Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1095


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Baili Qingfeng was sitting on the floor with precious carpets, and with keen interest pleasure, he looked at these Martial Dao books that had been kept for a long time.

“Ming Jin and the martial artist have a very high level of similarity. Dark Jin and martial artist Level 2 Qi Refining exchange blood… There is a little difference, it seems to be fist strength Minute Subtlety, Transforming Vigor needs to penetrate the whole body… It’s a little bit like the Refining Spirit of martial artist Level 3, but the 4th Layer Dan Jin and Grandmaster who broke the limits of the human body are completely different…”

Baili Qingfeng looked at these methods of embracing the Dan, and there were some surprises in the expression.

There is a trend of martial artist 7th grade True Immortal.

It’s just that the real body raised by True Immortal on the land is full of leaks, which greatly enhances the potential of Fleshy body, but the Danjin here just keeps his own blood and blood, and maintains the Peak limit at all times. Shi was able to explode this force in one breath.

Even if this outbreak does not reach 100% of the body’s strength, it is not far away.

“A bit like the original version of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique! Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is to break the body’s self-protection instincts, thus releasing all the Strength, thus breaking out the battle strength of the same level, our World Every use of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique will cause great damage to itself, but this World’s Bao Dan keeps the damage of Dan Jin outbreak to its own to the minimum because of the nourishment of the blood…Of course, if The eruption of Danjin for a long time will still cause fleshy body to lose both energy and blood until death…”

Baili Qingfeng was quite surprised.

The people of this World actually solved the problem of the abuse of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique through this method.

Next, his eyes fell on the cultivation of Gang Jin again.

Gang Jin is divided into external Gang and internal Gang, which is a way to strengthen internal organs.

This approach is actually a further development of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique Strength.

They can control the strength of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique subtly, let this strength shake their own membranes, muscles, skeleton, internal organs, and continuously temper these parts to make them more powerful and at the same time able to withstand Similar to the more powerful explosion of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.

“This is diametrically opposed to the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique three is to release all the energy in the muscles and cells. It is a self-burning method. Strength is violent and fierce, but it gives Fleshy The load brought by the body is also extremely amazing. Fleshy body collapses every time you move, and the cultivation of the outer gang and the inner gang is to increase the energy content in the muscles and cells, making it more tenacious and full, so that it will be rejuvenated. The normal outbursts and enhancements of their outbreaks have enabled them to reach the point where Danjin erupted almost every time they attack.”

Baili Qingfeng was amazed to see this.

Sure enough, the accumulation of any civilization cannot be underestimated.

Earth civilization’s Martial Dao level is lower, but precisely because of the lower level, they have refined their strength to the extreme.

Like the spirit talent system, because they do not have the will Core, there is no will of God, and there is no strength of Faith to build Divine Kingdom, so they have to polish their spirit to make the spirit pure And increase the utilization rate of spiritual force, so that one point of spiritual force can play two points, or even 30%.

The same is true of Martial Dao cultivation right now.

“Compared with the wonderfulness of Dan Jin and Gang Jin, the sixth stage of Martial Saint has nothing outstanding, it’s nothing more than breaking the limits of the human body that’s all. In other words, only this so-called Martial Saint realm, their The physical and mental ability is equivalent to the War Grade powerhouse in martial artist Level 4, but because they have previously tempered internal organs, and because of the theory of Dan Jin, they can freely perform the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique, so their physique is only equivalent to War Grade powerhouse. , The battle strength that can burst out chasing Wargod of Level 6……”

Baili Qingfeng looked at these classics with some regrets.

If you read these classics before regenerating in Heaven Wasteland Domain, you will definitely be able to quickly grow up in that World, and the efficiency of creating Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique version one, two, and three will also be greatly improved.


For him who is already Half Divinity Realm, these materials are useless.

The precise control and tempering of Fleshy body by Demi-God’s will is far above the so-called Dan Jin and Gang Jin.

The Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique has been optimized layer by layer, and created the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique with the first-class gold, and the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique is injected with a circular magnetic field to provide endless energy in the form of fusion. It was derived to second realm.

In this case, it doesn’t make much sense.


At this time he opened a book again: “Martial Dao still has Seventh Layer? smash void can see the gods? Smash the void?”

He, the elder of Li Family, actually exceeded Martial Dao’s shackles of the sixth order, reaching an unprecedented… or only exists in the legendary seventh realm, smashing the void?

“Our ancestor Li Family was in the Martial Dao world… Was it so powerful?”

