Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1102


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Broken True God shattered his body, Baili Qingfeng grabbed his hand in empty hands, aiming at the will of the god exposed by his lost god body.

For a time, a piece of Star River World appeared in his hand.

The manifestation of the spirit force, the True God of the winter, the will of the majestic God like a roaring dragon, was suddenly captured by Baili Qingfeng!


Winter True God’s will will be struck by Baili Qingfeng.

But next moment, Star River collapses!

In the Star River, it seems that stars have turned into black holes, and the will of his god is swallowed upright. The True God has lost his voice instantly.

As the True God’s will was forcibly suppressed, Baili Qingfeng’s gaze suddenly fell on his collapsed body.

This time, although his god body was broken, it was not at all directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke like encountering divine technique nihilistic attack. Instead, with the dissipation of the will of god, the god body gradually shrank inward and crystal Condensed a part of the essence of True God, and the energy that failed to condense and escape in time was turned into divine blood, spilled all around, and the energy that could not be maintained even in the liquid state turned into divine force, flooded in A space of tens of kilometers around makes the concentration of vitality in this area increase significantly.


Feeling all around environment changes, the remaining two True Gods and the following dream True God and Sleeping True God are complexion changed at the same time.

“This child has a town mysterious technique that can destroy True God, quickly, destroy his body, and save the Winter God True God!”

True God shouted loudly, the country in charge.

Dream True God, Sleep True God don’t dare to hesitate at the moment, and at the same time, Divine Item manifests, and the torrent of energy is directed at Baili Qingfeng swept away.

“True God’s body… seems weaker than I expected…”

Baili Qingfeng caught his empty hand, and all the essence of True God that fell down was taken into his hands.


The freshness is high, and the freshness is very high. It is estimated that it can sell nine to hundred thousand God Gold Coin.

In other words, at least 700,000 God Gold Coins are credited.

Sure enough, True God is more valuable than Divine Item.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng looked up.

On the sky dome, the divine force of True God and Sleeping True God swept through the sky like a big river that rushed down from above nine days.

The big river is full of coma and even magical magic. Baili Qingfeng glanced for a moment, and the will of God has a tendency to be completely hypnotized. Even with the peace in his heart, Faith seems to be being The invisible Strength reversed and seemed to collapse.


According to time calculations, his peaceful will was completely reversed, changed, and even self-questioned. He said less than a few minutes, and exploded the four True God gods…

It shouldn’t take so long.

“do it quickly! Otherwise the will of God will collapse, and I may not find another god of war!”

At the sight of Baili Qingfeng, the electro-optic burst under his feet, his figure rose from the sky.

For a time, a large day like a round of infinite rays of light and heat emanated from the sea level and plunged into two surging rivers across the sky.

As he punched in the sky, the violent Strength bloomed in the sky, and the terror river formed by two mighty divine forces instantly evaporated in front of this fierce golden light!

The sky is empty!

The violent collision of the two energies forms a giant shock wave visible to the naked eye. The shock wave is over 60 kilometers in diameter, and it is suddenly dispersed. The atmospheric pressure contained in it is strong enough to with no difficulty. A round of collision hit a hole.

If these attacks are placed in Earth World, it is almost equivalent to the atmosphere is penetrated, not to mention the impact of this diffusing energy. The ultraviolet rays projected by the loss of occlusion outside the atmosphere alone is enough to make a radius of tens of kilometers. The life within is extinct.

“How is it possible…”

One contact, True God and Sleeping True God who came to the reinforcements have changed their faces.

After defeating the divine force hit by the two True Gods, Baili Qingfeng’s figure flew, and the electromagnetic Sword Technique broke out.

The high transformation of the first-class gold makes his fleshy body strength increase several times compared to the previous one. Naturally, he can carry more Power of Stars in the double moon world, and even the speed of the electromagnetic Sword Technique is also skyrocketing. A cut.

Almost at the time of electro-optical bursts, his figure had hit shatter void, with a deafening sound burst, and directly killed him in front of Dream God.

No one is here, fist strength comes first!

As he punched out, an incomparable strength burst out!

He doesn’t have a superb fist technique!

I don’t know how to use boxing power to sweep the Power of Heaven and Earth forbidden space, and use boxing power to intimidate the soul and make it too late to react.

But the Strength that broke out from his fist strength instantly crushed and smashed everything within a radius of 1000 meters.

Especially when he punched down with the power of the stars, this fist did not seem to be a punch, but a World!

The entire bimonthly world!

The huge two-moon world is rising in the vision of True God and Sleeping True God, and when it condenses to pinnacle, it collapses!

“This Divine Power…”

An unprecedented atmosphere of terror, disaster, and despair rose from the bottom of the two true Divine Hearts.

