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Yutan Lake Park, Morun’s villa.

“Your Highness, here we are.”

After waiting for a while, a voice finally came from outside the door.

“The door is unlocked. Just a few of you come in, others, stay away. Don’t force me to kill.”

Baili Qingfeng has no emotion in his tone.

“Youngster, it doesn’t seem like I’m too young to listen to your voice, calm down!”

Baili Qingfeng Listen …

What do these people seem to be wrong about?

But he was disinclined to pay attention to.

All-going alert watched the door open, then Yabo, who had met once before, waited for 5 others, and one after another entered the room.

When I entered the room, I saw Baili Qingfeng, who held Wang Sun Molun, 2 people cry out in surprise at the same time.

“It’s you!?”


as well as……

Threatening his well-being at his home ten days ago.

It’s just that, compared with the disdain of Baili Qingfeng ten days ago, the subordinate of Molun’s face is very ugly.

After all, according to his simple investigation and understanding, Baili Qingfeng is just an ordinary student. At best, he wrote a few good songs and earned a little money that’s all. Such a little achievement need not be taken into consideration at all.

But now…

This a nobody, who was not in his eyes at all, actually boldly killed the villa of His Highness Wang Sunlun, killing several bodyguards with at least Level 2 martial artist strength, including strength stronger than him A section of Wang Sun’s confidants?

At this time he suddenly thought that when he threatened Baili Qingfeng ten days ago, when he turned around and left, Baili Qingfeng asked him if he wanted to leave something cruel?

If he wasn’t arrogant and dismissive at the time, but really left a word to kill his family …

In the face of such a lunatic that even His Royal Highness King Sun Molun dared to hijack, what would happen? ?

Cold sweat …

Suddenly left on the forehead of Anle.

“it’s me!”

Baili Qingfeng expressionless. He looked at a few people present, and in order to ask the culprit he wanted to ask in one breath, he must use some special means to provoke the murder of a person with a borrowed knife.

“Now, I ask, you answer, if the answer does not satisfy me …”

He glanced at Moren side, and lifted the sword expressionless, stabbed instantly!


Blood smashed.

Mollen’s thigh was punctured!


The screams screamed loudly in the room.


“What do you want to ask !? We know we must say!”

“Don’t hurt your Highness!”

5 people at the same time screamed.

而在他们5 人的惊呼声中Baili Qingfeng 一声低吼:“我小叔Baili 天行被极光帝国武官拉菲抓走一事,是谁在暗中执行玩弄mur­der a per­son with a bor­rowed knife !?”

他这一声低吼直接运用了Refining Spirit Prominent Divine 手段,以煌煌Thunder Strength 慑人心魄,既能迫使心里有鬼的人本能般的说出事情真相,又能震慑他们的心神,让克制住自我本能的人露出weak spot 。

It turns out!

This sudden offensive is very effective!

“what are you saying!?”

“What does the people of the Aurora Empire have to do with us !?”

Several others were angry.

Only Yabo who made him feel a little threatening, his expression changed obviously: “How do you …”

The next moment he seemed to realize something, and a shock came from his eyes: “Refining Spirit Prominent Divine !?”

This change was immediately captured by Baili Qingfeng.

His gaze …

Fall on Yabo.

“The killer is you!”

At the moment when Baibo was called out by Baili Qingfeng, he suddenly moved.

The blood and blood within the body was boiling, and the strength of his body was accompanied by his muscles and bones, filling the majestic Strength in every corner of his body.

The cultivation base belonging to the Grandmaster of the Body Refining stream broke out.


Yabo yelled, before Baili Qingfeng dealt more damage to Mo Lun, he was killed with a thunderbolt of 10000.

“The damn person is you!”

“hong long long !”

Baili Qingfeng within the body was as if a nuclear reactor had been detonated.

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 2. Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 3 and Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique 1 Almost without prioritization, they operate and explode simultaneously.

Refining Spirit 6th-layer 巅峰赋予的强大spirit 仿佛高能粒子,直接撞入within the body 的细胞当中,将它们当做原子核撞击得崩裂开来,释放出数个中子,中子再撞击其他原子,生成更多的中子,并且通过这种链式反应形成雪崩式效应,在几个微秒间,替他这尊本就比Body Refining 流Grandmaster 弱上多少的身躯提供了前所未有的磅礴Strength !

this moment……

呈现在亚博面前的Baili Qingfeng 仿佛不是一个连浑圆一体韵味都不曾拥有的养神martial artist ,而是直接打破了Three Origins Unite 凝聚内息的桎梏,一口气incarnation 为一尊War Grade Grandmaster ,还是那种将within the body 内息同时运转,精于爆发的内息流Grandmaster !

The kind of comprehensive detonation of horror was mixed with the horrifying baleful qi that slaughtered the number of 100 in less than a year, and then gradually increased by Awakening’s own created soul soul of Justice, when he touched white clothed victory. The suffocating Strength, the shock of fiercely, shocked the heart of the War Grade powerhouse!

“hong long long !”

