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The danger of this World night is beyond people’s imagination.

rays of light Once dark, no one knows what amazing terror is hidden in the darkness.

The kangaroo beast killed by Baili Qingfeng is so strong that only human Wargod can beat it.

But this is not the point. The point is that this is a social lifeform, and like the wolf, it is very revengeful.

Soon after the bloody smell spread, a kangaroo beast appeared.

The kangaroo came to the corpse of the kangaroo beast that was beheaded by Baili Qingfeng and sniffed, next moment, a sorrowful roar came from its mouth and went far away.


In the crevice, Baili Qingfeng was eating the barbecue with a mouthful of mouthfuls, and heard the roar of lightly startled.

Even if he couldn’t understand the words of wild beast, he could still judge from this roar that it was calling his companions.

“My crack is not wide enough to accommodate only one person to hide. The kind of kangaroo cannot rush in. With the advantage of location, I can …

Baili Qingfeng took the sword and thought for a moment.

But in the next second his gaze fell on the rock torn by the wild beast with no difficulty of the previous kangaroo.

Immediately after, a roar of roar came from far behind, breaking through the night sky.

“roar!” “roar!” “roar!”

“One head, two heads, three heads, four heads …”

At Baili Qingfeng at first, there was still a mood to count how many kangaroo beasts responded, but within ten seconds, his face was darkened.

8 header!

Ten heads!

Maybe more!

Because it is not possible that every kangaroo beast will respond with a roar after being summoned.

Looking at the gap less than 3 meters deep, Baili Qingfeng without the slightest hesitation rushed out.


The wild beast snarled and roared, seemingly a precursor to an attack.

But Baili Qingfeng ignored it, turned and ran.

And just like all wild beasts will chase the escaped prey, the kangaroo animal obviously does not have extraordinary wisdom like Fierce Beast. After detecting Baili Qingfeng’s escape, he chased out like lightning.

Speed ​​……

Very fast!

The next second, in the sky, thunder rolled, it seemed that there was a thunder god.

The kangaroo’s carcass again appear a.


“This World is too unfriendly to humans.”

Baili Qingfeng was sitting on a rugged stone that was ten meters high and was breathing continuously.

The speed of these kangaroo beasts is too fast. Baili Qingfeng simply ca n’t outperform. As a last resort, he can only fight and retreat. He fights and flees, and it takes a lot of effort to kill the four or four heads. The kangaroo beasts were all killed and the escape alive went smoothly.

“Tonight I will endure on this stone. Although the goal here is large, the vision is good. If there is any beast approaching me immediately, I will be able to detect it, and decide whether I can win or not.

Baili Qingfeng chose a comfortable place to sit down and close his eyes.

The “night” time of this World is not long, about 6 or 7 hours. Many plants that were originally dim in rays of light have once again lighted up, and the “daytime” belonging to the Grotto people World is back.

Baili Qingfeng emerged from the hiding place and swept around in 4 places with high altitude advantages, and found many traces of beast activity, including even a group of large lifeform footprints over 40 cm in diameter, similar to a bear.

“Go ahead and finish this mission as soon as possible.”

Baili Qingfeng expression grave, at the moment he will choose to kill the caveman tribe.

But when he was going to kill back, his expression suddenly freezes.

he’s lost.

He was previously chased by a caveman warrior. He was a blind run. In addition to the blind run, he scored his mind to control himself, so that he continued to adapt to the load brought by the ultra-high gravity. Later, when it was dark outside, he was then dozens of kangaroos. Beast hunting, how can there be enough energy to remember the way?

He closed his eyes for a while now, and he had forgotten the route a little bit.


Baili Qingfeng thought back carefully.

Eventually had to admit one thing.

He really got lost.

The phone is broken and the map is not available.

Mastery of direction discrimination skills?

Seeing that the roots are only rock formations, not the top of the starry sky, the practicality of those techniques can be imagined.

In the end Baili Qingfeng had to make a choice.

Feel free to find a direction, walk around and talk.

According to his footsteps, he should not be more than 300 kilometers away from those cavemen. In other words, he only needs to choose one direction to walk 2 300 kilometers. If he does not meet the cavemen, it proves that the direction is wrong. Then find a way to continue to go back and choose another direction to continue.

Although this method is a bit stupid, it is the most effective.

Anyway, there are still more than ten days, how can I find the right direction.

Baili Qingfeng put down his heart, watching the morning hours, and practiced Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, which must be practiced once in the morning and evening.

Although there is no mine refining liquid, the cultivation habit has been established, and he will not easily abolish it.

