfeng’s identity, what he teaches to him is also called making an all-out effort.

Being together for more than a month, both parties are very harmonious.


The atmosphere is harmonious, but the progress of the lifeform computer is not significant.

Lifeform computers mainly use protein molecules as lifeform chips to replace Semiconductor silicon wafers. Organic compounds are used to store data, and information is transmitted in the form of waves.

While the wave propagates along the protein molecular chain, it will cause the structural order of the single and double bonds in the protein molecular chain to change, resulting in a pattern similar to the binary calculation of the electronic computer.

This computer computing speed is countless times faster than today’s latest generation of computers, and it also has strong resistance to electromagnetic interference, and the energy consumption is only equivalent to 1 billionth of an ordinary computer.

In addition, the lifeform computer also has some characteristics of the lifeform body, such as the ability to play the adjustment function of lifeform itself, automatically repair the faults that occur on the chip, imitate the human brain mechanism and so on.

Unfortunately, although lifeform computer technology has entered the research and development process in the Middle-Stage of the twentieth century, and has many technologies similar to the lifeform computer, but no one can be loaded into the human body and distributed when the human body thinks The brain waves coming out fit exactly.

Moreover, the problem of difficulty in extracting information from lifeform computers has not been solved so far. The two seem to be two different systems. From the current research and development progress, it seems that they have entered a dead end without breaking through this bottleneck, lifeform computer It will never be available.

“Load into the human body, use the thinking to give reasonable commands to the lifeform computer, and successfully read the information after the computer completes the relevant operations…”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the information in front of her and felt the difficulty of this subject deeply.

Although the current lifeform computer has achieved the result of powerful computing power, on the one hand, the human body cannot be loaded, the command is issued too slowly, and on the other hand, the information is read slowly.

It’s like when facing an enemy’s attack, first enter the type of this attack on the computer, let the lifeform computer calculate this type of attack trajectory, and then you still have to spend a lot of time to turn over word by word. See the final attack direction of the computer based on various formulas…

After the two steps are completed, the enemy’s attack has already hit you ten times and eight times.

“spirit, thinking this thing is the most difficult to control, you will always be impossible to control yourself not to think of a thing, even if Refining Spirit and a cultivator have to go through this process, but they also only suppress their own thinking and spirit fluctuations, and Not completely reversed, changed, and there are great errors during the period, but the computer has always required extremely high precision… Various calculations are originally completed by countless ones and zeros, as long as there is a number calculation error, The whole result will become activated in a way that defeats one’s purpose.”

Baili Qingfeng rubbed his eyebrows.


Computer World is only possible or not possible.

But human thinking, in the face of any one thing, is and does not change back and forth between the two, jumping repeatedly.

Even if the simple question of one plus one equals two, some people will still have the conclusion that a man plus a woman will give birth to a child, which eventually equals three.

Even if there is a similar strange answer among the 10,000 accurate answers, it will cause a huge error in the conclusion.

After all, when the computer calculates an answer, the one- and zero-byte jumps are too large.

“How can a true world be described by one and zero? This World has never been black and white. There are four basic forces in the universe: strong, weak, Electromagnetic Force, and Gravitation Force. Is it true? There is no existence, truth and nothingness… The system of two-to-one correspondence is inherently flawed, and science can only be perjured. How can there be an absolute definition…”

When Baili Qingfeng had a headache for learning this knowledge, his electronic bracelet lit up.

As he connected the communication, a silhouette of Li Xian appeared.

He looked at Baili Qingfeng, and he said something, and for a moment, he seemed to change his mouth: “Don’t, you haven’t come back in a while, did you come home for dinner today?”

Considering that it will be impossible to study the lifeform computer for a while at the research institute, Baili Qingfeng is now nodded: “Good.”

Stay free to spend more time with your family.


At 5 pm, Baili Qingfeng came to Pioneer Building.

When he arrived home, the servants were already preparing a hearty meal.

In addition to servants, Li Xian and Li Xingyao are the only ones in the family.

“Don’t come, sit.”

Li Xian looked at Baili Qingfeng, slightly nodded.

After Baili Qingfeng sat down, he said aloud: “Oh, I heard you said that I was interested in Martial Dao and Mecha warriors. I went to my hometown to help you find the relevant Martial Dao classics. It is clear that although the Martial Dao method recorded in the classics may not be able to keep up with the current era, there will always be some useful things from Ancestor. You may wish to look at it when you have time.”

