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Baili Qingfeng, Baili Changkong, Shi Tianya, Hong Tiange and the others descended.

As for Lu Ping, he is still guarding the cave.

Before those Thunder Beasts have been solved, a passage to the Heavenly Immortal Realm of the cave is extremely precious. The Thunder Beast problem has now been resolved. The next discipline of Thunderbolt Sect is eligible to enter the cave Heavenly Immortal Realm and enjoy the cultivation of rapid progress. Progress, the value of Heavenly Immortal Realm is already incomparable.

In this case, it is only by letting Lu Ping sit there at all times that he can ensure that there is nothing wrong with the passage 10000.

“Sect Master ……”

The entire group came down the mountain, waiting for Changfeng, Changming, Shiyi and the others expression at the foot of the mountain to get together excitedly, looking at Baili Changkong and the others with anticipation on their faces.

Facing the eyes of several people, Baili Changkong nodded, heartily said: “Chang Ming, you can post an invitation. We at Thunderbolt Sect invite all of Maria’s martial artists to come and witness the set up Sect ceremony of Thunderbolt Sect! What time … … It’s set to be 3 months from now! Except for Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect, all martial artist Sects are invited, even those lone rangers, Martial Dao Aristocratic Family. “

“Finally … is it finally the day for our Thunderbolt Sect!”

Chang Feng’s agitated figure was shaking slightly.

Chang Ming held back his turbulent thoughts, took a deep breath, and replied: “I see, Sect Master, I will go to the invitation card, and I will surely send the invitation card to each of our famous martial artists. Never leave anyone alone! “

Baili Changkong smiled nodded.

Chang Feng thought for a moment, and cautiously asked: “Sect Master, the people of Jinglanzong, Jianghedian, and Purple Clothes Building?”

The words of Changfeng make Baili Changkong’s expression slightly rigid.

Jinglanzong, Jianghedian, and Purple Clothes Building are the early adopters of Three Great Holy Lands, which specialize in doing dirty work for them. Although many people know this, some of these sects are still in the Sia Kingdom list. Well-known wanted man, but …

They do belong to the Shia martial artist circle.


Baili Changkong paused for a moment, and he should drink a lot of words: “Why not please! Except for the hostile Qilin Sword Sect, Snow Mountain 6 and Penglai Immortal Sect, I invite all the martial artist forces! I am afraid they will arrive Don’t dare to come! “

What does Thunderbolt Sect need most now?

Is potential!

The bluff potential!

The trend of the joint military and cabinet!

What Baili Changkong is doing is spreading the momentum and supporting a piece of Heaven and Earth.

He knew what he was doing was equivalent to walking on a tightrope, as if an ordinary person told the richest man in the country that he could let his daughter marry the son of the prime minister, and then borrowed the potential of the richest man to find the prime minister again, saying that the prime minister’s son could marry the richest man The daughter, lost all by accident.

But he believes that the moment his bluff is really broken, his grandson can almost achieve the first small goal.

At that time, he was gone.

But his grandson Baili Qingfeng …

The trend has become!


Baili Changkong and others waited for Baili Qingfeng to return to 3 Shunzhen.

At 3 Shunzhen, he found that Switch, the ninth division commander, was already waiting with guards and a middle-aged man.

Seeing Baili Changkong and Baili Qingfeng, Siwei came forward with a smile on his face: “Baili Old Master, Thunderbolt Sect The land required to establish the sect we can’t help, but we still have a little relationship with the sect construction, I will be responsible People brought it, and he also worked overtime to draw the preliminary drawing of the Thunderbolt Sect gate. The Old Master looked at it and found it unsatisfactory. “

“Master Switch has a heart.”

Baili Changkong said sincerely.

“Little things.”

Switch said that he introduced the 40-50 years old middle-aged man to Baili Changkong.

Seeing nothing happened to him, Baili Qingfeng said, “2 grandfather, I’m going back, and I’m going to start school soon. During this period, I have learned a lot of things, and I want to go back and read books to avoid falling grades. , Not conducive to Martial Dao innovation. “


Baili Changkong’s face was a little black and added: “You want Martial Dao to be innovative, but your own martial arts must not be passed on.”

Baili Qingfeng originally planned to go back and upload Demon Hell Suppressing Physique and Innate God Demon Observing Meditation Law to the Sword Rain Rivers and Lakes forum, adding to the moderator’s Sword God’s spirit concept of everyone’s dragon, and heard 2 grandfather’s re-instruction, I had to regret to say: “Well, when will I really practice these methods to the peak and confirm that there is no problem before I pass.”

Demon Hell Suppressing Physique can’t pass it, only go back to pass 9 days of Sword Technique.

After all, the ghost-drawing-like parchment passed a few days ago, I do n’t know if anyone can understand it, or 9 days. Sword Technique This kind of Peak Sword Technique, which belongs to Qilin Sword Sect Core inheritance, has a heavier weight and uploaded this Sword Technique. He asked The big brothers in the group have some confidence.

“Consultant Qingfeng, I happen to have something to return to Xia, I will send you back.”

Switch saw that Baili Qingfeng was leaving and rushed together.

“There is Teacher Rollswich.”

Baili Qingfeng saw that he seemed to have something to say to himself, but did not refuse.