Baili Qingfeng practiced Demon Hell Suppressing Physique again, and immediately noticed the difference between this World Martial Practice and the outside Martial Practice.

“I practiced Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, and the effect was a lot better. There is a special energy in this World? But … illogical! How did this energy come? Will it be too heavy due to gravity, which will restrain oxygen, Makes the planet’s oxygen content extremely high? This oxygen is compressed to form a high-efficiency energy, and the aerobic lifeform absorbs and has a physical fitness effect … “

At the same time, he also thought of something.

“No wonder I feel that the efficiency of cultivation Demon Hell Suppressing Physique has improved a lot every time the Transmission Gate is opened, and over time, the efficiency of the increase will gradually return to the original. At first, I thought it was killing the cavemen. The reward of experience value given, this kind of reward is issued in the way of cultivation speed increase. Now it seems that it is the opening of the Transmission Gate that caused the mysterious energy contained in this World to pour into that cave to make my Demon Hell Suppressing Physique is training a lot … “

Baili Qingfeng once again solved a mystery in his mind.

After practicing Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and eating breakfast with compressed biscuit using mineral water, Baili Qingfeng put his own road plan into action.

Fearing the danger of the road, he maintained his white form at all times. Once he encountered Fierce Beast, an unbeatable beast, he immediately ran away at the fastest speed.

As soon as I left, it was more than half of the day.

There was no danger on the road.

As he continued to keep the nineteenth mark marked along the way, a slight movement appeared in his induction.

“en! ?”


“There are cave people !?”

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

And judging by the sound of footsteps …

Not much.

It is estimated not to exceed ten.

He found the right direction.

At this point, Baili Qingfeng strode meteor and ran straight in the direction of footsteps, saying hello in a half-unfamiliar caveman: “I’m here!”

As Baili Qingfeng walked around a plant exuding weird purple light, a group of nine cavemen suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

Of these 9 cavemen, 6 of them are clearly visible as elite cavemen warriors, but the remaining 3 are somewhat strange.

The first one, wearing plate armor, looked a lot like Baili Qingfeng who had deterred him from the Grotto soldiers for a long time yesterday.

The second one is also wearing the Battle Armor, but the Battle Armor looks a lot more refined, and the surface of the Battle Armor is faintly golden light.

The weirdest is number 3.

The third cave man was not wearing armor, but his body was covered with various patterns, like those uncivilized natives.

Such a cave man without armor, faintly walking among 8 people, it seems that these 8 people are headed by him.

do not care.

With armor!

It’s a caveman warrior!

Especially the caveman warrior wearing plate armor is a little familiar, this group of cavemen can’t be faked.

The only thing that was strange to him was that these cavemen actually had a warrior?

In other words, that caveman tribe actually has 400 fighters?

Baili Qingfeng rushed out and greeted the nine cavemen warriors.

And the nine cavemen warriors also locked him immediately.

“found it.”

“Sacrifice to the Lord is this human.”

“This is a human from a land of gold, a place that is safe, bright, and has countless foods.”

A lot of cave people who Baili Qingfeng didn’t understand could jump out of the mouths of several cave people warriors. They instantly did all the cave people that Baili Qingfeng saw would do the same thing to him.

Copy guy!

Angry roar!

After hearing the word “kill” he could clearly recognize, Baili Qingfeng confirmed that the battle had begun, without the slightest hesitation inspired the white form of Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique.


The innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared, accompanied by thunderbolt lightning roar, compressed to the extreme strength of Thunder diffused in Zuz’s hands, and condensed into a scepter of torn void at the next moment. The Grotto People Spirit World.

Solve it first.


“Roar!% ¥ # @!”

The remaining cavemen warriors and cavemen warriors furiously and savagely killed Baili Qingfeng, their explosive power filled with suffocating Blood Fiendish Qi.

And the cave man full of rune all over his body started to sing! ?

Baili Qingfeng didn’t hear it wrong.

This caveman is really singing!

Although he couldn’t understand exactly what this caveman was singing, the kind of rhythm that contained a special rhythm was judged by Baili Qingfeng immediately who wanted to become a big musician in the future. This is a song!

After listening for a moment, it has already made people start a bloody battle song!

But that’s not the point!

The point is that as the caveman warrior burst into exhilarating singing, the caveman warrior who was deterred by Baili Qingfeng with Thunder Scepter was struggling from a blank state of mind, sober up!

His Refining Spirit Secret Technique failed for the first time.

“This is Heart Strength! These cavemen actually control Heart Strength!”

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