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Fudan City.

Baili Qingfeng chartered a car and rushed to the city.

Xin Wei has not yet started school, otherwise he will have to take time off.


Baili Qingfeng came to Xuanhuanghui, a large and ancient building, and found the receptionist: “Hello, I’m looking for President Ou Zilong.”

“President Ou? Do you have an appointment?”

The receptionist was a two eighteen-nineteen with a mature elder sister with a gentle smile on her face.


Baili Qingfeng shook the head.

“So, Mr. Gui, what’s the matter with President Ou? Let me report for you and see if President Ou has time.”

“哦哦,免贵姓Baili ,我想请欧会长帮我打造一件辰金铠甲。”

“Chenjin armor?”

The receptionist little elder sister was slightly startled, and then cautiously asked: “Is that Chenjin said to be ten times more valuable than gold?”

“Equivalent to gold? I don’t know this.”

接待员looked towards Baili Qingfeng 的目光顿时变得热情起来:“Baili 先生我先带你去贵宾区坐一坐,我马上就通知欧Master 。”

Now I took Baili Qingfeng to a private room on the second floor.

Tea drinks and snacks were continuously delivered.

In less than ten minutes, several people came in at the same time. The first one was Baili Qingfeng, who checked on the Internet and found photos of the founder Ou Zilong Master.

“Is this Little Brother going to forge Chenjin armor? I don’t know where your materials are? Can you show me?”

Ou Zilong did not have a Master’s shelf at all, and looked quite enthusiastic after seeing Baili Qingfeng.

“Hello Master, the materials are on the outside car.”

“On the car? Well, I’ll just let someone take the car to my workplace.”

Ou Zilong’s eyes lit up.

随他一道而来的middle-aged man 也上前:“你好Baili 先生,我是欧子龙Master 的助理欧利,您先看看,需要什么款式的辰金铠甲。”

欧利说着,看了Baili Qingfeng 一眼:“另外,我想问一下Baili 先生,您准备了多少辰金?”

“About 120 kg.”

“120 kg… this amount of Chen Jin is not enough to cast a heavy armor that can charge on the battlefield. Chen Jin armor is divided into 3 types, lighter than 100 kg is light, 100 to 2 100 kg is medium, 2 100 Above kg is heavy, and of course, there are super heavy armors, but that was created for special personnel in special cases, but a dedicated battlefield slaughter … “

Ollie said in a tone: “Is it convenient to ask the user for detailed data?”

“I am the user.”


Ollie looked at Baili Qingfeng’s young face and opened her mouth slightly, but she couldn’t speak for a while …

片刻,他才反应过来,惊讶道:“不可思议……抱歉,我lost self-control 了,Baili 先生年纪轻轻居然已经成就Grandmaster ,真让人难以置信。”

“I’m either the Grandmaster, or I’m stronger and better.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“Innate Divine Strength? That … that’s also very amazing. You can count on being a Grandmaster. It’s really young.


Baili Qingfeng praised some sorry.

“Please come with us and let us first collect your physical data …”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The entire group soon came to the workshop of Ou Zilong’s Master.

The work area is very large, 300 square meters, in addition to a workbench, there are a variety of precision instruments, there are many instruments on the side.

Uninformed people who come here will definitely think that this is a robot production factory.

At this moment, Chen Jin from Baili Qingfeng’s car has been brought to the workplace by Ou Zilong Master, while Baili Qingfeng is conducting data measurement under the guidance of Ou Li, which which is included Strength, speed, sensitivity and other attributes.

“了不起,Baili 先生,你的身体数据相较于Body Refining 流Grandmaster 已经不差上多少了,真是不可思议,以你现在的身体素质即便对外宣称已经晋入Grandmaster realm ,估计也有人相信。”

“No, Grandmaster wants Three Origins Unite to work out the inside. I obviously haven’t reached that level yet.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

The collection of physical data took hours, and no details were left out.

下午,欧子龙也安置好了Baili Qingfeng 带来的材料,看了一眼欧利递交的数据,有些惊讶:“Baili 先生尚未练出内息已经有这等能耐,若真练出了内息,那可了不得,我期待着未来有机会能替Baili 先生铸造一套重型铠甲。”

“There will be a chance.”

Baili Qingfeng asked, “How long will it take to build the armor?”

“Baili 先生可以半个月后来拿,或者你留下地址,打造完成后我们送上门也行。”

Ollie said aloud.

“Okay, then the price …”

“This armor has an area of ​​2 10000 6 to 2 10000 8 cm 28. Since it is a Chen Jin armor, we only charge Chen Jin for the casting cost … depending on the casting area, it requires twenty to 1 kg.”

“Chen Jin? No money?”


Orly nodded: “We don’t collect money. If you have to pay with your money, I’m afraid you have to pay more than 5,000,000.”

“very good.”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

He happens to have no money.

Even if those 2 100 to 10000 are still there, I can’t pay the bill.

