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“2 grandfather?”

Baili Qingfeng was about to ask for specific details. There was already a blind tone in the phone.

“dudu du!”

“Consulate of the Aurora Empire? A murder case six months ago?”

This from the beginning …

He feels familiar.

It won’t be…

At the beginning of last year, was Rafael’s group of people sent him to swim in the river at night?

可是,这件事他做的天衣无缝,不可能有任何人知道,怎么会扯上小叔Baili 天行?

Immediately after, he thought of the ease that suddenly appeared to him ten days ago.

That comfort gave him a deadline, so that he had to hand over 3 songs to Belle early next month or else …

Although he did not threaten to kill his family, Baili Qingfeng investigated the Internet carefully afterwards. Belle was the most beloved niece of Mr. York. Mr. York has a high reputation in Xia Ya, and even in Xiahai Prefecture. The powerful candidates for the next speaker are not only supported by some large families in Xiahai Prefecture, but also it seems that some have also returned to the World Conference, which is the background of the Chiyan State.

As for Wang Sunlun, let alone.

Royal family members.

And it’s the Third Prince 嫡 eldest son who is in the limelight recently. The influence is unfathomable.

A few of them …

完全可以mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife ,将这件完全扯不到他家人的事情栽赃到他家人身上,从而导致小叔Baili 天行平白遭了牢狱之灾!

想到这,Baili Qingfeng 胸腔当中突然生出了一股炽烈怒意:“不就是让我写个歌吗?我没有答应,你居然这样对我,用一桩凶杀案来栽赃陷害我的家人!?那个案子可是涉及到4 条人命,并且还事关极光帝国这些外国人士,以极光帝国之人的霸道行事风格,我小叔Baili 天行被他们擒过去必然被严刑拷打,哪怕我现在马上向你服软妥协,将3 首歌交过去,可天行叔这一顿折磨也绝对是白受了……一个女人,行事竟然如此恶毒!就因为你们有权有势,就可以颠倒黑白,随意陷害他人吗?”

The most poisonous woman heart!

Baili Qingfeng fully understood what is called the most poisonous woman’s heart!

What a small thing! ?

He just didn’t want to write a song for that Belle, but she dealt with herself like this. This kind of vicious heart was different from Iron Sword Sect and the evil martial artist who was so desperate at the door of the Sun.

“Is Jialisi right? I have always been good at Baili Qingfeng. I never provoke any wrongdoing, but this does not mean that Baili Qingfeng is weak or deceitful! Honest people will get angry if they are in a hurry! I will now save my heavenly uncle , You better ensure that my uncle Tianxing has not been harmed during this time, otherwise, no matter who you are, no matter what your background, whether you are the grandson of Mo Lun, I will let Baili Qingfeng let You pay for it! “

Baili Qingfeng suddenly got up, took out a Chen golden sword in the sword box beside the desk, and rushed out without the slightest hesitation.

Save people like fire!

The people of the Aurora Empire acted fiercely and overbearingly. When Shire University students were arrested overnight, none of them were intact, and two of them left permanent disability, let alone theirs. My heart was dark, and it is said that another person was admitted to the spirit hospital.

眼下小叔Baili 天行极落到了极光帝国之人手中必然饱受摧残,他每耽误一秒,天行叔遭到的折磨就会多出一秒,10000 一那些折磨之人心思狠毒,直接往天行叔within the body 灌铅、用棍子穿肛门、施宫刑、剪舌等等,哪怕一些刑罚并不致命,可导致伤残,不能人道,仍然会让他悔恨终生,一辈子都不原谅自己。

after all……

It all happened because he didn’t want to write songs for Belle.

Baili 天行simply 等于是遭了无妄之灾!

“What I need to do now is to ensure as much as possible that Uncle Tianxing will not be permanently harmed in the process of being tortured, and even endanger his life …”

With this in mind, Baili Qingfeng immediately thought of the garrison of Xia City, the 9th Division Commander Svechi.

He took the phone out and quickly made the call. Soon, the opposite phone was connected, and there was some hearty laughter from Switch: “haha, Qingfeng, why are you free to call me today? Your last time The kid in the task Golden Claw said, it was very beautiful … “

“斯维奇师长,我小叔Baili 天行被极光帝国领事馆的人以调查半年前一桩凶杀案为由抓走了,我可以肯定这绝对是栽赃陷害,我现在正在往领事馆赶,你能不能向领事馆施压,我怕他们会对我小叔严刑拷打。”

“Consulate of Aurora Empire in Xia? I’m understood, and I’ll call!”

Switch switched his smile immediately, and said solemnly, “Are you sure your uncle has nothing to do with that? Is it really framed?”

“100% sure!”

Baili Qingfeng is rhetorical.

“it is good!”


Baili Qingfeng hurried to the consulate while waiting patiently for the news.

3 minutes 后,斯维奇的声音再度响起:“Qingfeng ,我刚刚问了,来自大使馆的拉菲武官今天确实来到了领事馆,并且带着一伙人开着领事馆的车出去了,到现在为止都未回到领事馆,我已经让领事馆的人联络拉菲武官,确认是不是他的人抓走了你小叔Baili 天行,同时我也会想办法寻找他的下落。”

“Don’t return to the consulate? Whereabouts unknown !?”