As the vehicle started, Switch said with a smile: “Qingfeng, you haven’t chosen a venue yet to build a laboratory, right?”

“No, I’m planning to have time to get the plot.”

“If you want a land, we have the military, which one do you like? Do you have any requirements for the geographical location?”

“It’s not very demanding, as long as there are no people nearby, well, no one within 100 kilometers.”

“No one within 100 kilometers?”

Switch raised his eyebrows. “It’s a bit remote.”

“Yes, I do n’t like to be disturbed when I do experiments, so I want to be quiet. Besides, remote places are cheaper. As a student, I do n’t have much money, and I ca n’t afford any urban land. I can only go Choose wild mountains and mountains with rare tracks. “

Don’t like to be disturbed …

Well, Chief Switch accepted this reason.

Although he did choose a distance.

“I really have a good place for you.”


Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised, but he added: “Besides being remote, there must be some traffic and water, oh, it can’t be in the earthquake zone.”

“100 twenty six kilometres from Bikini Basin.”

Swee Strangely said: “There was a secret military base of the Glorious Empire, but it was attacked by a giant beast Asla eighteen years ago, and the base was destroyed. In addition to our independence, the Glorious Empire retired, and the base also It is abandoned. If the laboratory is built there and the original building is there, the quality of the facilities at the military base need only be repaired, and the laboratory can be put into use in 8 months. “

“You arrange someone, and I’ll see it tomorrow.”

“I asked Mr. Ye to accompany you. There is little development value in that place. So far, it is rare and meets your laboratory standards.”

Switch said of this laughed: “If you set up the laboratory so remote, wouldn’t you want to study any huge might weapons?”

Baili Qingfeng took a look at Switch with a little surprise, but did not deny: “I intend to study the weapons in the World Peace Plan.”

“A weapon in the ‘World Peace Plan’?”

“I mentioned last time when I searched for the beastly man in the base. There is information from Colonel Golden Claw. You can go understood if you look at it.”


Switch seems to have heard Colonel Goldenclaw mention it, but …

Isn’t this the thing that Baili Qingfeng used to flicker beastly people?

He really wanted to make that illogical theoretical weapon?

It’s so great!

He is Thunderbolt Sect Vice Sect Master. He has the ability to toss blindly. He loves tossing and letting him go. Who did n’t have all kinds of unrealistic dreams when he was young?

As a benefactor who rescued the 9nd Division of their 2th Division, he also deserves some support.

Baili Qingfeng just got out of the car and planned to go to his small courtyard. The phone rang.

As he connected the phone, there was a slightly graceful female voice: “Baili Qingfeng?”

“you are?”

“My name is Gu Weier, and I am Gu Lingying’s elder sister.”

The female voice said quietly: “I wonder if you have time to meet up?”

Gu Lingying’s elder sister …

Although Baili Qingfeng felt strange, but …

Gu Lingying and his 3 views are very close, which is the number one person choice of his in mind girlfriend. Although this time, because of his presumptuous confession, the two have not seen each other for a while, but Baili Qingfeng still treats her as a woman Friends, the kind of child that will get married together in the future.

At the moment when Gu Lingying’s relatives arrive, Baili Qingfeng will not be as embarrassed as a little boy. As a man, at this time, he naturally has to take on the responsibility that a man deserves, and show his own courage as a man.

“of course can.”

“Then I have Arctic Coffee on Honolulu Street to congratulate Mr. Baili.”

Gu Weier said quietly.

“I’ll be right there, is the junior sister Gu?”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“She will come later.”

“it is good.”

Baili Qingfeng answered and hung up.

He did not take a bus, and it was rude to let others wait too long, and there was no taxi nearby for a while. Baili Qingfeng had to hit a motorcycle. After bargaining with the Master, he got on the bus and headed for Sandalwood. Go down the street.

Arctic coffee.

A very high-end cafe, Baili Qingfeng passed by this cafe more than once in that year, but from the high-end and extraordinary decoration outside the cafe, he can see how amazing the consumption inside is.

In fact, it is true.

He once heard people say that a cup of ordinary coffee here costs dozens of yuan, a little more than 100 yuan, almost equivalent to his salary for half a month during the summer vacation.

Baili Qingfeng came to the cafe, and since there is a person, the beautifully dressed and charming waitress opened the door for him: “Good evening, sir, may I ask …”

“I’m looking for someone, a lady named Gu.”

Baili Qingfeng is a little more restrained in this environment.

“Are you Mr. Baili.”


“Please, Miss Gu has been waiting for you for more than ten minutes.”

The waitress smiled and drew a hand, took him directly to the second floor, and came to a small room decorated with bead curtains.

“Miss Gu, Mr. Baili is here.”

The waitress knocked on the door.

“Please come in.”

Gu Weier’s voice came from inside.

As Baili Qingfeng entered the box, he was seeing a 25 6, even if he was wearing a dress that looked rather simple and ordinary, but he was sitting there, but still exuding an elegant and poised woman.

This woman looks 80% similar to Gu Lingying, but compared to the slightly greener Gu Lingying, she is more elegant and charming.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng, slightly smiled, assaults the senses like a spring breeze: “Baili Qingfeng? I have mentioned your name more than once, please sit down.”

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