True God…

It’s just a powerful living entity, how can it fight the whole World! ?

“It’s an illusion! It won’t scare me!”

Dream True God shouted suddenly, Divine Power burst to the extreme.

The bright divine splendor rises from his body and injects a scepter-like Divine Item, aiming at Baili Qingfeng as if pressing the punches of the whole world.

However, the bright divine force pointed out by the scepter has not yet touched the fist strength of Baili Qingfeng, and it has completely collapsed. When it collides with his fist strength, it is completely collapsed.

It’s like taking a pistol to attack a falling meteorite with a diameter of ten kilometers or so from the sky…

The rolling desperate oppression is suffocating…


With a wave of unwilling roars, the god bodies of Dream God and Sleeping True God were directly submerged.

The fist strength collided with their last counterstrength to form a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering explosion, and a torrent of violent energy destroys everything in the tens of kilometers, and the golden radiance, even above It can be seen clearly from a hundred kilometers away!

“Too scary!”

With the arrival of Dream God and Sleeping True God, Wan Dao True God unable to bear who wanted to rejoin the battle circle trembled in his heart.

The kind of grandiose’s torrent of destruction made him vaguely feel the taste of an ancient god.

It seems that the strength simply performed by the other party is not the will of the gods, but a part of the strongest strength in the world.

Facing this strength…

Even if he built Divine Kingdom, he can have continuous strength supplement to achieve infinite energy, still unable to fight.

“Go! This is a strength that the gods cannot fight!”

Dare to have any hesitation.

Wan Dao True God turned directly and shot at the end of the sky with the fastest speed.

Even during the escape, the fluctuation of the divine technique appeared on his body, which doubled the speed of the original speed to the pinnacle, and the deafening sonic boom disappeared at the end of the sky in an instant.

“Run away!?”

In the blazing golden light, Baili Qingfeng’s figure emerged.

Looking at the disappearing silhouette expression is a bit stunned.

True God ……

Also escape! ?

Thousands of True God’s galloping seems to remind another True God.

Think of Baili Qingfeng’s horrible means that even the Divine King can suppress and kill even the night, plus the end of the three True Gods of Winter, Sleep, and Dreamland, this True God has completely lost his confrontation with him. The courage to withdraw at the fastest speed.

“zi zi!”

Baili Qingfeng’s foot burst into light.

Electromagnetic Royal Sword Technique broke out. In an instant, his body shattered the atmosphere, with a trajectory tearing the sky dome, and the distance between the two was lightning-fastened!

“Can’t escape! This evil… It’s too fast to escape!”

True God has an unstoppable fear on his face.

The country of the field is bleak and cannot be inspired at all.

At Baili Qingfeng’s speed, it may take only one breath, or even half a breath to kill him, or even…

As his mind turns, he has sensed the suffocating and terrifying heat of Baili Qingfeng.

“no! This seat is True God, how could this fall again!”

At the moment of life and death, this True God is decisive.

His divine will is suddenly separated from the divine body, next moment, the energy fluctuation of the incomparable rises and boils from the divine body, and then…

The moment you approached Baili Qingfeng…


Baili Qingfeng thought of something suddenly, complexion changed!

A True God’s body is worth at least a few thousand thousand. Now, Self-destruction is required! ?

“Stop it!”

Baili Qingfeng shouted, the golden flames all over his body exploded to the extreme, a starry sky projected behind his figure, and in that starry sky, there seemed to be an incomparable terrifying existence manifested out of thin air.

He is like the king of stars and the master of stars, only showing the shape of incarnation, which is so huge that it is above the entire starry sky.

True God!

This is “True God” by Baili Qingfeng!

True God manifests, sweeping a spiritual force that is many times stronger than any True God. The amount of spiritual force blasts into that body that Strength climbs, boils, and swells to the limit, forcibly mobilizing the god body The remnant will of the riots was completely defeated.

But even so…

It still seems to be one step late!

The turbulent and violent destruction of the torrent poured out from this god body, and it should be transformed into a strength of Destruction that is not inferior to the explosion of a nuclear bomb, destroying all the squares within 1000 meters.

At a critical moment, Baili Qingfeng has his hands wide open and heads forward, with the body Strength forming an energy field strong enough to be distorted space.

Under the mad suppression of this energy field, the violent force of the silent True God Self-destruction seems to be suppressed and refined by a force of terror.


A special energy crystal that is bigger and purer than True God’s essence is formed!


As the strength contained in the crystal gradually disappears and subsides, Baili Qingfeng breathes a sigh of relief.

“The rescue is finally back.”

Looking at the essence of this large True God, and then glancing at the Wandao True God who has disappeared, he did not continue to pursue it.

He has more important things to do.


(A familiar title.)

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