Baili Qingfeng figure stopped rushing to the consulate.

“Yes, I will do my best to search, and I will call you immediately when there is news.”

Said Switch, he quickly warned: “You 10000000 don’t be reckless, that is the consulate of the Aurora Empire. After the last surge, the total strength of the Aurora Empire in one of our embassies and 4 consulates has Reaching 4000, the Aurora Empire Consulate also has a fully-armed reinforcement battalion. The elite soldiers are more than 800. The soldiers are different from the cavemen and have a strong will. Even if the Strength is weak, it will not be more resistant to your Refining Spirit Prominent Divine attack. Crypt warriors are bad, your means are not cheap. “

“I know.”

“Be patient, we should soon be able to find the whereabouts of Lafie attache.”

“不用,时间紧急,这么干等下去什么都不做,heaven knows 我小叔Baili 天行正在遭受着什么样的折磨!我知道能够从谁口中问出拉菲此人的下落!”

After Baili Qingfeng said, the phone hung up without the slightest hesitation.


Turn around and head towards Yutan Lake Park.

Yutan Lake Park is not far from Honolulu Street in the city center. It is a special area where the wealthy people in Xia City gather. The entire park covers an area of ​​more than 3 square kilometers. There are dozens of villas in total. In his investigation ten days ago, Wang Sun Molun lived there.

Even if Murder a person with a borrowed knife is used, if you want to mobilize the aurora garrison raffi, this knife is by no means what a woman can do. There are eight-nine …

Borrowed the power of Wang Sun Molun.

It is unlikely that Wang Sun Molun will come forward directly, but it is more than 90% likely for the people around him to do it.

But the final probability does not rule out Wang Sunlun’s personal instruction.

After all, Baili Qingfeng personally experienced how Wang Sun Molun ’s taking advantage of one’s position to bully people in order to listen to a concert by Bellis, labor and people, forcibly interfered with the blue ocean music Academy ’s long-scheduled performances, forcing her to Don’t stop the concert that was about to be held soon.

This kind of person who relies on his own identity as a king and grandson, does not lead by example, abides by discipline and law, establishes a good image of the royal family among the people, but is wanton and tyrannize …

You can’t take the noble wise he imagined.

Therefore, he does not care about those subordinates and bodyguards.

Capture the thief and capture the king!

直接去玉潭湖生擒王孙莫伦,迫使莫伦将侍卫召集,从他们口中一问,自然就知道谁才是mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife 的罪魁祸首,同时也能够从那个罪魁祸首口中逼问出目前拉菲将他小叔Baili 天行抓去了哪里。


Baili Qingfeng’s figure shuttles.

I soon came to the outside of Yutan Lake Park. Although the park was surrounded by an iron fence and there were security patrols at all times, it was too large to stop Baili Qingfeng’s figure at all. Entered Yutan Lake Park and came to one of the villas.

Although Wang Sun Molun is Wang Sun, it does not mean that the villa where he lives is always guarded by a large number of armed personnel.

There are naturally bodyguards in the villa, but the number is not large.

More than a dozen people work in 2 shifts.


This villa has one of the biggest weaknesses-no anti-theft network!

Baili Qingfeng according to the layout of the building, looked for the location of the master bedroom a little bit, then took advantage of a gap, striding meteor, flying figure, straight over to the balcony on the second floor, with no difficulty to enter the villa.

A perfect dive.

When he arrived in the villa, he inspired his hearing to the extreme and listened quietly.

Not long ago, he met Wang Sun Molun and heard Wang Sun Molun’s voice. Within one minute, he quickly identified Wang Sun Molun’s location based on his voice.


He held the sword like this, ignoring the four bodyguards sitting on the sofa reading newspapers and reading books in the lobby on the first floor. He came to the room where Wang Sunlun’s voice came and pushed open the door.

In a room of almost 100 square meters, Wang Sun Molun is talking to two people.

It is the upcoming parliamentary election in Xiahai Prefecture.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng’s door came in without knocking, 3 people stunned at the same time, and one of them reprimanded: “Did you see that I was negotiating with His Royal Highness about something? I do n’t understand any etiquette. How can An Fei teach you? Yes, you … “

But another person immediately saw the sword held by Baili Qingfeng in his hand, and shouted sharply: “Who are you !?”

Having said that, he quickly shouted in the direction of the first floor: “Come! Someone breaks in …”

After breaking into a few words, Baili Qingfeng moved.

Step out.


The whole second floor seemed to be suddenly shaken.

The precious tiled floor cracked.

Along with this Strength outbreak, Baili Qingfeng swelled with blood and energy all over his body. His strength was clear, his legs rose, and he blasted into the spine, running through his whole body, like a swift arrow, he rushed forward.

Baili Qingfeng 不得不承认池霜的说法,他确实是一个天真单纯的人,plot against 上比不得别人wily old fox ,因此绝不能跟着别人的步骤走!

There is only one way he can do it—solve the problem from the root!

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