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This powerful 4 meter high and 8 meter long Thunder Beast glared at Baili Qingfeng, a muffled roar rang out in his mouth, and the sound spread around, quickly sweeping to all directions by electromagnetic resonance, leading Thunder in the distance. Beast bursts in response.

Transmission Gate is often only born in high-energy places, and Thunder Beasts like to get together in high-energy places. With the roar of this large Thunder Beast spreading out within a moment, Thunder Beast quickly flew from all directions Come, that amazing speed …

Seeing Baili Qingfeng changed his face.


Thunder Beast speed on 4 limbs is fast!

Much faster than the cave people!

Baili Qingfeng estimates that Thunder Beasts can run at least 100 kilometers an hour, in other words, they can make thirty-forty meters per second.

This speed is nothing in Xia, Baili Qingfeng can cross 50 meters in one second at full speed, but do n’t forget, the gravity of this World is 4 times that of Xia, when he was chased and killed by a caveman. At the time, the fastest sprint speed is less than fifteen meters. In other words, his speed is less than half of these Thunder Beasts. It is definitely a dead end to face Thunder Beasts against the ordinary and war-fighting tactics of cavemen.

“Good Thunder Beast doesn’t hurt the same kind? Well, as long as there is a Thunder Dominator concept, can Thunder Beast be recognized? I … Am I pitted !?”

Seeing more and more Thunder Beast all around, Baili Qingfeng didn’t dare to move.

If it wasn’t because the Transmission Gate was still open, he still had to withdraw the Transmission Gate as a retreat at the critical moment, I am afraid that now he can’t help but turn around and run away.

40, 50, 60, 70, 80…

Baili Changkong and the others guessed very well, there are nearly 100 Thunder Beasts living in this area!

Baili Qingfeng rolled his eyes a few times. He didn’t know exactly how many of them, but it was definitely not lower than 80 heads.

More than 80 Thunder Beasts form a circle, surrounding Baili Qingfeng and the huge and huge Thunder Beast in the center. Then one after another roars, and the muffled sound continuously blasts in the sky, forming a strong noise. Pollution, I ca n’t wait to hear Baili Qingfeng take a stereo to turn the sound to the maximum to play a Divine Comedy to control violence.

“Calm down, yourself, yourself …”

Baili Qingfeng is still working hard, showing kindness and friendliness.

At the same time, the idea of ​​Thunder Beast is clearer, the arrogant image is more prestigious, and the power emitted is like Monarch Overlooking The Whole World ……

what! ?

Take a closer look, his Thunder Beast doesn’t look like these Thunder Beasts?


It is not completely different, at least you can still see the appearance of Thunder Beast, but regardless of body shape, appearance, or the horrifying Thunder Beast shot from the body, all are more powerful than other Thunder Beasts.

It feels like the real Thunder Beast and the Thunder Beast in the fantasy animation screenshot …

It can still be used as wallpaper.

Baili Qingfeng’s ancient Thunder Beast was shocked, and the momentum of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World erupted, immediately stimulating the largest Thunder Beast in the middle!


This Thunder Beast raised his head suddenly, raised his head upright, and issued a roar that covered all Thunder Beasts. The roar was thunderous, rolling and spreading, shaking Nine Heavens, shocking all around all the roaring Thunder Beasts, making them It all stopped.

“This Thunder Beast has some king’s aura …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at his Thunder Beast, and then looked at the huge monster in front of him, suddenly he felt a strange feeling …

“It looks like Thunder Beast is going to challenge me?”


When he realized this, the huge Thunder Beast suddenly snarled again, shaking his tail flexibly and vividly. The tip of the tail and the special electromagnetic environment at the moment formed contact friction, which caused a discharge phenomenon and issued a crackle. The sound of its sound, and its huge body is leaping forward, charging, and violent power broke out at the next moment, the kind of Ominous Fiend Qi belonging to the Peak predator makes Baili Qingfeng seem to have an ordinary person Encountered the illusion of a brown bear, the king of land.

“Thunder Beasts still have this custom?”

Seeing that there is really only one Thunder Beast to deal with his Baili Qingfeng spirit.

Strength! ?

His Strength is not even comparable to the Grotto Warriors. How can he be 8 meters long with a horrible Thunder Beast! ?

Not working, then …


Thunder Dominator The ancient Thunder Beast from the condensing of the concept suddenly raised his head to the sky and issued a silent roar, and the endless thunderbolt erupted from it along with the roar, turning into a huge scepter, and the scepter swept Divine Power and 100000000 10000 lightning, hitting the beating Thunder Beast King fiercely with the momentum of Mount Tai.

“hong long long !”

Along with the Thunder Scepter bursting, the blazing rays of light filled the entire Heaven and Earth. All the Thunder Beasts that distinguished their friends and foes by special induction methods erupted at the same time, it seemed that …

Did they “see” the ancient Thunder Beast condensed by Baili Qingfeng’s ideas?


