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Baili Qingfeng is running wild.

Although those Grotto Warriors did not seem to be coming, the pressure from at least 300 Grotto Warriors was too great. For safety reasons, Baili Qingfeng was still running in a slump, and he devoted himself to controlling his body to adapt to this World gravity belt. Come exception.

“In such a World, ordinary person hastily entered, and will certainly die. Even those martial artists who have completed cultivation of nourishing blood and blood will suffer from various diseases for a period of time and have to leave the nursery immediately. After a period of exercise and returning to our World, the physical fitness will definitely increase dramatically, especially the Body Refining Stream Grandmaster, this World is a cultivation Holy Land for them … “

If the gravity of this World is indeed several times that of Xia, maybe the Body Refining Stream Grandmaster is just the basic standard for survival in this World.

Any creature who has adapted to this World environment goes to the World where Char ’s is located, and is equivalent to a Body Refining Stream Grandmaster.

The human Grandmaster is at best equivalent to an ordinary person who has practiced martial arts. To an ordinary person who has not yet practiced Martial Practice, his skills will occupy some advantages, which can really kill him in life and death. The 3 5 cavemen fighters can definitely A human Grandmaster besieged to death.

“hu! Call! Call!”

Baili Qingfeng constantly adjusts his breathing, so that his internal organs and blood and blood handling gradually adapt to the load of this world’s amazing gravity.

I have to say that human potential is truly endless!

Under constant adjustment, Baili Qingfeng, who is not weak physically, recovered slightly. At the same time, his arduous training in the past year has also continued to bloom rays of light.

He has always maintained a very fast sprint speed, and after insisting on running for a full 3 hours, his powerful physical strength and endurance are vividly and thoroughly interpreted at this moment.

“Unfortunately, those cavemen soldiers did not catch up, otherwise I could compete with them for a marathon. Several hundred of them chased me and I could run. One after another was left behind. When they were out of energy, they would kill each and everyone.

Baili Qingfeng has some regrets.

Due to the influence of gravity, plus the withdrawal of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique after leaving the battle, the speed can only be maintained at 100 meters for ten seconds, but after a few hours, he still ran more than 100 kilometers.

“Unexpectedly, the Grotto People’s World is so big, it is just like a real World.”

Baili Qingfeng in the run is already thinking about the environment around all around.

This is a world-like environment under the ground, not the sky above, but the ground.

A large number of plants that can emit rays of light flood the cave, providing light to the cave, making the cave filled with a mysterious and magical color.

In addition to the cave people and all kinds of magical and luminous plants, Baili Qingfeng also saw no fewer than dozens of animals with different looks, as if there is a complete ecological chain in this World.

The only thing that made Baili Qingfeng a little regret is that the rays of light emitted by many plants and ore are very poor. At best, it can only be considered as bright on the full moon, not to mention sunlight brilliance mention on equal terms.

After living in such a world for a long time, humans are afraid that they will evolve night vision capability.

“Hu! Almost!”

Baili Qingfeng ran for another 2 hours, and after a full 50 kilometers, he breathed slightly and slowed down.

After looking around at all around a bit, he found an open area with a better view, sat down, and opened his backpack.

“It’s a pity that current mobile phones can’t take photos, otherwise taking a few photos here to send a circle of friends will definitely be a little praise.”

Baili Qingfeng took the mobile phone in hand, and it was a pity to not take more photos to go back to a new World.


Soon Baili Qingfeng discovered something.

No light.

The phone screen is off.


Obviously, due to the impact of high gravity and the bumps when running wild, mobile phones belonging to precision instruments directly strike.

“The phone is over, then the Walkman …”

Baili Qingfeng immediately pressed the player’s play button …

No movement!

The Walkman is broken too!

Losing the Walkman is equivalent to losing Heart Strength!

The loss is huge!

The strength of a martial artist depends on five aspects: physique, internal interest, spirit, martial skill, and heart. The player is bad and loses the opportunity to stimulate heart. His strength has dropped by 5%.

“The environment of this World is even more cruel than I thought. It suppresses us humans from the World in Cheyenne. The martial artist who just stepped into this World cannot adapt to the sudden changes in the environment and will be short-term. Attenuated by 30%. People like me who rely more on Heart Strength for combat do not have a Walkman and are weakened by another 20% … “

Half strength is gone.

Humans in the Crypt World …

Very difficult.

Baili Qingfeng sighed a long time, but had to accept the fact in front of her.

Although the precision electronic devices such as mobile phones and walkmans were damaged, he still refused to throw them away.

After rummaging, he took out a compressed biscuit from the inside and ate it with mineral water.