“Okay, I will take the time to see it.”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

Next Li Xian and Baili Qingfeng chatted about some trivial life matters.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, he finally entered the theme, hesitantly said: “Why don’t you, a lot of things have happened in the group recently…”


Baili Qingfeng slightly startled: “Is there anyone who is making trouble?”

“No, no, the board of directors of the group has recently been awarded five directors, three of whom have also been held criminally responsible, and these directors…without exception, are all those whom I have not dealt with previously in the company… …”

“This is a good thing.”

Baili Qingfeng said: “Without these people, you will cause trouble to your father, you can definitely lead Pioneer Group to have a broader development.”

“I naturally know that it’s a good thing, but… this kind of thing happens strangely and weirdly, and it always makes me feel sweetheart…”

Li Xian said, glancing at Baili Qingfeng.

“The bad guys are punished, and we have to thank the soundness of the federal laws so that these criminals cannot go unpunished.”

Baili Qingfeng said righteously.

Seeing that, Li Xian had to speak frankly: “There is news circulating within the group, saying that the situation of these people is related to you. I want to know, did you do something in secret?”

“No, I have been assisting the research of the lifeform computer project in the lifeform laboratory during this time, how can I have time to do this?”

Baili Qingfeng said truthfully: “They did not excavate their previous crimes, so they appear calm and tranquil. Now that things are exposed, each and everyone is brought to justice, isn’t it normal?”

“Is this so?”



Li Xian’s nodded: “I will tell you about Li Zhou. He used my trust in him over the years to gain a lot of money in the group and embezzle a lot of the group’s property. A small loss, so, after he filled the loss hole of the group, I will drive him out of the group, but… I have had a nurturing feeling for him for more than 20 years, and I don’t want to see him go in like this, So I do not intend to pursue his criminal responsibility…”

“Well, father, just look at the treatment, I believe in your ability.”

Li Xian glanced at Baili Qingfeng, slightly sighed in relief: “You just have no opinion.”

After talking about this matter, Li Xian’s mood was obviously much better, and the next family of three had a relaxed dinner.


At night, Baili Qingfeng returned to his room.

Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the brightly lit night view of Tianhua City outside, he slightly sensed the fear god in Spirit World.

At this moment, the Evil God, who is said to be Undying and Inextinguishable, is still dying even if he is not worn away by the restraint field transformed by his spiritual force.

Two months, it seems that he has completely exhausted his magic.

It seems…

In this World, even if there is no consumption, the will of God will dissipate all the time until it is difficult to survive.

“It is said that you are still the Evil God who is extremely difficult to die. I will not suffer from you, nor beat you, nor grind you, but it will be dissipated in less than two months…”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the fearful God Master who seemed unable to convey complete emotional fluctuations. He was still a little bit unwilling to stop the operation of this perpetual motive.

“It seems that the past few days have to take some time to go to the bimonthly world…Forget it, just because I was in a hurry last time, many things have not been told to Yiyi and the grandfather of the sky, this time will stop by. Going back to Tianhuang, and bringing Shiyiyi back to Earth World, fortunately surprise my father Li Xian.”

Baili Qingfeng thought that there was a decision.

“Tell my father tomorrow morning and leave for a while.”

Thinking about it, he turned around and walked towards the bed.

However, when he passed the desk, he seemed to see a box full of dozens of books.

“Paper book?”

Baili Qingfeng came to the box curiously, flipped it over, and quickly remembered it.

This is the Martial Dao book that my father moved from his hometown.

It’s still early, and Baili Qingfeng simply sat down and flipped through these books.

“Earth World also has Martial Dao, but as I guessed…Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Transforming Vigor, Dan Jin, Gang Jin, Martial Saint…”

Baili Qingfeng nodded while turning over: “This world’s most martial artist is indeed only six levels…”

Sixth-level Wargod is the highest realm that can be achieved by World of Absolute Level.

Heaven Wasteland Domain thousands of years ago, people can only reach the sixth level by their own cultivation, and the remaining seventh level is almost relying on heavenly materials earthly treasures flowing from the bimonthly world. Was able to break through.

Until a thousand years, the Heaven Wasteland Domain energy level was raised to a low energy level one hundred years ago under the constant infusion of the energy of the two-moon world, which can breed each and everyone top powerhouse, and even Half-Step Legend powerhouse.

Today, a lot of Space Gates have appeared between Heaven Wasteland Domain and Double Moon. The low-level Heaven Wasteland Domain seems to be upgraded again and has become able to accommodate Legendary. It is estimated to wait another 100-200 years. True God’s The real body can walk freely in the Heaven Wasteland Domain.


(Spoiler: The next chapter is the process of creating Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3, which can be skipped.)

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