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“There are assassins…”

一个有养神cultivation base 的男子shouted 着悍然迎击。

But he hasn’t had time to show any means. Baili Qingfeng Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique took out, and the explosive explosion of Strength like a running nuclear reactor provides infinite thrust to pierce the golden sword in his hand.


sword light penetrates the air to form a shrill shriek!


far surpasses the imagination

The next moment, the man’s throat was pierced by Baili Qingfeng’s sword, and he pulled out his sword in the next moment.

Blood smashed.

When that blood was about to stain Baili Qingfeng’s shirt, Baili Qingfeng’s body staggered by lightning, and the whole man daredly slaughtered Wang Sun Molun and punched him.

“hong long! ”

Nether Blast!

Baili Qingfeng 和王孙莫伦间那不到半米距离的空间气流仿佛被fist strength 打爆!


The horrible air pressure on Wang Sun Molun made him seem to be hit by a high-speed car. The whole person flew 4 meters upside down and smashed heavily on the wall. A precious painting on the wall was smashed on the spot. .

“Pu chi! ”

Spit a mouthful of blood.

At best, it was only by the peony that the Level 2 martial artist Wang Sunlun, who was physically fit, fell from the wall and fell to the ground, losing all resistance.

“His Royal Highness…”

Another screamed, turning to run away.

But before he had time to rush out of the room, Baili Qingfeng’s sword was like an electric light that tore the void, and passed by him instantly.

He was running wild …

His body was frozen.

Then he stumbled straight down, no sound.

“Don’t blame me! Can you live peacefully every day, who doesn’t want to? But it is someone who provokes my bottom line again and again … and my gentleness, my kindness, but they are regarded as weak and deceitful, step by step If you have anything to do with me, that’s all, but now and today, you have actually put your poisonous hand on my family … “

Baili Qingfeng has a bit of intolerance on his face, but …

He closed his eyes.

But in the next second, his closed eyes had suddenly opened again, all kindness, all gentleness, all intolerance, all disappeared, and in its place only cold determination was left!

as well as……

Pain for the coming slaughter!

“Slaughter is a sin! But for the protection of my loved ones, for the protection of my friends, for the peace of the entire world, and for heaven and earth, I would rather kill all the people who should be killed in the world than the others, rather than all the people in the world. People who take the side of the evil-doer corpses everywhere across the field, would rather kill all the wicked places in the world!

“His Royal Highness!”


At this time, the bodyguards on the first floor heard the screams upstairs and rushed over.





Baili Qingfeng one man one sword, just standing at the door, those bodyguards have the cultivation base of Level 2 martial artist, or the battle strength of Level 3 martial artist. Come on, kill one, come on 2 and kill a pair.

In less than ten seconds, six corpses fell during the distance from the entrance.

一扇普通的门,这一刻却incarnation 为通往炼狱的通道,尸体堆积,鲜血弥漫,直让门外尚剩着的3 位保镖胆战心惊,再不敢踏入房间半步。

Baili Qingfeng ignored the bodyguards who did not dare to enter the door, moved the body slightly, and then closed the door.


He squatted down in front of Wang Sunlun.

At this time, Wang Sun Molun had returned from the series of impacts a little bit, and saw the corpse and blood in the room, His Highness Sun Sun’s face suddenly turned white.

Fortunately, as a member of the royal family, the elite education he received from childhood still kept him as calm as possible: “You … who are you? Do you know what you are doing? I … I am …”

“Grandson Moron.”

Baili Qingfeng took the phone from his desk and handed it to him: “Call and call all your subordinates and let them come at the fastest speed. You should have a few who can help you do things Subordinates. In addition, let the subordinates outside your door be quiet. Do n’t make too much noise. If I find more than ten people appear outside the villa and there are still many experts, then we have a harmonious conversation It’s over, understand? “

“Ming … I understand …”

王孙莫伦脸色发白的应了一声,先是对门外的保镖大喊了一声,制止他们to act blindly without thinking ,然后则开始打电话。

“Yabo? Come here! I’ll give you ten minutes!”

“Zhou Long! Come, come at the fastest speed, something important!”


Moren each and everyone called.

Quickly made 4 calls.

At the end, he said: “I have five trustworthy confidants who are willing to do everything for me, one of which …”

He looked at a corpse in the room.

“There’s another person called Anle. You arranged for that woman named Carlisle. Look at you. What you did to my loved ones was that Carris had your subordinates do it. Call him.”

“Easy? Belle?”

