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Baili Qingfeng doesn’t understand how Thunder Beast’s friend or foe identification system works, but according to the performance of these Thunder Beasts just now, he can already judge that all Thunder Beasts regard him as a similar species who broke into their territory in an attempt to challenge their king. .

Otherwise, Thunder Beast, who is playing against Baili Qingfeng at this moment, is not one head, but more than 80 heads.

Think of a human as a challenger to the throne of Thunder Beast …

I have to say that these Thunder Beast’s friend-and-foe identification systems are amazing.

Eyes are the same as nothing.


These thoughts circulated in Baili Qingfeng’s mind and he was left behind.

Solving Thunder Beast, he seems to have a better way than poisoning, depending on whether the situation develops as he expected.

Innate Fiendgod Zuz as a mythical lifeform. Whether it is visual effects or the mighty Divine Power, it is far from being comparable to the previous ancient Thunder Beast. The previous ancient Thunder Beast may still be described with arrogance, in front of the innate Fiendgod Zuz … …

That’s really a younger brother.

When this congenital Fiendgod manifested, when the Thunderous Roar broke out, the endless thunderbolt lightning flashed wildly, sweeping and shooting 8 sides, just like the doomsday disaster, causing unprecedented visual impact!

Although this “visual impact” is only presented in Spirit World and can be seen at a glance in front of the Peak Refining Spirit powerhouse, Thunder Beasts eat this set!

thunderbolt is mighty, sonic Nine Heavens!

All Thunder Beasts who had previously roared for their kings all bowed their heads in front of this vast power, wailing wu wu, shiver coldly …


Not as great as Thunder Beast can be!


The thunderous King of Thunder Beast roars and rises up, as if a king performed glory and pride, even if the innate God and Demon Zuzi imagined by Baili Qingfeng, no matter how Divine Power rushes, it can still be unyielding. Initiate a decisive charge.

During the gallop, the King of Thunder Beast was shot with electricity and light, and resonated with the environment of this high-powered land, and it looked like a mighty thunder!



The Thunder Scepter exhibited by Baili Qingfeng based on the concept of the Thunder Dominator can cause shock to the King of Thunder Beast. Now, take out the innate Fiendgod Zuz, hold it with an empty hand, under the condensing of endless lightning thunderbolt, forming a line that is stronger than before. More than just Thunder Scepter, just the glowing white thunderbolt from Thunder Scepter, has been able to illuminate the sky and express the greatness of the gods.

As the King of Thunder Beast was about to charge in front of Baili Qingfeng, this innate Fiendgod suddenly stepped forward, and Thunder Scepter fell fiercely at his skull!

“hong long long !”

thunderbolt 10000 Jun!

Suddenly, the lightning is full of sky, everything between Heaven and Earth seems to be filled with the rays of light and sound of thunderbolt lightning, and those Thunder Beasts who have a special induction system are inspired by this fierce violent Strength and shining strikes. A blank, as if unconscious.

The King Thunder Beast, who was the first to bear it, was deterred without any suspense, and his thoughts were crushed to the ground!


Without any lag!

Baili Qingfeng Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique without the slightest hesitation erupted. At the same time, he quickly calculated in his mind that in a uniform electric field, the conversion between the potential differences of two charged individuals …

UAB = WABq …

This time, the way his chen golden sword used was not chop, but …


Throw, stab!

The entire golden sword With the instillation of Baili Qingfeng’s weak internal interest, he temporarily possessed the shape of an electromagnet, and then he threw it out with all his strength.

The golden sword’s sword edge is sharp and abnormal. Although it does not have a spherical shape to better induce discharge, it also has good guidance for current. The sword thrown at Baili Qingfeng is about to penetrate the body of the King of Thunder Beast, and it is in shock. The King of Thunder Beast, who cannot control the release of his own current, due to the charge displacement formed by the potential difference, the amount of charge on his body was quickly induced to be transferred to the electromagnetic golden sword, and due to the high-energy electric field contained in the all around environment, the charge was transferred through the air. And formed a huge current release!

Dazzling lightning was fired between the two points centered on King Thunder Beast and Chen golden sword, which completely illuminated the entire void.

The king of Thunder Beast, the golden sword, and the ten-several meters centered on them are all filled with this blazing white lightning.


In a scream of screams, the king of Thunder Beast’s huge body gradually fell down.

He was electrocuted by the amount of charge he carried.

It was like a true Thunder Beast king, fighting to the last minute.

With the fall of the old king, the new king was reborn in thunderbolt and flame.

Baili Qingfeng contemplates God and Demon Zuz, and his eyes glanced from those Thunder Beasts who were gradually awake from fear and shock. Next moment, with his thoughts, the silhouette of the innate Fiendgod Zuz’s tall and powerful shore Doing my best to release the thunder and lightning that only exists in Spirit’s perception. The Divine Power, which has already been called the mighty majesty, soared into the sky, forming a substantive oppression and spreading wantonly in all directions.

“From today, I am your new king!”