Chen Jin?

It couldn’t be better.

twenty six to 28 kg?

Refresh a wave of cavemen warriors can come together.

Really cheap.

“It’s working.”

“是我们该感谢Baili 先生信任才是。”

The two parties signed the contract in harmony and friendship.

Baili Qingfeng was very happy to leave Xuanhuang to sit in the car returning to Xia Ya.

On the one hand, I will soon have a set of Chen Jin armor, and on the other hand, I have discovered a channel for getting rich.

Chen Jin!

The price of 200,000kg Chenjin actually reached 1.

The average weight of weapons and armor brought by the Grotto Warriors is 3 kg, which is 600,000.

Brush one caveman warrior 600,000, ten 6,000,000, 100 60 Million …

Destroy a caveman kingdom, that is 60 billion.

Black River City’s GDP was only 20,000,000,000 last year, ranking 1th in the country.

“Shua’s newer cavemen are refreshing more and more, it seems … more and more sophisticated?”

Baili Qingfeng thought back.

Of the 6 Crypts refreshed last time, there were only 3 elite warriors with internal armour, and there were actually 6 at this time. Would n’t it be 9 if you were lucky next time?

9 elite warriors, 3 ordinary warriors …

Not to mention that it can drop fifty-sixty kg of gold, and take part of it as the cost of casting, and the rest is 56 million.

This is definitely more cost-effective than extinguishing sect and helping the division.

With this mentality that suddenly became rich, Baili Qingfeng quickly returned to his yard.

And when he came back, he found …

There was someone in front of the courtyard?

A man in a suit with a stern expression on his face seemed to be waiting at the door.

this person……

Some familiar?

”Aili Qingfeng 銆 傗 €

“Hello, you are……”



Baili Qingfeng remembered, why do you think this person is familiar but does n’t want to raise.

At the time of Su Weiwei’s concert, her counterpart, Belle, borrowed the power of Wang Sun Molun to destroy the concert.

This comfort is one of them.

Among those bodyguards …

One of them seems pretty good.

It should compete with some of the people like Akira, Murby, and Sherlock.

“Write a song, sorry, I want to read, I don’t have time.”

Baili Qingfeng said politely.


安乐看着Baili Qingfeng 拒绝,slightly frowned :“佳丽斯小姐说过,只要你的歌曲能够让她满意,愿意出10000 一首购买你的歌曲版权。”

“I don’t really have time, sorry.”

Baili Qingfeng said sincerely.

There is a refreshing point of this resource in the cave man, he really does not need to make money by selling songs.

”Aili Qingfeng 銆 傗 €

安乐语气稍重着,叫着Baili Qingfeng 的名字“我希望你能好好的考虑一下,想要买你歌的人不是什么ordinary person ,而是佳丽斯小姐,约克议员之女,未来极可能成为王孙妃,而且,佳丽斯小姐开出来的价格十分厚道,一首10000 ,不是1000 2 1000 ,这个数字,equivalent to 你father elder sister 一年的工资了。”

“Sorry, I haven’t recently …”

Baili Qingfeng still politely refused.

But when he refused to half, he seemed to notice something, suddenly looked up, his eyes fell on the bodyguard, and Divine Transformation’s eyes were sharp: “You say buy songs, mention me father my elder sister what?”

“只是让你明白是什么人在向你买歌that’s all ,下个月月初,我希望看到至少3 首能让佳丽斯小姐满意的歌曲,明白了吗。”


Baili Qingfeng’s polite face gradually expressed less: “What if I don’t write.”

“Do not write?”

An Le looked at Baili Qingfeng, as if being laughed at, “You don’t say you can’t write, but you can’t write?”


“Youngster, I admire your courage.”

安乐shook the head ,looked towards Baili Qingfeng 的目光有些嘲讽:“去打听打听佳丽斯小姐的身份,记住,下个月月初,你只有十2 天时间。”

After that, turn around.

Seeing him turn around directly, this scene actually made Baili Qingfeng slightly startled: “Wait a second, don’t you put a hard word? For example, if you ca n’t take out the song, you will kill my family?”

“Oh, no …”

An Le gave him a smile and turned to leave.


Baili Qingfeng.

“Mental illness.”

shook the head, Baili Qingfeng ignored.

Just after going back, turn on the computer and search for the detailed information of Belle, Representative York, and Sun Sunlun.

On the tenth day of Baili Qingfeng’s return from Fudan City, a call was made to his mobile phone.

很快,里面传来了Baili Changkong 的声音:“Qingfeng ,你天行叔被极光帝国领事馆的人带走了,说是涉及半年前的一桩凶杀案,不过这件事应该并不简单,可能有人在背后针对我玩弄阴谋,这段时间你小心点,哼,看样子old fogey 我太久没动弹以至于已经有人忘记我Thunderbolt Sword Baili Changkong 的恐怖了。”


(Thank you for your support, hahaha. Besides, the name is really unique.)

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