Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1103


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Baili Qingfeng’s figure fell directly on this land.

With his virtual hand stretched out, twelve True God essences fell into his hands.

The twelve copies, plus the eight previously obtained, and the one he refining seems to be relatively large, the amount of True God essence he has harvested in one breath has reached an astonishing twenty-one.

“Even if the quality is not good or bad, this is equivalent to 1,6 million God Gold Coin.”

Baili Qingfeng is satisfied with nodded.

I don’t know if these 21 True God essences will be put on the market, which will cause the prices of True God essences to fluctuate.

But soon, he has forgotten this idea.

Middle-earth World is not a country in the North with only three or two small fish and kittens. How vast is the whole Middle-earth, the number of True God is hundreds of thousands, so trifling 21 True God essence into Middle-earth The World market estimates that even a wave of spray cannot be splashed, let alone what impact it has on the True God’s elite market.

“1,6 million God Gold Coin is not the limit of my harvest…”

Baili Qingfeng looked at two swords, a scepter, and a domain-like Divine Item in his hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

Four Divine Item!

Although these four Divine Items are not as valuable as the four True Gods, if they can be sold, the proceeds will still start at a million.

“And…divine gold can’t be wasted.”

Baili Qingfeng lowered his head and his eyes fell below the battlefield.

The three True Gods that fell on his hand plus a god body, the god body of the Silent True God was directly refined by him into a large True God essence, and the remaining three True Gods Direct death, the god body collapsed.

True God’s essence of the core of God’s body collapsed was picked up by him, but those divine gold…

Neither is it a small number.

Know that a divine blood from True God’s body is enough to make several divine gold. Even if it is calculated in five tons, it is equivalent to a total of five thousand gods of Gold Coin. The three add up to 150,000.

This asset can be used to buy a dozen copies of the Holy Spirit.

“This can’t be wasted.”

Baili Qingfeng glanced.

The range of the divine blood of the three True Gods is not very large, but there are also five or six kilometers.


Five or six kilometers.

Baili Qingfeng took a deep breath, and the Legendary field began to inspire him.

Most of Legendary’s fields are often only a few hundred meters, but the so-called number of 100 meters refers to the situation with strong influence. If a Legendary is willing, it can easily spread its field to ten thousand meters away.

It’s just that the Legendary field of ten thousand meters in diameter is not to suppress the top powerhouse. Even an ordinary person, at best, only feels some slight resistance that’s all.

Baili Qingfeng, as Demi-God, has a higher utilization of the Legendary field than the Legendary powerhouse. It can ensure that the power of a top powerhouse is suppressed. The field range is still only about 1000 meters.


In addition to Legendary leading Foreign Domain, he also has a Star Realm!

As his Strength of Domain continued to spread, it soon enveloped the six 1,000 meters range where the three True Gods fell.

The stars are running, and countless tons of mud in the range of six thousand meters seems to be blessed with an anti-gravity engine at the same time!

“hong long long!”

The earth is torn!

Countless cracks spread indiscriminately, severing the territory within the range of six 1000 meters, and in a fierce roar, it is not known how many tons of soil began to flourish and flew directly into the void.

“hong long long!”

A large number of hundreds of tons and thousands of tons of boulders and mud. With this sudden lift of six thousand meters in diameter, fiercely hit the ground and spattered a lot of smoke.


Flying and falling.

Baili Qingfeng flew tens of kilometers, and a large amount of falling mud and rocks destroyed the ecological environment of the ground beyond recognition. Fortunately, this Space Gate was opened in an unmanned area far from the city, otherwise…

What an amazing amount of compensation to restore the environment?

“No way.”

Baili Qingfeng sighed.

Hell, he had to drop this huge floating island-like giant and fall into the earth again.

“It seems that divine blood converts the soil into divine gold in just a few days. In a few days, I can afford it.”

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, and stood on the six 1000 meters “hills” formed by re-stacking on the ground.

While waiting, he also focused his attention on the True Gods in his Spirit World.

The dream wills of True God, Sleeping True God, and Winter God and the others were devoured by Baili Qingfeng, but they were not destroyed.


Star World transformed by Spirit World.


Fear God Lord looked at the incarnation dragon, struggling in this starry sky, roaring, and wanted to tear it away and escaped the winter of True God, the expression was full of indifference.

“en!? This kind of breath…Fear God!?”

Winter True God looked at this Evil God who also lived in this Spirit World and seemed to have a slight relief, his face slightly changed, and then he sneered: “Ridiculous! He thought he was hiding in Spirit World You, such an Evil God, can invade my will and wipe out my True God Faith?”