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

A long howling sounded, among the endless thunderbolt and Divine Power, the innate Fiendgod Zuz was also suddenly raised his head, holding his hands up, and seemed to master Heaven and Earth. In the mouth, the roar of Nine Heavens shook with the scream of Baili Qingfeng!


“hong long long !”

10000 Thunder cracked!

The entire Heaven and Earth echoed in this mighty thunder, witnessing a new king Monarch Overlooking The Whole World!

“wu wu wu !”

Under the pressure of this Divine Power and thunder, all Thunder Beasts simultaneously issued a deep sorrow, trembling with fear and lowered their heads in the direction of Baili Qingfeng. They hoped that the new king could take the look of Magical Powers as soon as possible.

Baili Qingfeng looked at these Thunder Beasts who were conquered by his charm and bowed in front of him, and satisfied nodded: “Very good, my guess is really good!”

At the moment, he maintains the innate state of Fiendgod Zuz’s imagination, and all Thunder Beasts are afraid to lie on his stomach in front of him. They are like a domesticated 2 ha. They are not attacked by Peak predators Sex.

Baili Qingfeng stroked the head of the first Thunder Beast he met, and this Thunder Beast also seemed extremely well-behaved. Wu wu wu shouted in his mouth. When Baili Qingfeng stroked it for a moment, it was …

Slightly lie down, lowering his eyebrows to Baili Qingfeng.

That look …

Kind of like lizards are going to mating after they have finished courting?

However, Baili Qingfeng said that he was a student of the Physics Academy. He didn’t read many lifeform books and couldn’t understand this action, so expressionless came to other Thunder Beasts.

With his body shape, all Thunder Beasts are without exception. They are all meek and saluting their heads. They have poor eyesight and cannot see what lifeform is walking in front of them. Their special perception system allows them to You know, this new big guy is mighty, domineering, majestic and tall. He also carries majestic and horrifying coercion. Just looking at it can make them shiver coldly. You can think of them simply by moving your fingers Fry into shreds.

So, they all chose to bow to the new boss without exception.

This is actually a way for Thunder Beasts to protect themselves.

They are within the body with huge currents, but they can’t beat me, and they can also be electrocuted if they are discharged. If they can’t be beaten again, they have more powerhouse than them, what else should they consider?


acknowledge allegiance powerhouse!

This is the best way for Mingzhe to protect her ethnic inheritance!

“Very well. How long has this passed?”

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

It is estimated that from entering the high-powered land to starting a heads-up with the King of Thunder Beast, until the end of the heads-up to choose a new king, it will be less than ten minutes.

“So, the mission is complete?”

Baili Qingfeng’s eyes glanced at one after another from these Thunder Beasts.

These Thunder Beasts have acknowledged allegiance on him, and it would be wasteful to poison them. Moreover, with these Thunder Beasts, people from Thunderbolt Sect will come to cultivation. Thunder Beast can also help them drive wilds who run to this area. Beast or other species can be used as a gatekeeper.

Nearly 100 worth to human Wargod-level janitors. Which lineup can match this lineup?

The total number of Wargods for Three Great Holy Lands is less than 1/4 of this group of Thunder Beasts.


The Transmission Gate is a bit smaller, and Thunder Beasts cannot go to Xia World through the Transmission Gate, otherwise …

With this group of Thunder Beasts, he can now set foot on Three Great Holy Lands.

Even if the Three Great Holy Lands have True Immortal on land, it doesn’t matter that the ants bite more elephants, dozens of Thunder Beasts that are equivalent to human Wargod swarm up, and True Immortal on Land only has dead end.

“Then we have to find a way to keep these Thunder Beasts from attacking the cultivator of Thunderbolt Sect.”

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

“Those who can come to this world for retreat and attachment are at least the martial artist in the spiritual phase. If the martial artist in the spiritual phase is also a Refining Spirit, there is no Connecting Soul Technique. You can reach the Outer Awareness phase at the latest in 2 years. I can let them cultivate Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law, imagine the innate Fiendgod Zuz, as long as they can also contain a trace of innate Fiendgod Zuz’s characteristics, these Thunder Beast think these people are with me, naturally Dare not to attack. “

Baili Qingfeng thought of this, and found this method very feasible.

To really implement this policy, he must tame these dozens of Thunder Beasts so that they will be impressed with his new king …

He took a look at the Transmission Gate, and he only came in for a few minutes. It was too early to close. At this moment, he once again maintained the form of the innate Fiendgod Zuz, and began to strengthen the ideological education of these Thunder Beasts one by one. His innate Fiendgod Zuz’s vision fluctuated, maintaining the level of Refining Spirit realm 2 3rd-layer, which Thunder Beast dared to attack, and a Refining Spirit Prominent Divine smashed.

Each and everyone tries to leave an indelible imprint of innate Fiendgod Zuz in their spirit world.

In this way, after insisting on more than 3 hours of ideological teaching, all Thunder Beasts were educated by him several times, and after seeing that there was only a trace of innate Fiendgod Zuz on him, he was afraid to launch an attack, and Baili Qingfeng was satisfied with the nodded , Turned, stepped back into the Transmission Gate.

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