“The diet on the first day can only be solved in this way. The environment is really too hard. However, no matter how hard it is, I have to sustain it. I ’m here to make money. To make money, I must have a hard-working spirit. No I do n’t have a walkman. I can only eat compressed biscuits. It ’s nothing. Many people who make money by moving bricks on the construction site may not be a bowl of instant noodles. I have to learn to be content. ”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

I ate something and padded my stomach, and recovered a little strength. He stood up and started a sword, a sword, and trained Rushing Thunder Thirty Six Styles, which he practiced when he first contacted Martial Dao, and adjusted the gravity body and World gravity. Fit.

Just once, she was sweating and hot.

After practicing for a round, he continued a sword sword. By practicing this kind of Sword Technique, which he has stabbed without knowing a few 10000000 million swords, the body can retrieve the memory belonging to Xia in this World.

“It really felt like I was back before liberation …”

Baili Qingfeng practiced for a while, and apparently felt his fatigue, and had to rest again.

Fortunately, compared to the first contact with Martial Dao, his body’s resilience was significantly stronger. After a little rest for 2 hours, the muscle soreness was quickly relieved, which made him practice his sword again. .


Baili Qingfeng practiced swords for several hours. I noticed that the environment around all around was darkened. The original glowing plant did not know what the principle was, and converged the light emitted by itself. .

Although there is still a gleam of light, it can’t be said that the five fingers can’t be reached, but as this night falls, Baili Qingfeng feels a faint crisis for no reason.

“I remember when I arrived I seemed to find a cave …”

Baili Qingfeng thinks back a little.

Under this inexplicable crisis, he walked back several hundred meters and soon came to a cave.

To be precise, it should be a wall gap.

The gap between the mountain wall and the mountain wall.

Right now he hid in a gap, closed his eyes, and planned to spend the first “night” here waiting for dawn.

“hu! Call!”

At this time, a gasp came from outside, accompanied by a vicious gas.

Baili Qingfeng, who closed his eyes and seduced his eyes, opened his eyes fiercely and looked out along the gap. He was seeing a pair of eyes emitting green light, looking through the cracks in the direction he was in. Surprised have one’s hair stand on end.

“this is!?”

Baili Qingfeng pupil suddenly shrinks.

Because in the crack, he couldn’t see the whole picture of the monster, but still could tell that the monster was very big.

It is 2 meters 5 6 in size, looks like …

Kind of like a kangaroo!

Unlike some adorable kangaroos, this lifeform has very sharp claws and teeth, and it has a chill in the low light.

It can be discerned from these two points that this is definitely not a herbivore.


The next moment, the animal has already proven its aggressiveness through its actions.

It suddenly wanted to drill into the gap. The upper limb, which was longer than the kangaroo, tore away from Baili Qingfeng inside, sharp claw collided with the mountain wall, with no difficulty, the mountain wall was cut apart.

“This monster, want to eat me?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

Want to eat him, and want to kill him …

Probably the same meaning.


“hong long long !”

The innate Fiendgod silhouette of Zuzna’s mighty shore is suddenly manifested, carrying a rolling Divine Power into this lifeform’s spirit World, although this monster is not too intelligent, Refining Spirit Prominent Divine has not dealt with them yet. The caveman is easy to use, but just like many beasts are afraid of thunderbolt flames, this awe of life instinct still makes this kangaroo-like Fierce Beast shudder and turns to run.

“Do you want to run if you want to eat me?”


Things are simple.


After half an hour.

Baili Qingfeng ignited the firewood he picked up, roasted the monster’s thigh meat, and sprinkled some spices.

Although he doesn’t have any cooking skills, barbecue always needs to be cooked. The others are only related to meat quality and seasonings, and the seasonings he brings are deliberately spent dozens of dollars to buy high grade, taste Naturally not worse.

“Finally, you can eat a good meal. Compressed biscuits can fill your stomach, but there is no meat to eat. But the World of Crypts does n’t even have the sun, and it ’s probably not going to grow rice. I want to eat another one. The bowl of fragrant white rice is expected to return to Xia Ya after ten days. “

Although Baili Qingfeng did not eat white rice, these barbecues were very satisfying.


For the first time in his life, he spent the first night in the wild. He obviously didn’t know that even in the relatively peaceful environment such as Cheyenne, the bloody smell could easily attract some fierce birds and beasts.

Not to mention in this world of the Grotto people, which is obviously worse than the world where Charya is.

When he likes zi zi to fill up his stomach while eating barbecue, a beast named Bai Kang Qingfeng named Kangaroo Beast, smelling blood, gradually appeared outside the crack he hid.

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