“Are you blind!? Can’t you see my state at the moment?”

Fear God is powerless.

Winter’s True God’s eyes focused on the Lord of Fear for a moment, and soon realized that this Evil God’s state was unprecedentedly weak.

Weak to…

Evil God is almost falling.

“As Evil God, was it suppressed?”

There is a bad hunch in Divine Heart.

“You should not be the True God of the Divine King line of Yongye, otherwise you should know, let alone trifling an Evil God, even the Divine King with 14 gods was suppressed by this child, And completely wipe it out.”

Fear of God.

“weng weng!”

At this time, Spirit World has another shock, and the starlight is diffuse.

There seems to be more manifestation of Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, showing infinite Magical Powers.

In a few moments, the will of the two gods, in no particular order, was invested in this Star World.

“Dream True God! Sleep True God!”

Seeing these two True God wills, True God sank in the heart of the winter: “You were also defeated by this demon, and the gods were sealed in!”

“Winter? You haven’t fallen yet!? It’s just that we, the three of us, tore his Spirit World apart! Otherwise, I’m afraid it’s too late!”

Dream True God hurriedly said.

“Too late? What is too late!?”

Winter True God asked quickly.

“This Demi-God is more powerful than we thought…No! He is not Demi-God, it is True God…No, it is not True God…Ghost knows what he is! In short, if we Don’t get out as soon as possible, once let him split the spirit and take us to the world where there is no other level…the consequences are disastrous!”

After the dream of True God is finished, the powerful will power rises to the sky as if it were transformed into a dream world, shaking the Star River.

But he didn’t attack. Fortunately, as soon as he attacked, it seemed to have caused the defense mechanism of this bright starry sky. A star exuding endless rays of light carried the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, fiercely. Hit with his will of God.

Wait for Dream God to have time to show that Magical Powers shattered the star. The star has collapsed on its own. The devastating Strength tears his will, and instantly destroys his will.

“Shoot together!”

Another sleeping True God also shouted and joined forces with Winter God True God to try to tear this piece of Star World apart.


No use.

Their struggles can only lead to more resistance. A large number of stars transformed into stars all collapse in their will all around, constantly killing their will.

“Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin.”

Fearing to see their struggle, the God of Fear is too lazy to waste his tongue, waiting quietly for them to fall into despair.

It is better to add a little more fear to recharge his energy.

He faintly feels that his fear priesthood seems to be at fault. At least for now, although he has returned to the two-moon world, the continuous fear strength does not continue to converge on him as before, as if… …

A new fear god is born, separating his powers.

However, it is unprecedented to create a new fear god without the original fear god declining. He did not know whether his reaction was right or wrong.

“hong long long!”

Starry sky, True Winter of True Winter, True God of Dreamland, True God of Sleeping Reluctantly struggling violently, will will collapse with the collapse of the star again and again.

Despite the limited number of stars in this starry world, it seems that there are only 500 or so, of which 200 or so rays of light are still very dim. You can see the formidable power formed by the collapse of these stars…

Until they exhaust these stellar powers, their divine will will die first.

“no! We have no time to defeat this closed World!”

“Damn, you can only wait for True God and Silent True God. Together with our five true God’s Force, he can’t seal us!”

Dream True God and Sleeping True God were unwilling for a while.

True God, who had found something, suddenly fell into a starry sky.

In that starry sky, an originally collapsed star didn’t know where it was absorbing energy from, and it was gradually restored for such a moment…

With this terrifying repair efficiency, I am afraid that even if Ten Thousand True God and Silent True God arrive, they still don’t want to break out of this starry sky.

After all…

Not far away from them, is to go to the space channel of the World of Ability!

“Fear of God, this Demi-God…what is it!? Since you have been sealed here, why not join us in killing this World?”

True God’s eyes suddenly fell on the Lord of Fear.

“Can’t kill it.”

There is a touch of despair in the tone of the fear god: “When I was confined to this World, the stars he manifested were only 256 stars. At that time, he had three True Gods that conquered the town at the same time. Strength, and now, the number of stars has doubled to 512, even if the formidable power of the 254 extra stars has not yet climbed to Peak, we can’t tear this starry sky Blockade!”



The Lord God of Fear glanced at the three gods of Winter, and said with some pride: “You’d better thank you for being a useful True God like me, otherwise, True God, such as the devastated Yongye Divine King, is the only one of you. Ending.”


(Unconsciously, Chapter 1100.)

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