Suddenly, he felt a horrible giant who was full of his vision, pluck the stars and seize the moon, completely banned the entire space in front of him, the entire Heaven and Earth, even though he fell from the poor blue to the yellow springs, Do not want to get rid of this giant hand for half a sack.

“Shi! This is Shi!”

Yabo instantly understood that he was locked in by Baili Qingfeng’s momentum, which is a more terrifying Strength than fist.

The fist intention just blends into the fist technique and the Sword Technique and impacts one’s mind.

But potential …

Often magnificent and brilliantly dignified.

In the light of this Strength, any small crumbs will have nothing to do. In the face of a mixed attack, there is no other means to disintegrate them except confrontation.

Retreat! ?

Once retreated, it is the same as Heart Break!

It’s as if the two armies that were originally full of morale were demoralized when they retreated, and they were 2 miles away when they retreated!

This is a kind of heart level suppression!

“What the hell is he realm !?”

With a roar, Yabo strongly supported the thunderbolt that swept his own punch and collided directly with Bai Li Qingfeng’s magnificent brilliance.

In the moment of the heart confrontation between the two, a sword light, pierced through the void, with a deafening shout, killed it outright!



Baili Qingfeng didn’t even think that the other side would abandon the sword without weapons.

对付亚博这种满腹心机的Grandmaster powerhouse ,轻敌大意,手下留情,那是对自己生命的不负责任!

Moreover, as early as when he fought with Eddie father and son for life and death, he understood the principle that the lion beats the rabbit with all its strength!

Just a student, Martial Practice is less than one year old, and it’s all because of his hobby interest. His combat experience is extremely lacking, and he is far from mentioning the experienced Grandmaster like Master on the terms, so he will inspire his own advantages. To the extreme, to suppress the enemy’s superiority to the extreme, and then use the strongest attack method to give thunderbolt a blow, he always did not choose the second choice of fighting tactics.


The air burst!

The air pressure swept by the sword edge and the strength of the full strength attack collided in the sky, and it seemed that all the air within that one-foot square was detonated and exploded into a ring of visible ripples on the naked eye.

But at the moment when the ripples spread, Chen Jin Divine Sword’s no stronghold one cannot overcome, but with no difficulty, crushed the flesh and blood body of the Body Refining Grandmaster 5.

Blood light 迸射.

Yabo’s entire arm was smashed by Ba Jin Qingfeng’s Chenjin Divine Sword on the spot, and the entire palm including the forearm wrist was directly torn apart.


The remaining golden sword sword light is as fast as lightning, stabbing under the clavicle with 亚 cold glow, passing through the lungs of his upper body, and the sword edge comes out through the back.

With the shock of the sword body and vigorous strength, the wound just penetrated by the sword edge seemed to be hit by the assault rifle. The wound was like a blast, forming a hole with 4 blood shots.


The painful screams roared from Yabo’s mouth.

At the time of Yabo’s shot, several other people in the room also shouted without the slightest hesitation, their blood was working, and they were utterly killed.

“Protect Your Highness!”

“kill him!”

“Save Your Highness!”

“weng weng! ”

Baili Qingfeng right hand was shocked.

The Chen golden sword, which penetrated Yabo’s body, was pulled out instantly, bringing out a cluster of blood at an instant with an incredibly rapid lightning slash!

“chi! chi! ”

The head of one of the fastest bodyguards who was slain was torn by the sharp edge of sword edge no stronghold one cannot overcome, and then sword light’s unrelenting horizontal chopping flew past the throat of the 2nd person!

Blazing movie!

在殷红blood light 的渲染下,this divine sword 犹如incarnation 为死亡獠牙,瞬杀2 人,伴随着Baili Qingfeng 一步虚踏,身形冲锋,再度悍然洞穿莫伦第3 个心腹的头颅。

3 Kill!

3 seconds! ?

2 seconds! ?

May be shorter!

Almost in in a flash, 3 cull forwards tried to save Mo Lun’s confidants and were killed by Baili Qingfeng.

From the outsider’s point of view …

He seems to have only one sword!

Absolute Strength, a sword of absolute speed!

“咚dong! ”

3 corpses fell simultaneously.

Suddenly there were only shrinking eyes and pupils in the room, and Yabo forgot to continue yelling, and the response was slow, and he hadn’t figured out whether it was the same as Molen’s confidants. He rushed to his death and rescued the comfort of King Moron.

“God … Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique !?”

Yabo looked at the confrontation for 2 to 3 seconds, and the blood dyed from his body had turned Baili Qingfeng all over his body. A kind of unstoppable fear suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique!

This is Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique dedicated to life!

No one else’s life is gone, all your conspiracy, all your tricks, all your fame and fortune, it has half meaning to others! ?

When Baili Qingfeng fought with them, without the slightest hesitation took out of this Taboo Technique, it can be seen that he is totally out of this General ’s life and death. Such a man is not afraid of death, and almost only wants to perish with them. Who can afford it! ?

Who dares to provoke! ?


(Nothing today.)

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