While deterring this Thunder Beast with the Refining Spirit Secret Technique, the golden sword of Baili Qingfeng suddenly emerged, and the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique broke out. The majestic force of the blood swelled and boiled in his within the body. The moment turned into a mighty majestic force, running through the body.


He just turned over the ground layer, and with the strength of the whole person like a sharp arrow shot from the string, tearing the void, the fierce friction between the sword edge and the air formed a visible arc of naked eyes, scouring My body, the inside of the body, which is repaired by Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and thunderbolt, has become more active.


No suspense!

The large Thunder Beast deterred by Baili Qingfeng was fiercely beheaded by the sword of Baili Qingfeng, blood was shot, and the next moment, it will be decapitated by Baili Qingfeng and killed on the spot!

But at the moment when his sword collided with the body of the large Thunder Beast, the electric charges contained in the large Thunder Beast within the body were affected by external forces, or the survival instinct of Thunder Beast stimulated all the excitation and release, and burst into a dazzling electric light!

Even though Baili Qingfeng was shocked many times during the cultivation Immemorial Thunder God One Hundred And Eight Style Body Refining technique, and the powerful physique provided by Demon Hell Suppressing Physique, there is still an internal organs that must be melted under the impact of this current. Feeling.

Stimulated by severe pain, this large Thunder Beast suddenly woke up, the head that was cut into most of the head suddenly swayed, and fiercely hit Baili Qingfeng’s body!


With the sound of fragmentation of skeleton, Baili Qingfeng seemed to be hit by a truck and flew over ten meters, and hit the ground heavily. This is the Thunder Dominator concept that was barely separated from the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law. I ca n’t help but I ’m scattered, and the ancient Thunder Beast that appears in many Thunder Beast “perceptions” is also disappeared at this moment …


The large Thunder Beast yelled constantly. The wound that was almost beheaded was still dripping blood. It looked a little embarrassed, but it looked very powerful.


With that domineering antiquity Thunder Beast dying out, it suddenly raised its head high again and issued a deafening roar, which seemed to be proclaiming its victory in the king’s duel.

The squeal of thunderous noise spread and swept 8 sides!

While this large Thunder Beast scream spread, other Thunder Beasts around it seemed to be stimulated, followed by roaring. Nearly 100 Thunder Beasts seemed to be partying at one time, all kinds of yelling One after another, endless.

You don’t need to guess Baili Qingfeng to know that these Thunder Beasts are cheering the power of their king!

“It’s so loud, it looks like you don’t take me as your own person. Since that’s the case, I won’t keep my hands! That won’t count just now, come on!

At this time, Baili Qingfeng, who had been hit by a fly, shook his head and stood up again.

At this stop, the pain of broken ribs had made him grin.

“Several bones were broken. Such a serious injury would not be better if it had not been replaced for a day or two … My Vice Sect Master is enough to help Thunderbolt Sect develop his own Holy Land!”

And at this time, the roar of Thunder Beasts who “see” Baili Qingfeng’s crawling up is slightly lower, and the King of Thunder Beast, who is standing tall and shouting, also lowered his head and stared at Baili Qingfeng in a stance of a king. That look …

Definitely with contempt!

Whether or not Thunder Beast’s eyes work, Baili Qingfeng can see the look of contempt from his eyes!

“I thought I was afraid you wouldn’t do it! Just now, just the first round!”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this Thunder Beast, rubbed his chest a little, next moment, and the innate Fiendgod Zuz came out of his spirit world.

He has smelted the Thunder Dominator concept into the Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law. Just to install Thunder Beast, he deliberately separated the Thunder Dominator concept. In this case, despite the Divine Power realm However, the power that the ancient Thunder Beast could explode obviously did not reach his heyday.

But this time …

As the innate Fiendgod Zuz appeared, the endless Divine Power erupted from this innate Fiendgod.

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt is dead, lightning flashes!

Divine Power is like the sea, Divine Power is like a yue!

The innate Fiendgod Zuz seems to be an invincible god from the mythic epic, and cooperates with Baili Qingfeng itself to reach the Divine Power stage of the Refining Spirit realm. The terror that erupts is twice as powerful as the previous ancient Thunder Beast form. more than!

Only in the moment of Divine Power’s tumultuous roar, those Thunder Beasts who have special ability to “see” this scene have stopped roaring at the same time, and their voices have been completely lowered, among which the weaker Thunder Beasts are slightly lowered. , Shivered coldly by the intimidation of innate Fiendgod Zuz.

Even though the King of Thunder Beast, who was still showing off one’s military strength a second ago, also straightened the high head at this time, his mouth was snarling and thundering, full of dread, and in a slightly leaning figure Full of aggressiveness.

“Now, start the second round!”


(Thanks for the messy Smoke Alliance Leader for a reward, take a few days off and take a break, then start to supplement the Alliance Leader! Thank you for your support!)

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