Baili Qingfeng has some surprises: “However, why there are two statements about the description of the 7th grade of Martial Dao, one is the legendary realm passed down from ancient times-smash void to see True God, the other is me What the ancestor of the ancestor called shattering void realm…which one is true?”

He took a closer look at the descriptions of the two Martial Dao sevenfolds in the book.

smash void meets True God…

By breaking the shackles of spirit and fleshy body with Martial Dao Realm, you can get a glimpse of every tiny acupuncture point of your own, and reside the spirit in these tiny acupuncture points, so as to be almost Rebirth from a drop of Blood Means…

“On realm… this is Demi-God.”

Baili Qingfeng is a little surprised.

Martial Dao Seventh Layer actually jumped directly to Demi-God.

He then turned his gaze to the smashed realm mentioned by his ancestors.

This layer of realm mentioned that there is another nihilism behind the real world. Only when its strength is strong enough can it break this reality and get in touch with the Void Realm, so as to sublimate itself to another. A new realm……

“The nothingness behind the truth…this…”

Baili Qingfeng pupil suddenly shrink.

God’s will!

This is the transformation of the will of God!

In his understanding, the process of transforming the will into the will of God is to give the double spiral structure of “existence” and “nilness” to the will, just like war and peace, killing and redemption, death and rebirth…

The realm of shattering void right now makes people directly break the real barrier and touch the world of nothingness with a strong will, so that the spirit is sublimated and transformed into the will of God…

This talent of Innate Talent is unprecedented!

“Great! Too great! As far as realm is concerned, smash void can see True God up to the cultivation of a body that is almost Demi-God, of course, but the nature is similar… while the hatching void is directly directed to True God Realm world… If it were not for the ancestor of my ancestor who lived on Earth and was bound by the world environment of the invincible level, his Innate Talent talent would become True God in the future!”

Baili Qingfeng was breathtaking.

Sure enough, some of the shocking and stunning genius characters were born in the long years of their Earth Federation.

If the Earth environment is the same as the two-moon world environment, I dare not say that it has developed to resemble the two-moon world, hundreds of thousands of True God’s glory, but ten or eight True Gods can be born.

“Wait a minute, smash the void, and use spirit to break the “real” contact with the “empty” realm… I originally planned to create the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique Third Layer form through this structure, making my Fleshy body once Entering the Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique three times, destruction and birth is no longer a load on the Fleshy body, but an energy transformation, just like fission and fusion. This process will release a lot of energy under external pressure. Originally, I will The hope to achieve this lies in the will of God… However, due to the excessive demands on the will of God, only the True God Level will support it, and the reason why True God will be stronger than Demi-God lies in their god Body…”

Once he chooses to abandon the fleshy body and condense the god body…

Then it’s not human.

So Baili Qingfeng is very repulsive to this situation.

But the theory of “crushing the void” now gives him a brand new world.

“My ancestors impossible condense the will of God. In other words, the will of God is not the only way to break the contact between “true” and “nil”…”

Baili Qingfeng looked at the book without missing the description of “shattering void” in any of the above.

Not only is the charging void, but the smash void in front of the realm can see the gods, he is also carefully speculating and analyzing.

“Without the will of God, you can also do what Demi-God can do… Without the will of God, you can also touch the double spiral structure of the spirit level like True God…”

Baili Qingfeng glanced at these books, and countless auras in his mind kept bursting.

until now, although he has the will of God, for him, it is simply the existence of soy sauce. When he fights with people, he still stays on the level of spirit and Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique. Even the divine technique is nothing but the use of material by the spiritual force.

Once he meets an opponent whose Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique and Spirit cannot be suppressed, he can only stare, there is no way.

But now…

“See God! See God! The God of Fleshy Body! The God of Starry Sky! It is a manifestation of spiritual force! I made the Star River World and the Fleshy Body merged by Spirit into one, Fleshy Body is Star River, Star River Strength, Fleshy body Strength!”

In the eyes of Baili Qingfeng, divine light flashes.

To do this step, Star River World must find the carrier corresponding to the fleshy body.

It’s as if the will of God requires the body of the god as a carrier.

“Martial Dao sees God, and sees the god of fleshy body, the god of caves, I project the stars of Star River World’s 512 spirits onto fleshy body’s caves, skeletons, and instruments. In the dirt, and then through the black hole in the center of the Star River, merge with the brain to coordinate the normal operation of 512 spirits. When the time comes, I am my “God”!”

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, his eyes were suddenly bright.

He felt that an unprecedented road was opened before him.

If his guess can really be realized… Let the Star River World and the fleshy body fuse together by spirit be like the spirit and the transformation of substance…

He will have the strength to blast the body!

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