Moren, who had no idea why he was beaten by such a delusion, finally understood the core of the problem at this moment. His pale face seemed to have a trace of blood, which was caused by extreme anger.

“Calise, it’s Caris’ slut who let Anle deal with … against your loved ones, so …”

“Yes, Belle took advantage of one’s position to bully people because I didn’t want to write songs to her, and my family wanted to kill him. She fought for your potential, so I went directly to you, there is Question? “

Write a song! ?

The source of the whole thing was that this man was unwilling to write a song for Belle! ?

Because of such a trivial matter, the man directly killed him in his house, killed a confidant, 7 subordinates, and beat him fiercely! ?



Moren had a feeling of anger.

Right now, in the face of Baili Qingfeng, his small life is in the other’s hands. He naturally dare not blame Baili Qingfeng, but his anger at Jialisi made him scream in a low voice: “Calise, this slut, it is actually She’s hurting me! “

“be quiet.”

Baili Qingfeng said indifferently.

事关他小叔Baili 天行的安危生死,哪怕他明知道,自己今日的做法可能会伤及无辜,但……

He must be hard-hearted and be a man without emotion.

Moreover, these people are all subordinates of Morun. If these people do not distinguish between right and wrong, and take the side of the evil-doer, how can Moren have such ability?



就在Baili Qingfeng 潜入玉潭湖公园王孙莫伦的别墅时,Baili Changkong 亦是从3 顺镇中来到了夏亚市。

Local authorities in Honolulu.

Baili Changkong 直接找到了当局最高负责人奥多。

“The consulate is in your jurisdiction. It is most appropriate for you to come forward to resolve this matter. However, they took people away and did not show any evidence. They did not have any formal procedures and have seriously violated our Sia Kingdom citizenship rights. You There is absolutely the ability to go to the consulate and let the consul general hand over the people. Why do you push 3 obstacles to protect the citizens of the country within their authority? “

此刻,在奥多的办公室中,正回荡着Baili Changkong 不满的声音。

“Baili Old Master ,这件事情不是我不愿意帮忙,而是事情关系到了大使馆的拉菲武官,领事馆虽然由我管辖,但拉菲武官来自大使馆,却超出了我的职责之外,目前我们希亚和极光2 国的关系好不容易有所缓和了,在这种敏感性的时刻实在不好闹出什么波折来,因此……”

Otto tried to explain.

然而,没等他话来得及说完,Baili Changkong 的声音猛然高了一截:“奥多,别忘了你是如何才能有今日的成就!我不是挟恩图报什么,可当年如果不是因为我将你自混乱中救下,你已经死在了那场战乱中,更别说靠着我的推荐让你成为墨尔this General 的文书官,再后来让你到夏亚任职!这十几年来,我什么事都没有找过你,眼下,就这么一件完全属于你辖区内的事,你却告诉我你做不到!?”

“Old Master ,这真不是我不愿帮忙,而是……”

“Okay, I’m understood.”

Baili Changkong 一把站了起来:“我Baili Changkong 老了?现在就是个无权无势的old fogey 了,不顶用了,所以你们each and everyone 都不把我Baili Changkong 放在眼里了?hahaha !可笑!可笑!你们当真以为我Baili Changkong 是靠着墨尔this General 的提携才能有当年的威名?你当真以为Thunderbolt Sword 这3 个字只是一个笑话般的虚称?”

“Baili Old Master ……”

奥多想要解释,可话未说完,已经被Baili Changkong 强势打断:“够了!你们不愿帮忙,我Baili Changkong 有的是other methods 可想!一个martial artist ,靠的从来就不是外力,而是自己!很快,你们就会明白我Baili Qingfeng 当年的如何闯荡出Thunderbolt Sword 这个名号!”

言罢,Baili Changkong 直接离去。

待得Baili Changkong 离去片刻,才有一个middle-aged man 来到奥多身旁:“先生,我查过了,Baili Changkong 先前拜访过2 位议员,但显然……他并未从2 位议员那里得到满意的答案。”

“Don’t bother, an old fogey that’s all that is really on age to show of age, really treats himself as a character! Originally, he had to give face to playing for Murby Young Master, but now … he thought He was the most brilliant time he played with Moore this General more than ten years ago? Hey, Phoenix is ​​worse than chicken!

奥多有些不屑的说道:“另外,墨尔比Young Master 他们似乎挺留意这个Baili Changkong 的?告诉墨尔比Young Master ,就让他们当个笑话听听。”

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